[PLEASE HELP US THIS IS YET ANOTHER CATASTROPHE. THANKS, BESTIES! God bless you, happy Passover if you're celebrating💛]Hai, Lumières! Maaf berisik pagi-pagi but this is Capricorn and Leo speaking. Sesuai gambar yang tertera, yes, we badly need money in order to continue on with our life. In this splendid wonderful day, the both of us decided to take some "
dadakan" orders because we're urgently starving and we need to do some checkout in Shopee. (Hari ini 4.4, jangan lupa pantengin voucher gratis ongkir Rp 0!)
Capricorn bakal open
10 slot wordings, dan seperti biasa bebas dengan jenis dan kepentingan apapun asal temanya jelas. No minimum order juga ya per orang, so feel free to request as much as you'd like.
Leo open
10 slot animated borders, boleh dari katalog terus boleh juga kalau mau custom. Ah iya, sama open juga
2 slot untuk kepentingan
animated twibbon, but please do check the
TnC before claiming your slot!
That shall be all from us, please contact
@EtoileDechueBot if you're interested!(• ᴗ •)♡