We don't fight just for assisted or active suicide, but even for women rights to get an opportune abortion and try to limit euthanasia on animals, if this is no needed!
As of June 2022, of the 206 investigated jurisdictions (countries, de facto states, regions etc) 65% of the jurisdictions had a legal ban on abortion at request.
Poliak et al., found a more than 160% jump in USA in Google search volume of abortion-related words following the leaked USA Supreme court’s draft ruling.
Oggi in Italia la donna può richiedere l'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza entro i primi 90 giorni di gestazione per motivi di salute, economici, sociali o familiari https://perma.cc/KXK3-8C89
How abortion rights in Switzerland compare internationally https://perma.cc/Y3H8-9CR5
Interruzione di gravidanza (Ticino) https://perma.cc/54TY-YQ4V
More about italy in the next post
As of June 2022, of the 206 investigated jurisdictions (countries, de facto states, regions etc) 65% of the jurisdictions had a legal ban on abortion at request.
Poliak et al., found a more than 160% jump in USA in Google search volume of abortion-related words following the leaked USA Supreme court’s draft ruling.
Oggi in Italia la donna può richiedere l'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza entro i primi 90 giorni di gestazione per motivi di salute, economici, sociali o familiari https://perma.cc/KXK3-8C89
How abortion rights in Switzerland compare internationally https://perma.cc/Y3H8-9CR5
Interruzione di gravidanza (Ticino) https://perma.cc/54TY-YQ4V
More about italy in the next post