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"hey, other car companies also did nazi shit"

about tone indicators

9/11 and COVID, an interesting dichotomy

"In 1873, the Dominion of Canada established the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP), an organisation that would play a pivotal role in the country's westward expansion. This expansion, while facilitating European settlement, had far-reaching consequences for the Indigenous populations who had long inhabited these lands.

As Canada grew, the NWMP evolved into what is now known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Throughout this transition, the body remained instrumental in implementing government policies that significantly affected Indigenous communities.

One of the most consequential of these policies is the Indian Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation that governs numerous aspects of Indigenous life. The RCMP was tasked with enforcing this act, which remains in effect today, albeit with numerous amendments over the years.

A particularly controversial aspect of the RCMP's historical role was its involvement in the Indian residential school system. This system, operational from the 1880s to the late 1990s, involved the forcible removal of Indigenous children from their families. These children were placed in government-sponsored institutions with the stated goal of assimilation into Euro-Canadian culture.

The RCMP often assisted in this process, contributing to a legacy that has been widely criticised for its role in cultural genocide and the various forms of abuse that occurred within these institutions.

The effects of these historical policies and actions extend far beyond their immediate implementation. Many Indigenous communities continue to grapple with the effects of forced relocation, cultural suppression, and family separation."

'In Arabic, the root of the verb, to witness, is sh-h-d. Roots are important in Arabic. They are present, that is, known and recognizable, not obscure etymologies but immediate and close, giving life directly to all the words that bud and branch from them. From the three-letter root verb, you make the subject and the object, but also adjectives, adverbs and a whole host of other, more complex verbs, subjects and objects related to the first. Even these words—subject, verb, object—are more directly related in Arabic. Translated literally, the subject is the doer, the verb is the doing, the object the one it is done to. In English, a writer writes a book; a letter. In Arabic, al-katib yaktubu kitab; maktoob. All from the root k-t-b, to write.

From “to witness,” we get shahed, the one who witnesses; mashhad, the spectacle or the scene, but also shaheed, martyr; istishhad, to be martyred, to die for a cause.

As if the act of bearing witness, followed to the end of one of its branches, snaps under the weight of what is seen, and you fall to your death. As if to die for a cause in Arabic is to bear witness to something until it annihilates the self.'

— Lina Mounzer (2016)

’Israel launched a brutal wave of attacks on Gaza in the early hours of Tuesday, killing over 310 Palestinians, in a unilateral end of its ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

At least 200 more have been reported wounded, with the numbers expected to climb.

Hamas said Israel carried out a “treacherous” attack on besieged and defenceless civilians in order to overturn the Gaza ceasefire deal.’

"Marx described this process of primitive accumulation as the process wherein common lands were enclosed and made private, forcing peasants into waged labor.

In the digital era, a parallel form of enclosure is taking place. Today, financial elites do not simply enclose land or labor; they enclose knowledge itself. They extract data from the productive economy — data that emerges from real transactions, from real exchanges — and sell it to the highest bidder. This data is generated collectively but appropriated privately.

Just as the enclosures of the past dispossessed peasants of access to land, the enclosure of data today ensures that predictive insights remain the exclusive domain of financial elites."

poverty is a social construct

"Trump’s shift towards a more industry-friendly stance has been underlined by his choice of a lumber executive lead the Forest Service, which has just fired 2,000 workers amid a purge led by Elon Musk, who has also been recently seen wielding a chainsaw.

Tom Schultz, previously a vice-president of Idaho Forest Group, which sells wood, will be the next Forest Service chief, overseeing the management of 154 national forests and 193m acres of land, an area roughly the size of Texas."

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