Forward from: The true facts behind car accidents, young drivers crash, the influence of social media on people and luxury cars
Aviation is an extremely safe mode of transport with, for example, less than one accident per million flights for its commercial component (Airplanes, 2016; Oster Jr, Strong, and Zorn, 2013). This low accident rate, which was 20 to 30 times higher in the 1960s, was largely made possible by technological advances in aviation systems (Billings, 2018). Technical problems are now the cause of only about 10% of accidents, leaving a significant portion to be attributed to human implication. The exact values vary over years and sources, but approximately 60-80% of accidents involve human error (Wiegmann and Shappell, 2017).
Yet, to date, removing humans out of the system isn’t an option since we still need human skilled on board, especially in case of failure or unexpected event.
Nuclear disasters
Yet, to date, removing humans out of the system isn’t an option since we still need human skilled on board, especially in case of failure or unexpected event.
Nuclear disasters