📝 Kindly drop ur fi for Shane, ty
👤 Jamet
👤 ku kira kalem taunya jamet
👤 jamet
👤 cool cute jadi 1
👤 cool, look intimidating
👤 cool bat g siee
👤 keren, temenan hayu
👤 kece cool (?)
👤 jmet kuproy
👤 lope 💌
👤 jamet.
👤 cuek, jelek, untung pacar :(
👤 keren
👤 idk
👤 Cool
👤 Cool (mybe?)
👤 cute & cool maybe, idk
👤 cool
👤 Cool and kinda intimidating 👍
👤 cool and attractive
👤 kinda noisy, and easy going to talk ig ?
👥 24 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board
👤 Jamet
👤 ku kira kalem taunya jamet
👤 jamet
👤 cool cute jadi 1
👤 cool, look intimidating
👤 cool bat g siee
👤 keren, temenan hayu
👤 kece cool (?)
👤 jmet kuproy
👤 lope 💌
👤 jamet.
👤 cuek, jelek, untung pacar :(
👤 keren
👤 idk
👤 Cool
👤 Cool (mybe?)
👤 cute & cool maybe, idk
👤 cool
👤 Cool and kinda intimidating 👍
👤 cool and attractive
👤 kinda noisy, and easy going to talk ig ?
👥 24 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board