🐶 PAWS - Next Project Selection!
Hi everyone, today PAWS announced 3 contenders for the next project, for which we will receive additional tokens.
🍔 The choices are:
- X Empire
The choice is certainly interesting, and if you think about it, there are no more projects that can be used as a criterion!
The most interesting thing is that we are offered to enter all projects for 500 PAWS each. And for the fact that we will take part in the voting as much as 10,000 PAWS, which would require 10 telegram stars to vote for the project! We also get 10,000 PAWS per vote if we voted for the winner and loser.
❗️ We voted for CATS!
There is also a Mystery Quest, how to get it is still a secret, but we are
We really like the way PAWS is doing things, they offer the community to choose the path of the project.
🗂 What did you vote for?
👍 - CATS
🔥 - X Empire
Hi everyone, today PAWS announced 3 contenders for the next project, for which we will receive additional tokens.
🍔 The choices are:
- X Empire
The choice is certainly interesting, and if you think about it, there are no more projects that can be used as a criterion!
The most interesting thing is that we are offered to enter all projects for 500 PAWS each. And for the fact that we will take part in the voting as much as 10,000 PAWS, which would require 10 telegram stars to vote for the project! We also get 10,000 PAWS per vote if we voted for the winner and loser.
❗️ We voted for CATS!
There is also a Mystery Quest, how to get it is still a secret, but we are
We really like the way PAWS is doing things, they offer the community to choose the path of the project.
🗂 What did you vote for?
👍 - CATS
🔥 - X Empire