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Breivik Syndrom Part 4
«Sultestreiken vil ikke ende før justisminister (Anders) Anundsen og leder av KDI (kriminalomsorgen) slutter å behandle meg som et dyr,» skriver Breivik, og legger til at han snart vil offentliggjøre startdatoen for protestaksjonen.
"The hunger strike will not end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (criminal correctional service) stop treating me like an animal," writes Breivik, adding that he will soon announce the start date of the protest action.
Blant de mer spesielle kravene er at Playstation 2 byttes ut med den nyere Playstation 3, med tilgang til det han mener er spill mer egnet for voksne, og som han kan plukke ut selv.
Among the more special requirements is that the Playstation 2 be replaced with the newer Playstation 3, with access to what he believes are games more suitable for adults, and which he can select himself
Well, even in Switzerland they get Playstation 2 there is a reason why the get that! that is related to the requests he made previously!
Internet Connection Settings
Breivik is well know for gaming. He wrote a lot about that in the diary
No matter what, prisoners should already happy to get a PS2! Some prisoners should make experience in the worst prison, where almost 0 rights are available ...
«Tortur-lignende forhold»
Videre skriver Breivik at han mener han har rett til et «bredere utvalg av aktiviteter» enn andre innsatte for å kompensere for å sitte i isolasjon.
«Torture-like conditions»
Furthermore, Breivik writes that he believes he has the right to a "wider selection of activities" than other inmates to compensate for sitting in isolation
Part 1
Human Rights should be new defined, like we asked before! stopping the abuse of such human rights, just because currently the definition is pretty 💩 and missing for criminals ...
«Sultestreiken vil ikke ende før justisminister (Anders) Anundsen og leder av KDI (kriminalomsorgen) slutter å behandle meg som et dyr,» skriver Breivik, og legger til at han snart vil offentliggjøre startdatoen for protestaksjonen.
"The hunger strike will not end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (criminal correctional service) stop treating me like an animal," writes Breivik, adding that he will soon announce the start date of the protest action.
Blant de mer spesielle kravene er at Playstation 2 byttes ut med den nyere Playstation 3, med tilgang til det han mener er spill mer egnet for voksne, og som han kan plukke ut selv.
Among the more special requirements is that the Playstation 2 be replaced with the newer Playstation 3, with access to what he believes are games more suitable for adults, and which he can select himself
Well, even in Switzerland they get Playstation 2 there is a reason why the get that! that is related to the requests he made previously!
Internet Connection Settings
Breivik is well know for gaming. He wrote a lot about that in the diary
No matter what, prisoners should already happy to get a PS2! Some prisoners should make experience in the worst prison, where almost 0 rights are available ...
«Tortur-lignende forhold»
Videre skriver Breivik at han mener han har rett til et «bredere utvalg av aktiviteter» enn andre innsatte for å kompensere for å sitte i isolasjon.
«Torture-like conditions»
Furthermore, Breivik writes that he believes he has the right to a "wider selection of activities" than other inmates to compensate for sitting in isolation
Part 1
Human Rights should be new defined, like we asked before! stopping the abuse of such human rights, just because currently the definition is pretty 💩 and missing for criminals ...