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RT @Armeecanadienne: Tous à bord! Direction Alaska!

Des soldats du @1CMBG_1GBMC se dirigent vers le Nord pour participer à l’Ex GLOBAL RESOLVE au Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center à Fort Wainwright.

JTF North / FOI Nord

Greenland on Telegram by @GreenlandTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @CanadianArmy: All aboard, we're going to Alaska! Soldiers from @1CMBG_1GBMC are headed north to participate in Ex GLOBAL RESOLVE at the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center at Fort Wainwright.

JTF North / FOI Nord

Greenland on Telegram by @GreenlandTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Air Greenland (Facebook)

🇬🇱 Suliffeqarfissuarmi niuernermi pilerisaarinermut siunnersorti.
Piujuartitsiffiusumik takornariartitsinermik ineriartortitsinissaq pilerigaajuk? Aamma suleqatigiit niuernermik suliallit nukittuut peqatigalugit Kalaallit Nunaannik siuarsaanissamik misigisassanillu pilersitsinissamik takorluugaqarnermi suleqataarusuppit?

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RT @Armeecanadienne: Rien ne vaut un bon bain (glacé!) par temps froid 🛀 Des soldats des Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders ont pris part à des exercices d’immersion dans le cadre de leur entraînement à la guerre en hiver.

📸 Mary Lou Milhausen et Bob Poole - Manitoba Camera Club

JTF North / FOI Nord

Greenland on Telegram by @GreenlandTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @CanadianArmy: Nothing like a (n)ice bath on a cold day 🛀 Soldiers from The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders took part in cold water immersion drills as part of their training for winter warfare.

📸 Mary Lou Milhausen and Bob Poole - Manitoba Camera Club

JTF North / FOI Nord

Greenland on Telegram by @GreenlandTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Visit Greenland | Nuuk (Facebook)

Looking for rare experiences?

Try Niaqornat in North Greenland 👀

Niaqornat is translated to "the head-shaped."

It is found on the north side of the Nuussuaq peninsula, about 60 km west of a city called Uummannaq.

People have lived there since 1823, and in 1870, it became an important trading spot.

Niaqornat is in a special spot, sitting on a strip of land on the peninsula and facing the Uummannaq Fiord. The area is known for its colorful houses lined up along the bay.

This is where fishermen, seal hunters, and whale hunters tie up their boats.

Read more about how you get to North Greenland here

Destination website
Explore North Greenland

Photos - Jessie Brinkman Evans - Visit Greenland Nutaarsiassat / Nyhederne (Facebook)

Angut 26-nik ukiulik toqutseriarsimasutut unnerluutigineqarnermini Nunatta Eqqartuussisuuneqarfianit tallimanngornermi ullaap tungaani pinngitsuutinneqartoq, suliami unnerluussisoq paasissutissiivoq.

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Extinction Days: WWF sætter udløbsdato på truede dyrearter

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Extinction Days: WWF sætter udløbsdato på truede dyrearter Nutaarsiassat / Nyhederne (Facebook)

Kunngip Frederiup dronning Maryllu nunatsinnut tikeraarnissaannut ulluliisoqarpoq. Nutaarsiassat / Nyhederne (Facebook)

Nunatsinni tamarmi ambulancenut oqarasuaatit sisamanngornermi unnukkut ajutoorput, taakkuli maanna aaqqeqqissimasut Dronning Ingridip Napparsimmavissuani peqqinnissamik aqutsisut paasissutissiipput.

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Nye tal viser for første gang, at de seneste 12 mdr. overskred den røde linje på 1,5 gr. Et varsel om klimaets febrile tilstand, hvor svaret er akut fossil udfasning. DK må også vise vej og skrinlægge udvikling af Hejrefeltet i Nordsøen. #dkgreen #dkpol…

Greenpeace i Danmark

Greenland on Telegram by @GreenlandTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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