Indian Libertarian Socialist Federation

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Libertarianism is a set of socialist philosophies. It includes various Anarchist & Libertarian Marxist tendencies.

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The recognition of private property has really harmed Individualism, and obscured it, by confusing a man with what he possesses. It has led Individualism entirely astray. It has made gain not growth its aim. So that man thought that the important thing was to have, and did not know that the important thing is to be. The true perfection of man lies, not in what man has, but in what man is. Private property has crushed true Individualism, and set up an Individualism that is false. ...With the abolition of private property, then, we shall have true, beautiful, healthy Individualism. Nobody will waste his life in accumulating things, and the symbols for things. One will live. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

Oscar Wilde

The Soul of Man Under Socialism is a beautiful, great essay by the great playwright and poet – Oscar Wilde.
Wilde was a Libertarian Socialist.

Have a read :) 🖤

Why Socialism (by Albert Einstein).pdf
A short essay by Albert Einstein

(A must-read!)

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In this system, your productivity matters more than your well-being, you're treated as just a part of the machine.
And in addition, ‘productivity’ itself is defined in a narrow sense – in terms of profit.
Something can be very good by other standards but need not be good by capitalist standards – if it isn't profitable to capitalists. Something can be very bad by other standards but maybe good by capitalist standards – if it's profitable to the capitalists.

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As said earlier, enough food is produced to feed around 11 billion people, i.e., 1,100 crore people. For reference, the present population of the world is less than 8 billion (800 crores).
And yet, around 1 billion are starving while a total of about 2.5 billion people have some form/degree of malnutrition.
So how come 1 billion people don't even have enough to eat when we actually produce enough food to feed 3 billion more people in addition to the ~8 billion world population (i.e., a total of ~11 billion people)?
As said earlier, it is due to artificial scarcity which is necessary for capitalism to even function. They throw away lots of food, into the oceans. They don't feed the needy. That is how this system works.
They blame the common people for 'wasting food' etc, but the main problem lies in the system itself.

What about overpopulation?
Overpopulation can accurately be called a myth. That's because overpopulation refers to a particular range of population that has exceeded the carrying capacity of the ecosystem they inhabit.
It's no surprise that while almost everyone is alarmed about overpopulation, there's no agreed upon figure or range of what constitutes overpopulation.
But one can say that we're far from overpopulation... because Earth can still very well support us (and even a somewhat larger population). But the artificial scarcity created by capitalism, and the consequent wretched condition of the people, makes many think it's obvious that there's overpopulation and that it's the root of this misery.
But in fact, it's capitalism that's partly responsible for the increasing population, as it needs more and more consumers (and wage slaves).

It maybe true that it'd be better if we had much lesser population, say 50% or 25% or even 1% of what we have now.
But it's wrong (and dangerous) to call it overpopulation... it's wrong to even emphasize on the population problem without speaking of the more fundamental issue – i.e., capitalism (and hierarchies in general, such as caste and patriarchy).
It seems fairly reasonable to think that population growth can be stabilized only once capitalism is abolished, once we have post-capitalist & post-scarcity economy, and the consequent material prosperity of the entire population, combined with a rational, scientific, secular education founded upon the principles of liberty and freedom of thought.
And women's (sexual) freedom is another important aspect that shouldn't be ignored when discussing about population. Women usually don't have much freedom in the matters of reproduction. They are treated as baby-factories. Only they should have full control over their own bodies, and that's an important thing to be achieved if we want an 'acceptable' fertility rates etc.

“[A]n all-round increase in wealth threatened the destruction — indeed, in some sense was the destruction — of a hierarchical society. In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat, lived in a house with a bathroom and a refrigerator, and possessed a motor-car or even an aeroplane, the most obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once became general, wealth would confer no distinction. It was possible, no doubt, to imagine a society in which WEALTH, in the sense of personal possessions and luxuries, should be evenly distributed, while POWER remained in the hands of a small privileged caste. But in practice such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance.”


(Or, what are the things that are primarily responsible for poverty?)

Suppose there is no poverty or unemployment in the world. Everybody has their basic needs met... everybody has a house to live in, enough food to eat, good clothes to wear, etc. Now would anyone be willing to work for meagre wages?
Would you work for someone – some random rich person, for the benefit of the latter, under their direction, a job which you probably don't even like, all for very meagre wages? Of course not!
The capitalists need cheap labor, i.e., they need workers who do all the work and accept very low wages. For that to happen, poverty has to exist; it has to be maintained, even artificially.
Poverty gives capitalists huge bargaining power in the (job) market.

This, simply, is the main reason for poverty to exist in the present day.

Capitalism requires poverty, hunger, unemployment, etc to exist. Otherwise it can't survive. Capitalism depends on unlimited profits, the capitalist has to pay the worker as little as possible in order to gain maximum profits. In a world without poverty etc, capitalism can't continue for long without an eventual collapse.

It can be argued that poverty couldn't be eliminated some centuries ago. The productive capacities weren't that great back then, for example. But this is definitely not the case today.

Do you know how much food is produced worldwide?
This may surprise you, but... enough food is produced to feed around 11 billion people, i.e., 1,100 crore people. For reference, the present population of the world is less than 8 billion (800 crores).
(This fact can be easily verified.)
It seems rather obvious that even more food can be produced, if required, with the existing productive technologies and production capacities. But the problem is that the current economic system is just massively inefficient, it just can't feed everyone even when there are enough resources & all for that, partly because capitalism requires poverty, hunger etc to exist.
Moreover, it is not profitable for them to distribute the food to all, to the poor people.
Same for homelessness. There are more vacant houses than there are homeless people. But it isn't profitable for them to house those homeless people, so they just keep the houses vacant and the homeless people, homeless.

In the light of the fact that poverty no longer has any inevitability, what can we conclude about its menacing presence in the world?
Billions of people suffer from poverty while handful of billionaires hold MASSIVE amounts of wealth.
Capitalism is simply the reason poverty exists in the world today. Poverty is being artificially maintained when there is no reason for it to exist anymore.

(This analysis is of course very brief, there are many more aspects to consider... but we may discuss some of them later)

9. Planned obsolescence.

Notice how your phone is pretty much useless after only about 3 years? Now remember it’s not just your phone. It’s all kinds of things: cars, electronics, appliances, light bulbs, clothing, shoes, software you need to update before you can use your device and university textbooks that are almost identical but you still have to buy the new ones. Why can’t they make things that last longer? I was told market competition would lead to ever-more useful innovations and ever more of our needs filled.

Instead, it turns out, competition leads to cosmetic changes but the need for profit has led to a consensus among manufacturers that products should be designed to break down. If we just had one of something and it worked for a lifetime, corporations would never satisfy the demands of the financial report. The market is in replacement of stuff we’ve already paid for. What do you think happens to all that waste? Is there a profitable way of recycling it yet? No? The profit’s still in creating the waste? So we should expect more of it. But can the planet take any more? Which brings us to Number 10: climate change.

10. Climate change.

Capitalism is a few centuries old and in that time carbon levels have grown so much our planet is beginning to boil. Carbon levels have grown steadily every year and that growth shows no signs of slowing down. We’re still burning fossil fuels at an incredible rate, we’re still cutting down trees, we’re still poisoning the oceans, and we’re still farming huge numbers of cows. Just in British Columbia alone this week [over a month ago] there have been nearly 500 deaths due to the heat.

They’ll try to pass responsibility for all this on to you, of course... all responsibility will be now the individual consumer's... “your carbon footprint.” “Climate change? Oh you must not have recycled enough.” Or: “you drove that gas guzzler around for too long, didn't you? Ahah”
Except most emissions don’t come from consumers. They come from a handful of huge corporations who have more than enough money to do something about it. Not only that, but the corporations have known their actions lead to climate change for decades. But they lied about it, conducted a misinformation campaign and lobbied against climate legislation and cleaner emissions standards. As a result, people are still denying the human-made effects of climate change during the hottest summer ever, which is also the coldest summer we’ll ever experience again.

Of course, only these 10 things are not a comprehensive list of everything we should hate about capitalism. I haven’t even touched on war, colonialism, racism or slavery. Capitalism robs us of our freedom and our time and our own choices about how to live our lives, destroys our mental health, and has set fire to the planet we live on. These are not bugs. They are features. And there is no “compassionate capitalism” or “green capitalism” so don’t be seduced by propaganda words. The solution is to destroy the system, to end our dependence on money and governments and corporations, and organize our lives together, voluntarily. Mutual aid and resistance can bring meaning to your life that most jobs can’t. You become part of a much bigger effort that actually solves problems, rather than profiting from them.

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