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Wotan Mit Uns!

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Yall check out this stream tonight, just a bunch of Heritage Appalachians hanging out and conversating. We'll be covering a wide range of things, so pop into the chat and get some questions in

Rising Above

A common misconception in the last few decades is that the Einherjar are a zombies of sorts that just die in battle and voila! Reborn into paradise. 🚫 That is entirely incorrect and what a pitifully lazy interpretation of something so vital to each and everyone of us. There are so many that fall in battle that never grace Folkvangr or sleep in the halls of Valahalla. Death in the literal sense isn’t the point. To be Chosen you must first perform great deeds, you must be Noticed. What these deeds are not for me to explain, that answer is between you and the Divine. One could even surmise that overcoming yourself is a path to ascension. A consistent daily effort of Right actions over and over which which propel you forward to be a solid foundation for others to rally around and build with is a good start. This Age breeds Dragons the size we haven’t seen since the days of Lore. Saddle up brothers and sisters, let us all climb to Victory together ⚡️

"Asatru is often called a “warrior faith”, and there is some truth to this. Our male ancestors often fought with sword, shield, axe, and spear to protect the things that mattered to them, and that still matter to us. They were almost all required to have some sort of martial bearing, and to be able to stare conflict in the eye without taking a single step backward.
We, those warriors’ descendants, live in a time where comfort is king for many people, in the deepest and scariest sense of that phrase. Martial prowess is no longer expected from us, or seen as necessary. There are not currently any physical battles to fight; no need to smash through a shield wall, no need to plant some archers in that tree line over there, etc… However, as men, we have a physical need to exercise that aggression. And as ARYAN men, we have a need to exercise that aggression in a HEALTHY way.
The best options for this are weightlifting, and combat sports. We will never feel the rush of smashing a war axe through someone’s shield, but you CAN feel the raw power of lifting iron off of your chest, or from blocking another man’s left hook.
This is a call: if you want to call yourself a warrior, get in the gym. Put on the boxing gloves, or the ace bandages around your joints if you’re old like I apparently am, and get to work. Face that fight. Make yourself solid in a world of mush.
If you need tips on a decent but simple regimen, send me a message and I’ll help get you started."

Forward from: The Wotan Network

What is it that the Asatru Folk Assembly is doing?
1. We have 4 Hofs (temples) to the Aesir, with a 5th coming soon. We have Sigrheim, a 70+ acre tract of land in Tennessee that will be the spiritual home (as well as physical home) of the AFA. With a planned community, Great Hall, and Hof to Tyr planned for the site, rituals are already being conducted on the land and pioneers are already settling it.

2. We put our money where our mouth is, literally, regarding taking care of our people. We feed our Folk in South Africa. We have monthly food drives at each of our Hofs. We give away toys during the Yule tide. We have prison outreach. We have a robust Folk Services fund where we take care of our members when they fall on financial hard times. We provide baby blankets, handmade by our ladies, for each new baby born into the AFA.

3. We have developed our own homeschooling program, the Asatru Academy, which is currently enrolling grades K-3. We no longer have to subject our children to the degeneracy of public schooling: they can instead learn about OUR Gods, OUR culture, and OUR Heroes.

4. We have ordained Gothar, who attain that title after a robust training program, which one only attends after demonstrating leadership as a Folkbuilder.

5. We have an extensive, real-life community that spans the western world. Not a week goes by without AFA events happening, bringing real people together in real-life doing tangible things.

This only scratches the surface of what we are building and accomplishing. Get off the fence, join your Folk. Apply today. If you decide it isn't for you, that's fine (though I doubt you will). You owe it to yourself and to the rest of your Folk to at least give it a shot.

Come home TODAY.

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Throw the black pills in the trash. Stop focusing on the negative and the dividing lines between us and redirect that energy into building something positive, something that will last.
Leave the bricks behind and build our children a city of marble

705 0 19 1 17

Hail Day,
Hail sons of the day,
And Night and her daughters now!
Look on us here
With loving eyes,
That waiting, we victory win!

Hail to the Gods,
Ye Goddesses, Hail!
And all the generous Earth!
Give to us wisdom
And goodly speech,
And healing hands, life-long!


Two priests of the Aesir having a discussion on Freya tonight. Y'all stop in if you get a chance.

Replay will be available on YouTube and it hits Spotify on Fridays. If you like what you hear, there's a significant backlog of episodes to listen to. Episodes on the Gods, the Noble Virtues, and the heroes of our Folk!

Forward from: Folkish European Paganism
Religion and politics

Some say "Stop bringing politics into religion!". This is nonsense. Historically the two were never separated. Religion dictated the tradition politics tried to preserve. Politics supported the religion so that it would never crumble under the inner or outer threat.

The idea of separating politics and religion is a modern one. Even today there is no truly secular countries. We still end up having sacred texts (e.g. Constitution), laws based on moral tradition, a separate class of those who defy said laws and traditions etc. It is religious.

Politics without religion are baseless. Religion without politics is weak.

Forward from: The Wotan Network
Discipline is the act of doing many small things, many small victories, over an extended period of time that lead to a big victory in the end.  

As a whole, this is the same way we'll win this war that we all find ourselves.  Everything you are doing individually means something.  All the times that you act right, think right, do right, add up.  And one day each and everyone of us will put our small victories together….leading to a great one.  This is already happening.  The course has been set. Stay on it.   

Year of the Spear

"The existence of our people is not negotiable" 

Wake early if you want another man's life or land.
No lamb for the lazy wolf.
No battle's won in bed.

We are not a people to sit back and pass blame. For eons, we've risen and taken what we need. We are conquerors. Times and ethics may have changed, the Faustian Spirit remains. Rise up or die off. The choice is yours.

Accountability is a dirty word in our circles. “They” prevent you from doing this or “they” have the system rigged against you in their favor, yadda yadda. So what? “They” aren’t stopping you from going to trade school or college. “They” aren’t making you spend money on trash and vices. Western Man, YOU are accountable for everything you do in this life. Make the hard sacrifices NOW or the next generations are lost. There is still time, WE just have to do the hard work. No one is coming to help us.

Forward from: Heritage Appalachia
Even though the trees are green, the Blue Ridge Mountains always give off a bluish hue. This is caused by a chemical the trees give off to protect themselves from excessive heat, called isoprene. It scatters and reflects blue light.

Forward from: Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)
Only Pagans don’t have a good God who forgives sins. All actions are to be answered for. If you did something wrong—fix it. And never give up. Know that if you want something put your heart and effort and anything will be achieved.

Gai (Alexei) Gudilin


How much is yours worth? Do you give out the same as you expect? Would you make the ultimate commitment? Would you shed your blood to seal your words?

Build your name
Earn the fame

“A Call to Arms!”

For centuries it was required every able bodied man muster and answer the call. Duty required action. Today the battle we face is not on the field with steel, but in our hearts and minds, our very way of life. We Call you European Man to Arms! Heed the call and get in the fight for our Folksoul!

“The coward believes he will live forever
If he holds back in the battle,
But in old age he shall have no peace
Though spears have spared his limbs.”

Forward from: The Wotan Network

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