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Communism a Fortiori: A Response to BAP’s GNC

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Now, where such ways prevail, no law could ever be firmly stablished, if we are to thrust the rightful winners aside, and bring the rearmost to the front.


The Boomer’s aversion to woke goes beyond colourblindness or healthy instinct. Woke has always made him extremely uncomfortable. The short answer as to why is that woke reminds the Boomer of his own incoherence.

Woke: Gone For Good?
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Forward from: Primordial Path
Imagine not being subbed to the KDads YouTube that does deep analysis of all your favorite things.

Communism a Fortiori: A Response to BAP’s GNC

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Forward from: Kulture Dads

The RPG is one of the key video game genres, and it has a surprisingly deep pre-history. In this episode, the KDADS take you through that prehistory and through the mythopoetic elements of this historic genre.



Woke: Gone For Good?

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Caesarism book now available in hardcover!

Get it here:

No question about it, woke has been put away. This is something to celebrate, but is it gone for good? We should be realistic about that. No, it's not gone for good, and Mike explains both why it was tried in the first place and why it will return.

The Boomer’s aversion to woke goes beyond colourblindness or healthy instinct. Woke has always made him extremely uncomfortable. The short answer as to why is that woke reminds the Boomer of his own incoherence.


The rightward edge of conservatism is firmly where the alt right was in 2017. This is an unmitigated win, and anyone who thinks otherwise just has no serious praxis.
Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall)
Tucker: "Just on principle, every other group in the world has a right to its own homeland except White people? What? Explain how that makes sense. Either no group has the right or every group has the right. What the hell? Why are we playing along with this nonsense?"

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Communism a Fortiori: A Response to BAP’s GNC

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Jonathan Bowden, Nationalist Folk Hero

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Nothing in law springs entirely from a sense of convenience. There are always certain ideas existing antecedently on which the sense of convenience works, and of which it can do no more than form some new combination.

Henry James Sumner Maine

There has been a lot of excitement generated by our launch of Exeter House Publishing. The idea of having a dedicated publishing house for literary works has struck a chord. We get emails almost every day either submitting quality work, or expressing excitement over Exeter House.

if you want to help us push this as far as it can go, please review our latest Exeter House book, Casinolabs:

It has sold unexpectedly well on Amazon, and it has 5 ratings already, less than a month in. help us reach a wider audience, and revive the right-wing literary man.

The first government in the world was monarchical, in the father of all flesh.

— Robert Filmer

This would have been unthinkable pre-Brexit.

It's worth pausing to reflect on just how far the discourse has shifted in our direction in only 10 years.

Never can the laws have prosperous course in a city where dread hath no place; nor can a camp be ruled discreetly any more, if it lack the guarding force of fear and reverence.


Forward from: Counter-Currents
Coming at the top of the hour:

Greg Johnson welcomes Josh Neal to discuss his recent book Understanding Conspiracy Theories and his forthcoming book Intolerant Interpretations, at our regular time:

Join us at noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern/9 PM Central European Time on:

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Forward from: Counter-Currents
Coming at the Top of the Hour:

Greg Johnson welcomes Edward Dutton to discuss his new biography of Jonathan Bowden at a special time:

Join us at 9 am Pacific/noon Eastern/6 PM Central European Time on:

Send questions & donations to Entropy:

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