Forward from: Female and male rape facts on Telegram by GRT : women / girl sex abuse - male / men group sexual violence
🇸🇪 Sweden, similar 💩 like Norway 🇳🇴! Part C
Part 1
Part A
Under 2022 anmäldes 24 656 sexualbrott, varav 9 635 rubricerades som våldtäkt.
In 2022, 24,656 sexual crimes were reported, of which 9,635 were classified as rape.
10K!! YES you read it correctly! for a country with a bit more than 10 mio people
Ok, we need to consider this but ...
10000/10000000 = 0.001 = 0.1%!!!! 1 every 1000!
Jämfört med 2013 var de anmälda våldtäkterna 3 351 fler 2022, vilket motsvarar en ökning med 56 procent.
Compared to 2013, there were 3,351 more reported rapes in 2022, which corresponds to an increase of 56 percent.
Even if we remove 3k, we still have around 7k! which is a LOT!
It's almost the same amount like Germany with 8x more people!!!
Let we first change these shitty laws! Maybe they have other laws we haven't found until now, but all laws are based on what we posted previously, THEY ARE SHIT!
Av de killar och tjejer som utsatts för fysiska sexuella kränkningar under de senaste tolv månaderna är det få som uppger att händelsen polisanmälts. Totalt uppger 2,5 procent av killarna och 7 procent av tjejerna att händelsen polisanmälts
Of the boys and girls who have been subjected to physical sexual abuse in the past twelve months, few state that the incident was reported to the police. In total, 2.5 percent of the boys and 7 percent of the girls state that the incident was reported to the police.
Av de anmälda våldtäkterna 2022 utgjordes 8 729 brott av våldtäkt mot kvinnor eller flickor, medan 639 anmälda brott avsåg våldtäkt mot män eller pojkar.
Part 1
Part A
Under 2022 anmäldes 24 656 sexualbrott, varav 9 635 rubricerades som våldtäkt.
In 2022, 24,656 sexual crimes were reported, of which 9,635 were classified as rape.
10K!! YES you read it correctly! for a country with a bit more than 10 mio people
Ok, we need to consider this but ...
10000/10000000 = 0.001 = 0.1%!!!! 1 every 1000!
Jämfört med 2013 var de anmälda våldtäkterna 3 351 fler 2022, vilket motsvarar en ökning med 56 procent.
Compared to 2013, there were 3,351 more reported rapes in 2022, which corresponds to an increase of 56 percent.
Even if we remove 3k, we still have around 7k! which is a LOT!
It's almost the same amount like Germany with 8x more people!!!
Let we first change these shitty laws! Maybe they have other laws we haven't found until now, but all laws are based on what we posted previously, THEY ARE SHIT!
Av de killar och tjejer som utsatts för fysiska sexuella kränkningar under de senaste tolv månaderna är det få som uppger att händelsen polisanmälts. Totalt uppger 2,5 procent av killarna och 7 procent av tjejerna att händelsen polisanmälts
Of the boys and girls who have been subjected to physical sexual abuse in the past twelve months, few state that the incident was reported to the police. In total, 2.5 percent of the boys and 7 percent of the girls state that the incident was reported to the police.
Av de anmälda våldtäkterna 2022 utgjordes 8 729 brott av våldtäkt mot kvinnor eller flickor, medan 639 anmälda brott avsåg våldtäkt mot män eller pojkar.