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Moots or hfw :: @ningpzing_bot
Contact person :: @frevlynbot or @yizhsuo

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Forward from: Aight! >__0
@AsterGuard currently looking for new mutuals esp animanga collector but any kind of username collectors are fine too. only accept with main acc @AsteerBot

Forward from: K Galleries. [ hfw pinned ]
@BaniyyihHuening 6k @HaueningBahiyyih 4k
@Yujinrhoi 6k

take all cuman 15k

ufs ya khusus hari ini
☎ : @thisadis_bot

Forward from: Tinnyies. 🎀
๑ 💒。 want to sell username with fix price! ໒꒱

ʚ @chenlezhoong 80k
ʚ @winwterkim 25k 💭
ʚ @minjeongkif 7k
ʚ @gisellesuchinaga 7k
ʚ @injoonhwagg 5k 💭
ʚ @sungchafnjung 5k
ʚ @shimjaeooon 5k 💭

୨୧ pssst: still negotiable, kecuali yang diberi tanda 💭. payment only via dana & qris (+200p)

◟kindly contact @sungxhoonrobot if you interested! 🎀🥛


@dHongyoung 60.000 IDR
@dongyoSung 60.000 IDR
@Sueningkai 55.000 IDR
@jBhoon 40.000 IDR

✨. Tags Dongyoung, HueningKai, Jihoon
✨. Still negotiable.
✨. Kindly text @Yizhsuo or @Frevlynbot if you’re interested!

Forward from: gallery funds
[ help fw ]

Hi there! @galleryfunds looking for new mutuals, all BA allowed and main acc only. side acc, admin upsubs DNI. contact @galleryfundsbot if u interested, thank you!

Forward from: J(/-)hoon.
Yang mana?
  •   Offer
  •   FP aja
6 votes

Forward from: kembalikan @usprinkle yuk
Untuk siapapun yang melihat pesan ini, boleh bantu forward serta subs @usprinkle? terimakasih banyak sebelumnya🙏

Forward from: proof @rosiwe
bantu fw ini boleh? thanks before, jadi saya dapet beberapa laporan kalo @rosiwe dijual lagi sama dia. buat yang ngerasa ditawarin tolong jangan diterima dan segera lapor ke @rosiwebot karena usn itu bukan punya dia dan hasil nyolong. tolong untuk kerja sama nya ya, terima kasih sebelumnya🙏🏻 have a nice day

Forward from: Paveicies
1 2 3 Siers! @Paveiciess are currently lookin' for a bunch new mutuals w/ main account only. If you want to, drop your & contact @rayannerobot asap. Side acc, admin upsubs DNI🙏 Thank you, have a great day

Forward from: 's
[Help Fw, please]
@heyeseung ufs with fp
B.o Heeseung Enhypen atau Enha

Ask @berbobbot for price

Forward from: 𝐄𝐲𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲
Hfw Moots

Hello everyone @Eyngene looking for mutuals, main acc only. If you are interested please contact @EngenneBot

Forward from: nayaa's gallery
Moots atau siapapun yang lihat ini, help fw please? Thank you!

Haloo kalau ada yang ditawarin username @zpiyoung mending jangan di take ya. Itu username aku yang ga sengaja ke keep sama orang lain. Aku juga udah nunggu buat minta dibalikin tapi sekarang malah di ban dari chnya. Proof kalau usn itu punya aku ada kok. Kalau mau proofnya langsung ke @menjadibot aja.



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