Poland: we observed a positive trend of the increasing share of renewable sources in the general energy mix: this value went up from 11.9% in 2013 to 14.1% in 2017.
Pełnomocnik rządu ds. OZE na konferencji TGE: w 2030 roku 50 proc. energii w Polsce będzie „zielona” https://perma.cc/EVX9-RGX6
Energia odnawialna https://perma.cc/AVV8-7U8X
Renewable energy statistics https://perma.cc/9ZPS-2BSN
In 2021, 22% of the energy consumed in the EU was generated from renewable sources, roughly the same level as in 2020 https://perma.cc/TL3S-943C
Poland’s renewables capacity growing but coal still dominates – report https://perma.cc/B8LZ-EHV4
From 2010 to 2019, total final consumption (TFC) grew from 70 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) to 75 Mtoe.
Poland’s energy supply remains dominated by fossil fuel (85% of TES in 2020), with the largest share coming from coal (40%), followed by oil (28%) and natural gas (17%). Coal plays a central role in Poland’s energy system and economy.
The high shares of coal place Poland second among IEA member countries for CO2 intensity of energy supply and fourth for CO2 intensity of GDP.
Despite the continued dominance of coal, Poland has had notable success in pushing for energy transition. From 2016 to 2021, Poland’s PV capacity increased from just 0.2 gigawatts (GW) to 7.7 GW, driven mostly by residential deployment of small-scale distributed PV systems (5.9 GW). Poland also has a comprehensive and well‑designed offshore wind strategy that has resulted in deals for 5.9 GW of capacity to come online by 2027 and plans for at least 11 GW by 2040.
The trajectory of the energy sector in 2021 (increasing demand, higher use of fossil fuels and growing emissions) are not in line with the trends needed to support the energy transition and address climate change https://perma.cc/B4Y9-BVR3
Pełnomocnik rządu ds. OZE na konferencji TGE: w 2030 roku 50 proc. energii w Polsce będzie „zielona” https://perma.cc/EVX9-RGX6
Energia odnawialna https://perma.cc/AVV8-7U8X
Renewable energy statistics https://perma.cc/9ZPS-2BSN
In 2021, 22% of the energy consumed in the EU was generated from renewable sources, roughly the same level as in 2020 https://perma.cc/TL3S-943C
Poland’s renewables capacity growing but coal still dominates – report https://perma.cc/B8LZ-EHV4
From 2010 to 2019, total final consumption (TFC) grew from 70 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) to 75 Mtoe.
Poland’s energy supply remains dominated by fossil fuel (85% of TES in 2020), with the largest share coming from coal (40%), followed by oil (28%) and natural gas (17%). Coal plays a central role in Poland’s energy system and economy.
The high shares of coal place Poland second among IEA member countries for CO2 intensity of energy supply and fourth for CO2 intensity of GDP.
Despite the continued dominance of coal, Poland has had notable success in pushing for energy transition. From 2016 to 2021, Poland’s PV capacity increased from just 0.2 gigawatts (GW) to 7.7 GW, driven mostly by residential deployment of small-scale distributed PV systems (5.9 GW). Poland also has a comprehensive and well‑designed offshore wind strategy that has resulted in deals for 5.9 GW of capacity to come online by 2027 and plans for at least 11 GW by 2040.
The trajectory of the energy sector in 2021 (increasing demand, higher use of fossil fuels and growing emissions) are not in line with the trends needed to support the energy transition and address climate change https://perma.cc/B4Y9-BVR3