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Digital SQLDIERs 🐸
@WAR with [Australian GRUBBERMENT]🤺
CoNvid is a HOAX! [💉☠️⚠️]!!!!
What's done in the 🖤
Will be brought to the LIGHT!🤍
NQTHING can STQP what is CQMING!0⃣

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THIS lady has MS. Her recovery in a short period of time is nothing short of incredible!

IF you want more information send me a message!

⚠️ BEWARE of fakes, only buy from a registered Prife re-distributor! ⚠️

HELLO fellow freedom fighters!

Im back after a much needed break!
I won't be posting daily updates but id like to introduce you to a new technology that's taking the health and healing world by storm.
And when i say storm, i mean STORM!


I'd like to introduce you to Prife Iteracare Frequency Healing Wand!

These devices are suppressed technology that the elites have withheld so they can continue to profit from big pharma!

These devices emit "terahertz frequency" which is the same frequency our human cells vibrate at.

Terahertz is a unit of measure of frequency that is equal to 1 trillion hertz (1012 Hz). It usually refers to the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, which is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum invisible to the naked eye that lies in between the microwave and the infrared range.

THz radiation is non-ionizing and is safe for all humans at low levels. Including new born babies!

Generates scaler energy that energizes our cells, balances bodily systems, strengthens the body, produces healing energy and penetrates deeper into vital organs.

amplifies the energy generated by the device, creating a more powerful result. Mimics 1/40th of the suns UV energy. It strengthens the auric fields within the body.

By applying this device to the human body, the terahertz frequency repairs damaged cells, wakes up dormant cells and invigorates healthy cells.
The emitted frequency can penetrate through the body for upto 30cm. So you can wand your back from your front.

These devices havnt been on the market for long but we are already seeing miraculous results.
It is possible for this device to not only heal almost every medical condition known to man but it may also reverse the aging process. (Prife makes no claims due to legal ramifications from big pharma!)

I've been using one for 7wks now. Im mainly focusing on my mid torso liver region but I've been using it on a sore elbow and that elbow no longer gives me grief. Im also shrinking a benign tumor on my dogs chest!

These devices along with some other suppressed
technologies will become the future of medicine.

There are testimonials of these devices REPAIRING VACCINE INJURIES!

Theres 3 models available ranging from $650au upto $6200au. The classic model ($650au) is sufficient for household use. The other two are aimed at commercial or constant use.

IF you'd like more information or you'd like to order one shoot me a private message.

I will continue to post testimonials daily so you can see how AMAZING this device is!

FB group testimonials


⚠️BEWARE of fakes and only buy from a registered Prife re-distributor! ⚠️

The irony!

3k 0 6 78 12

SOME morning fear porn from the globalist paedophiles!

ARE you scared 🤔😂😂😂

Forward from: The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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"It's Called Communism" - Australian Senator Alex Antic Exposes the WEF as a Subversive Communist Ploy

"To quote Margaret Thatcher. 'Communism never sleeps, never changes objectives, and nor should we.' No matter how sophisticated the World Economic Forum tries to make the abolition of private property around the world sound, the fantasies of Karl Marx always lead to the crushing of individuals' liberties and lives and the expansion of the state's tyranny and power. It is imperative that we pay close attention to the World Economic Forum and [do] all that we can to preserve liberty and reduce government intrusion in our lives."

@VigilantFox | Rumble

Forward from: Unknown
Unrelated...cant post on its own page...
Heads up 7 to 10 day forcast..Lismore east coast Again.
This guy was right th last time...
Forewarned is forearmed..mainstream dont tell u till a day out..if ur lucky 👍🙏💗


Forward from: Tommy Robinson News
One thing this pro parenting/anti grooming (preventing sexualisation and gender confusion law) in Florida has revealed to the world is that there are so many unstable, gender confused, hyper sexualised noncey nutcases in the school system.

And that should concern everyone.

A confused child (teacher) that needs validation from pre pubescent children about its identity and sexuality (in my opinion) shouldn’t be in a position to teach because they are emotionally immature, self centred, narcissistic and selfish.

In other words not mentally equipped for the job.

I genuinely don’t care if teachers are gay or lesbian or whatever as long as they are mentally stable and don’t let their sexuality define them.

Proper teachers teach, they don’t project their sexuality and indoctrinate, confuse, impressionable, vulnerable, easily influenced innocent young minds.

How have we even got to this stage in western society and culture where calling out something so obvious is deemed bigoted and intolerant???

Absolutely crazy.

The fall of Rome comes to mind.

THE QLD paedophiles just gave themselves unwarranted Tyrannical power until October 2022... as expected!


Ghislaine Maxwell’s bid for a new trial has been denied, the judge in her Manhattan federal court sex-trafficking case said on Friday.

The daughter of the late British media baron Robert Maxwell repeatedly requested a new trial after a juror in the case failed to disclose childhood sexual abuse during jury selection.



THE Freemason Paedophiles are attempting to silence the truth FOREVER!

THEY sell it as a good thing, a law to combat what they call harmful disinformation and misinformation online, but this is far from good!

The legislation will provide the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) with new regulatory powers that will allow them to hold big tech companies to account for harmful content on their platforms.

COMMUNISM by any other name!


Forward from: AustraliaOneParty_Official
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Russia will seek an international investigation into Pentagon's activities in Ukraine as the US keeps denying its involvement in biological weapons development, Alexander Shulgin says


Repost from GAB

Forward from: The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Putin Blames the Leaders of Western Countries for Making Decisions That Lead to a Global Recession

"Step by step, they make one [decision] after another; they make decisions that push the global economy [into a] crisis, [into a] recession. They break up chains of logistics and supply; they increase inflation and inequality. They decrease [the] well-being of millions of people, [especially] in the poorest countries. And I am just sad about that. It could be leading to massive famine, and who's going to be responsible for that?"

@VigilantFox | Rumble

Forward from: OfficialPrayingMedic
Vaccination mandates, climate hysteria, open borders, critical race theory, transgenderism, transhumanism, inflation, and the push to start Word War III might make you think the world is hopelessly lost.

But if you look at these things from the 30,000 foot view, they'll make you smile.

The puppet masters thought they had many years in which to gradually foist their agenda on the world. But something unexpected happened.

Trump became president and set their plans back decades.

The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they know they don't have much time. They're racing against the clock.

Every evil issue they push only wakes more people up. They didn't want to do it this quickly, but they had no choice.

They know Trump is coming back.
And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them.

Forward from: George Christensen MP
“No one has ever approached me as a member of parliament and said they want the nation to adopt a digital identity system. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has called for it but we don’t answer to them.”

Thanks @caldronpool


Forward from: Tommy Robinson News
Does everyone remember MSM repeatedly saying that President Trump was an agent of Putin?

Does everyone remember the Chris Steele dossier that alleged President Trump had whores in a Russian hotel room that Obama previously stayed in and they had golden showers together?

Remember President Trump had a secret server in Trump Tower communicating with a Russian bank?

Remember how President Trump was ridiculed by MSM and the political elites who poured scorn on him for saying the Obama administration was spying on him?

Remember President Trump fucked Stormy Daniels?

Can anyone remember anything about the constant political and MSM LIES and attacks against him concerning RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA ad nauseam???

Do people all of a sudden trust MSM over the Ukraine???


Forward from: CRAIG KELLY - Keeping the bastards honest.
$5,500,000,000.00 flushed down the toilet on the cancelled Sub contract.

This is the greatest single waste of taxpayer money in the nation’s history ?

Even Labor’s infamous ‘’Pink Batts’’ was less than half of this at $2.5 billion.

Thanks Liberal Party.


Forward from: Unknown
Rally this Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning 4th and 5th April at peak downs mine. Calling on BHP to end the mandates and reinstate sacked workers. Please share and please come along.

Meet at pony club at Eton noon on Monday 4 April.

Share share and share get the word out, let's take our jobs back!

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