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Seven souls get brightly shine to makes anyone fall in love with @EnhypenRent.
Status: SOON.
Contact: @EnnhypennBot
Criticism & Sugesstions: @CritiicismBot
Profile Talent: @EnhypenTalents

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Isi yuk, nanti kita jawab ❤️

📝 Hello-bello Engenest! Yuk boleh tanya-tanya seputar free rent besok atau mau cerita juga boleh! Jangan malu-malu 😲

👤 slot untuk 1 talent berapa slot? 1 slot 1 talent ato gimanaaa?

👤 tbh, udah nungguin banget jalan agensinya sejak lamaa, akhirnya debut jugakkk, mood ku langsung balik 💟

👤 aku denger free rent besok ya, add req free juga atau gimana? neeways semangaaat kalian! ❤️

👤 bot nya nyambung ke gc talent nggaaaa

👤 Kalo boleh tau tnc sama sistem free rentnya kaya gimana yaa?

👥 5 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

For BA mutuals please help us to forward this message, for forward back you can contac me at @EnnhypennBot. Thank you!

[To all my mutuals or anyone who see's this message, would you help us forward this message to your channel? That will help us, 감사 해요! ♡︎]

Hello Engenest! How's your day this Friday? Bored? Confusion? Don't worry, we @EnhypenRent officially debut now and will do a special debut with FREE RENT for Engenest! Our seven souls are ready to give affection to you with the fullest energy on Saturday, 23 October 2021 at 19.00 WIB, so what are you waiting for?

Excess, don't forget to read our regulations and check our talents on @EnhypenTalents. Last but not least, please fill and send your format with note; time periode 1 day and fill a payment with FREE at @EnnhypennBot carefully so that there is no misunderstanding between us. Don't you want to know more about them? Go check our channel for more info.



✯ Name + Username:
✯ Muse/Ava:
✯ Pet Name:
✯ Type Account:
✯ Love Language:


✯ Name Talent: (You can check our profile talent on @EnhypenTalents )
✯ Rent Type: Boyfriend/Brother/Father.
✯ Relationship: (BxG, GxB, or BxB) as (SUB/DOM.)
✯ Criteria (detail):
✯ Request Ava: (Yes/No) as ...
✯ Request Name: (Yes/No) as ...
✯ Request Typing: (Bilingual/English/Indonesian)
- Aku-Kamu
- Gua-Lo
- Mas-Adek
- Other.
✯ Imagine: (Yes/No), (Literature/Non Literature), (SFW/NSFW)
✯ Additional Request:
✯ Time Periode:
✯ Payment Via: DANA/QRISS (+1k)

♣️ :: FORM
(n.) : something is the way or order in which it is arranged and presented. fill the form for order carefully and send to our bot @EnnhypennBot.

The price list for the rental price is below, make sure you fill in the form with a clear rental day.

ㅤ✯ 4.000 IDR/day
ㅤ✯ 8.000 IDR/2 days
ㅤ✯ 11,000 IDR/3 days
ㅤ✯ 16,000 IDR/4 days
ㅤ✯ 18,000 IDR/5 days
ㅤ✯ 24,000 IDR/6 days
ㅤ✯ 26,000 IDR/7 days

We also prepare some toppings when you rent our talents at the prices below, make sure you also fill in the format with the toppings below.

ㅤ✯ Movie Date: 2.000 IDR/film
ㅤ✯ Game Date: 2.000 IDR/match
ㅤ✯ Food Date: 3.000 IDR/food
ㅤ✯ Spotify Session: 2.000 IDR/hours
ㅤ✯ Stay Up Late: 2.000 IDR/day
ㅤ✯ Imagine SFW (Non/lit): 2.000 IDR/day
ㅤ✯ Imagine NSFW (Non/lit): 3.000 IDR/day
ㅤ✯ Dirty talk: 3.000 IDR/day.
ㅤ✯ Voice Note: 3.000 IDR/3 voice note
ㅤ✯ On The Phone: 5.000 IDR/50 minute
ㅤ✯ Sing (+ play instrument): 4.000 IDR/song
ㅤ✯ In Character: 3.000 IDR/rent period
ㅤ✯ Put Bio: 1.000 IDR/rent period
ㅤ✯ Study date via chat: 3.000 IDR/day
ㅤ✯ Study date via zoom/OTP: 4.000 IDR/day
ㅤ✯ Pap activity: 2.000 IDR/rent period.
ㅤ✯ Move platform: 2.000 IDR/rent period.

The payment of our services can be done through Dana & Qriss (+1k) only.

(n.) : a statement or list of the prevailing prices of the rental, additional request or other matter issued occasionally by seller to their customers.

I. Before sending the format, you must subscribe @EnhypenRent first and payment is always made in advance to prevent HnR from happening.

II. Please fill in the format completely and in detail so that talent can work more optimally according to your criteria, if you have filled in the format you can send your format to @EnnhypennBot.

III. Filling in the format means that the order has been fixed, if you want to change the talent criteria, you can change the format within 1 x 12 hours.

IV. Proof of payment must be accompanied by a screenshot of the proof of payment and use a watermark *customer name* rental *name of talent* on the screenshot of the proof of payment.

V. We do not accept refunds after making payments, unless there is an error from our talent or agency that requires our refund and the reason for the refund must be clear.

VI. Available for RP/CA/BA/FA/PA accounts, customers can change talents before the rental period ends if they feel uncomfortable with the first talent chosen, or 50% of the total amount is allowed to be refunded.

VII. Payment only via DANA/QRIS (+1k) and for criticism suggestions you can contact @CritiicismBot.

VIII. Talent working hours start from 09.00 to 22.00 WIB. So please note that talent is not online 24 hours.

(n.) : rules made by a government or other authority in order to control the way something is done or the way people behave. You must read our regulation to know well about us.

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✷𝅄The carousal ablaze up upon the sparkle of 눈을 찌르는 조명, the plenary middlemost of the terrestrial sphere turns to a brilliant place sparkling with celestially vivid scenery and melodies of music thrilling and ushering your steps in a world without rules like hypnotized all visitors running around to seize the seats available in Enhypen Rent have greatest been overturned by those behind the gathering of men with strong visuals and attraction against magnets. Greatest their movements are created like blinding the eyes and freezing the heart, shining brightly makes anyone fall in love with the @EnhypenRent 술 취함으로 가득 찬 세상의 love they can give full of smoldering aggressively manufactur greatest sympathy dazed unsused and enjoy the game they give him all dressed stunningly and fun welcome you who want to come to him 그러면 모든 불이 꺼진다 and you drown in the embrace.


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