HadaAmor : Open. ♡

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You have arrived at your destination, a place where you can find Editing Tutorials and Shapes at cheap and very affordable prices, you can contact the contact below if you are interested and want to see the catalog.
♡. @HadaCatalogue & @MerillyAmor

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Aku masih opeeen Amories, liat katalog di @HadaCatalogue and send your form at @MerillyAmor yaaah

Forward from: Lespatte · open!
aku masih opeeeeen yaaa! read regulations terus pilih katalog send ke @lespattebot patties! ♡-♡

Forward from: Lespatte · open!
Haaaai Patties aku masih open! Tapi males ngelist siapa aja yang order nanti aku rekap yah kalau udah selesai batch aja T - T. Btw aku mau bikin katalog baru ada yang mau jadi kinci gak? Comment dong random pick yaa. ♡

ini kalau mau request tutorial ke @kkaromi aja, kalau belum dibales rechat yaa karna yang chat aku bnyk *sok sibuk* takutnya tenggelem

gak nyangka tutorial aku udah 200+ isinyaaa. makasih banyak yaaa amorieees terutama yang udah rekomendasiin aku ke base base menfess padahal aku gak minta, ily ol.

udaaaah update yang belum beli tutorialnya langsung aja ke @merillyamor yaaa.

Open via XL/Smartfren juga tapi rate 5K ngga?
  •   Iyaaa.
  •   Nggaaa.
27 votes

Jangan lupa mampir ke @Lespatte juga ahihi.

Guys yang order hari ini maaf ya gdrivenya lagi macet, aku akses secepatnya. Buat yang mau order tutorial langsung aja ke @merillyamor karna aku mau update tutorial how to make layout ya.

Forward from: Lespatte · open!
We're open don't forget read our regulations first! And send your format to @LespatteBot ^ -

Forward from: Lespatte · open!
[To my dearest mutual, mind helping me to forward the message stated? A few simple taps wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? Thank you so much!]

Greetings to the realm filled with love! We gladly declare that Lespatte will proceed to operate at 16.00 WIB on MAY 17th. Catalogs are accessible https://t.me/Lespatte/21 with reasonable costs initiating from Rp.500! You would prefer to not forfeit this thrilling relief, wouldn't you?

Stop by @LespatteBot or @Kkaromi to purchase. We admire your interest and we strive for you to dwell!

Much love,

aku open terus yaaah. yuk cek katalognya di @hadacatalogue. dan send formatnya ke @merillyamor otheeeey ♡-♡

i love you amoriees

2 lagi belum konfrimasi, maksimal jam 12.00 besok yaaa. kalau masih belum chat aku, aku undi lagi.

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