/GBG/ - Greek Borders General

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🔴 Church of Prophet Elijah (Profitis Elias) is a Late Byzantine church in the Upper City of Thessaloniki

🔸 The Church has a troubled and still unknown past, with its name and date of construction being lost after the Ottoman invasion

🔸 What is known is that in 1430, the church was converted into a mosque by the Ottomans

🔸 It is a Palaiologan church and one of the 15 Paleochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessaloniki that were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1988

👉☦️ The Byzantine Legacy - Church of Prophet Elijah

/GBG/ 🗂

🔸 What can even be said at this point really? The "right wing" and "anti-immigration" Mitsotakis once again defending immigration


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🔴 A 14 y.o Pakistani arrested in Kypseli, Athens, for drug trafficking and a 15 y.o Syrian stabs a Somali inside NGO housing

🔸 A 14 year old Pakistani arrested in Kypseli, Athens, for drug trafficking, caught with different types of drugs

‼️ He was arrested inside a building that houses 'unaccompanied minors' owned by the NGO 'Greek Red Cross'

👉 60.1 grams of Hashish
👉 17.8 grams of raw Cannabis
👉 0.8 grams of heroin
👉 1.55 grams of crystal meth
👉 Ecstasy tablets
👉 Precision scales

🔸 The same day (17/10) a 15 year old Syrian stabbed a 19 year old Somali inside a building that houses 'unaccompanied minors' in Patras.

‼️ The Syrian was arrested for attempted homicide and the knife used in the crime has not been found

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 1218 illegal immigrants reached Greek islands in 4 days

🔸 According with ESKES, between October 11 and 14, 880 illegal immigrants arrived to Aegean islands, 141 arrived to Crete and 197 in Kalamata, Gythio, Pylos, with a total of 1218 arrivals in 4 days

🔸 The coast guard listed the arrivals to Crete, Pylos, Gytheio and Kalamata as "rescues" once the boats with immigrants are either found after sending distress signals or they were rescued by ships passing by

⚠️ Videos such as these ones contradict the new government's arguments that the smugglers have only been using high speed boats and that's the reason why the Coast Guard is unable to prevent them from reaching Greece

/GBG/ 🗂

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🔴 Another Iranian wanted for murder was arrested in Greece

🔸 Yet another Iranian man, wanted for murder in Iran was arrested in Lesvos, Greece, due to an international arrest warrant

🔸 The 42 year old man traveled to Greece with his two children and applied for Asylum. The man is now awaiting for his extradition and his children were transferred to a facility that houses minors

👉 Iranian wanted for murder arrested in Greece in September

/GBG/ 🗂

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🔴 Cyprus reportedly sent back a ships carrying illegal immigrants back to Lebanon

🔸 According to the NGO 'Consolidated Rescue Group' Cyprus has sent back two ships carrying a total of 95 illegal immigrants, the boats left from Lebanon to Cyprus but were not allowed to enter Cypriot waters

⚠️ Consolidated Rescue Group, as it has been mentioned in the channel before, is involved directly with smuggling, they set up whatsapp group chats in order to organize the smuggling operations of illegal immigrants into Europe

/GBG/ 🗂


🔴 8 Syrians with Asylum Status were arrested in Cyprus for involvement with terrorist organizations

🔸 The Cypriot authorities arrested 8 Syrians in Paphos and Limassol living as legally as Asylees in the country.

🔸 They're aged between 28 to 49 years old, no further information has been released about them yet

🔸 They were arrested for conspiracy to commit a felony and other offences under the Anti-Terrorism Act. They had been under investigation for over a year

‼️ They were arrested mostly for saving money and sending it to terrorist organizations abroad, there is no information as of the writing of this post regarding their involvement in a possible terrorist attack in Cyprus

/GBG/ 🗂

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🔴 NGO complains about the situation of immigrants in Rhodes

🔸 The NGO "Consolidated Rescue Group" complains in a video that illegal immigrants arriving to the Greek island of Rhodes have not been sent to any shelters for several days

🔸 The video shows a large number of illegal immigrants in the streets of Rhodes, which could very well be staged for the recording

‼️ The NGO in question has been seen as one of the main groups assisting illegal immigration, they operate mostly in arab countries instead of Europe and their content is equally mostly in arabic

‼️ Whatsapp groups made by what seems to be the NGOs staff often organizes meeting points for immigrants who want to catch a boat and go to Europe

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 331 illegal immigrants arrived to Crete in 72 hours

🔸 The immigrants arrived in 8 different boats in a timespan of 3 days, all boats left from Tobruk, Libya and the illegal immigrants paid between 3.000 3.400 Euros per person

🔸 On sunday alone, 06/10, around 104 illegal immigrants arrived to the island, which happened in three different instances:

👉 The first incident occurred early in the morning, a boat carrying 52 illegal immigrants, 38 adult men and 14 minors was 'rescued' by a tanker

👉 The second case happened around noon, with the authorities being notified of a boat 39 nautical miles from Gavdos, carrying 26 illegal immigrants, 22 adult men and 4 minors, they were rescued by a tourist boat

👉 The third case happened in the evening, a boat carrying 26 illegal immigrants, 22 adult men and 4 "minors", the illegal immigrants were stuck in a rocky area in the sea area "Kounenoi" west of the beach of Martsalos municipality of Phaistos

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 Gypsy gang arrested for 93 burglaries

🔸 A gang of 9 Gypsies was arrested this weekend and charged with over 93 counts of burglary. 6 of the criminals were minors and 3 were adults

🔸 The police was investigating the gang for over a year, they stole mostly from apartment buildings and their method was climbing to get access to the floor

‼️ The authorities estimate the gang stole over 280.000 Euros from their victims and also stole jewelry worth over 40.000 and 15.000 Euros in two separate burglaries

⚠️ The criminals lived in the immigrant camp of Eglikada, in Patras, as well as other immigrant housing facilities

/GBG/ 🗂

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🔴 Boat with illegal immigrants arrives to a Greek Beach, shocking tourists

🔸 The video was recorded in Kolymbia Beach, in the Greek island of Rhodes this sunday 06/10

🔸 Despite the Greek Government's best efforts to produce propaganda claiming they have reduced illegal immigration, the videos and even official reports say otherwise, with Rhodes experiencing a massive increase of arrivals which happen on a daily basis

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 A boat with 70 illegal immigrants once again arrived to Gavdos

🔸 Gavdos is a Greek island south of Crete, with a native population of around 120 people

🔸 The boats set sail from Tobruk, Libya to Crete

‼️ Of the 70 illegal immigrants:
🇵🇰 35 are from Pakistan
🇪🇬 23 from Egypt
🇧🇩 7 from Bangladesh
🇸🇾 3 from Syria
🇸🇩 2 from Sudan

🔸 The video and images are a great illustration of the demographics of illegal immigration to Europe

/GBG/ 🗂

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🔴 Immigrants are now paying 8.000 to 10.000 to be smuggled to Europe

🔸 This weekend, 51 illegal immigrants were "rescued" 42 nautical miles (48.3 mi OR 77.7 km) from the Greek island of Zakynthos

🔸 Two Iranian smugglers aged 36 and 46 were arrested

🔸 The boat left from Physkos (Marmaris) in Turkey and was headed to Italy.

‼️ The illegal immigrants claimed that they paid between 8.000 to 10.000 Euros each

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 Gypsies represent the majority of gangs linked to robberies and burglaries

🔸 According to a study, out of 167 gangs arrested in 2022, 67% of these gangs were domestic, of them 77% were made up of gypsies

‼️ While most of their activities are related to robberies and burglaries, they were also found to launder the money by opening companies and buying real estate. They have also been caught bribing public officials recently

🔸 Raids in Gypsy camps, which serve as bases for such gangs, have apprehended weapons, ammunition and 747 pounds of gold. The police is also investigating the metal recycling sector where most of these goods are sold to

🔸 Gypsy organized crime uses many strategies, from using someone else's car to avoid it's seizure or sharing phones to make the identification of criminals all the way to blackmailing and threatening their victims to drop charges against them

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 NGO once again called for the 'rescue' of immigrants that arrived to a Greek island

🔸 The UK-based NGO, "forRefugees" notified the authorities in Greece that a group of illegal immigrants were 'stranded' in the island of Ikaria

‼️ The illegal immigrants were mostly from Sudan and Eritrea

💭 As it has been covered by the channel before, there is a very weird and suspicious dynamic between NGOs and illegal immigrants that always manage to contact NGOs throughout the whole process of entering Europe, it's almost as if the smugglers and NGOs keep in contact

💭 Sadly, as Europe devolves into a third world, the governments will ignore such things and allow problems to become greater in order to justify their future powergrabs

👉 NGO called Greek Authorities to rescue "stranded" immigrants in Lemnos

/GBG/ 🗂

‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️


🔴 Cyprus has been successfully curbing mass immigration so far

🔸 Ever since May 2024, when Cyprus decided to start denying Asylum Applications, there has been an unprecedented reduction of illegal immigrant arrivals, at the same time, the number of deportations and voluntary returns has also increased dramatically

‼️ According with official data, in 2023 around 11.000 illegal immigrants arrived to Cyprus, most of them from Syria, in 2024, until September 18, the number of illegal immigrants was reduced to 5000. During the same period in 2023, about 8.200 illegal immigrants had already entered Cyprus

🔸 The denial of asylum applications from 'Syrians' is not the only measure being taken. Another major factor has been the stronger guarding the maritime and also the land border between Cyprus and the illegally occupied regions of the country

🔸 Until April and May 2024, the arrivals were 30% more than during the corresponding time in 2023

🔸 The government has also been cracking down on illegal employment of illegal immigrants, sending the employers to the courts and deporting the illegal immigrants

‼️ So far in 2024, around 1800 people were deported while 5.650 voluntarily returned to their homecountries (with a reward), bringing a total of about 7.400 immigrants leaving Cyprus, a number greater than the 6.900 that left in the same period of 2023

⚠️ Cyprus is also building a new "pre-removal" immigrant camp for those that have exhausted their legal resources in Cyprus and will be housed there until they are deported

🔸 Arrivals in 2024 are mostly non-syrians due to denying their Asylum Applications

👉 'https://t.me/GreekBordersGeneral/6062https://t.me/GreekBordersGeneral/6062' rel='nofollow'>Previous post on Cyprus decision to deny Asylum Applications of all Syrians

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 Iranian accused of murder in his country lived in Athens as a recognized refugee

🔸 The 32 year old Iranian national was living in Greece since last year, he was granted Asylum

🔸 The man was arrested on 23/09 by the INTERPOL, he is accused of murder and had an international arrest warrant against him

🔸 He has been moved to Korydallou prison to await for his extradition

/GBG/ 🗂

🔴 The Greek island of Samos became a focus point for smugglers

🔸 For over 10 days (13/09 to 24/09), illegal immigrants had been going to Samos non-stop, which led to the arrest of 448 illegal immigrants

🔸On the 24th, 6 other landings of illegal immigrants were recorded without an actual number of how many of them disembarked on the island

🔸 On Tsamadou Beach, one of the smuggler's boats came ashore with enough speed to hit and damage a wall

/GBG/ 🗂

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🔴 A Pakistani Procession was held this weekend in Athens

🔸 The paki procession was to celebrate Milad un Nabi

🔸 The procession was led once again by the Pakistani "Dawat-e-Islami" organization, a radical islamic organization that has been covered by the channel before

💭 The cancer keeps growing undisturbed

/GBG/ 🗂

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