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"We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated and more effective methods than those used against us."
- Doolittle Report (1954)

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Our opinion to the question above:

Becoming an informant is not the equivalent of being a double agent, no matter how it is worded, phrased or sold to you.

While there may be similarities between the two examples presented, there are several major differences that are worth noting.

1. Walking into a foreign embassy with the support of the United States government is very different than walking into a glow nigger field office with little to no support behind you.

2. In the first scenario, the playing field is close to even. In the second scenario, they own the playing field. It would be failure from the beginning.

3. Let us look at the 10 benefits of a double agent oper
ation. [Link]

What benefits would be gained from attempting something like this?

Absolutely none.


This was meant to be a thinking exercise.

Almost everyone instinctively knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. But the goal was to encourage analytical thinking and "thinking outside the box."

• Did you explore this idea thoroughly?

• Did you analyze the risk vs reward?

• Did you explore other scenarios with greater probabilities of success?

That was the point of this exercise. We hope it gave you something to think about and stir debate.

Happy STFU


-> In honor of STFU Friday and never talking to Law Enforcement or System Pigs

-> While also keeping the spirit of offensive counterintelligence

We leave you with this food for thought:

"Double-agent operations are the caviar of counterintelligence operations because, in my opinion, there is nothing more delectable than a good, juicy double-agent operation. It does not get much better for a counterintelligence professional than to dupe his or her adversary, particularly one that prides itself on being clever and sophisticated, with a controlled case. Double agent operations are such an important element of offensive counterintelligence."

- James M. Olson, former chief of CIA counterintelligence.


A double agent is an agent who purportedly works as an agent for one intelligence service but who reports to and is loyal to another intelligence service as its agent.

Here is an example:
• The FBI finds, recruits, and trains an American engineer with access to classified technology to serve as a double agent. This engineer is directed to walk into a Russian embassy to volunteer his services as a spy for the Russians. The Russians bite. The engineer begins to pass the Russians controlled classified information (feed material), and the operation is off and running. All the while, the engineer double agent is reporting everything back to the FBI and is under full FBI control.


Keeping with the above definition,
• Someone walks into a glow nigger field office and volunteers to be an informant. The glow niggers bite. That person begins to pass the glow niggers feed material. All the while, that person is reporting everything back to his people (the good guys) and is fully under their control.

Does this qualify as a double agent? Is this something that should be done? Is this
possible to pull off?

Just food for thought.


Forward from: 🌲NS Intel K̶v̵l̴t̶🌲
Happy SHUT THE FUCK UP Friday!

Friendly reminder:
Every day is STFU Friday!

Never talk to:
• System pigs
• Law enforcement
• Nigger cattle
ne who isn't /us/

Say nothing:
-> At work
-> In public
-> Online

The enemy is listening!

Whatever you say, say nothing!


Benefits of Double Agent Operations

8. Discrediting the Opposition

Intelligence services hate to lose face. They want to project to the world an image of competence, professionalism, toughness, and discipline. Any publicity that highlights their failures can undermine their support from their government and demoralize their troops.... Blowing double agent operations out of the water after they have run their course is a good way to expose the victimized services to the embarrassment and ridicule they deserve. How could they have been so gullible? How much confidence can anyone have in these bumblers? If I am a prospective agent, do I really want to put my fate in the hands of these incompetents?
The hostile service looks bad for letting itself be duped by our double agent operations and should pay the price for it. It loses some of its operational staff. Its reputation for professionalism suffers. No mistake by the opposition should go unexploited.
I believe that discrediting the opposition is an often untapped benefit of a double agent operation. At some point the previously listed advantages of a double agent operation have been maxed out or have simply fallen by the wayside. Then why not blow the case up? Bring in the embarrassment specialists. Publicize the case. “Glow Niggers Are Caught in a Double Agent Sting.” “Fedfags Fall for One of the Oldest Tricks in the Book.” “Antifa [redacted] for Trying to Steal Neo-Nazi Secrets.” Have some fun with it--and hit them hard, very hard, at the same ti

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Benefits of Double Agent Operations

7. Taking the Opposition's Money

Spying can be a lucrative business. Few of us would ever consider risking our lives and freedom by betraying our country for money, no matter how much, but venality is live and well in America and should never be underestimated.

The willingness of an adversary service to pay our double agents large amounts of money is a good indicator of how deeply we have set the hook.

One of the many good things about double agent operations is that they tend to finance themselves--with a lot leftover in some cas

Tags: #offensive #counterintelligence #double #agent #operations

Benefits of Double Agent Operations

6. Tying Up the Opposition's Operations

Every minute the opposition case officer spends on a double agent operation is a wasted

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Benefits of Double Agent Operations

5. Acquiring Positive Intelligence

Occasionally, a foreign intelligence service so believes in the trustworthiness of a double agent that it shares with that double agent positive intelligence information. The purpose may be to give the double agent background information to assist in his or her collection efforts. Or the case officer-double agent relationship may become so cordial that the case officer assumes a double agent's ironclad loyalty and "talks out of school." Or the case officer may try to enhance his or her standing with the double agent by boasting about past or current accomplishments.

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Benefits of Double Agent Operations

4. Learning the Opposition's Intelligence Collection Requirements

In the cat-and-mouse game of counterintelligence, even the slightest advantage can be the difference between winning and losing. A good double agent operation can provide a winning edge by alerting the sponsoring service to the opposition's collection requirements. Knowing what the double agent is being asked to provide the handler is a valuable window into what the opposition's priorities and gaps are.

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Benefits of Double Agent Operations

3. Identifying Hostile Intelligence Officers

Foreign intelligence services take great pains to hide their case officers under a variety of covers....Counterintelligence is tasked with piercing those covers and identifying the spies. One of the best tools available for this task is the double agent.

Double agent operations that go on for an extended period, as many of them do, will lead to further identification of hostile intelligence personnel.

Tags: #offensive #counterintelligence #double #agent #operations

Wednesday, May 19th, 132 YF
Wodan's day

卐 Hail Wotan!
卐 Hail Hitler!
卐 Hail Our Folk!
卐 Hail Collapse!

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children...
...Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish f
rom the earth.

Artwork provided by:

Benefits of Double Agent Operations

2. Determining the Other Side's Modus Operandi

A good double agent is in a perfect position to report back on the opposition's MO. For any counterintelligence officer responsible for monitoring and thwarting a hostile service's operations, it is invaluable to know how that service conducts its business....The case officers of that service have all had the same training and follow the same operational doctrine. They tend to fall into habits and reuse techniques that have worked for them elsewhere. The result can be predictability -- a major vulnerability in spying that can and should be exploited by the opposition's counterintelligence.

Tags: #offensive #counterintelligence #double #agent #operations

Benefits of Double Agent Operations

1. Spreading Disinformation

Double agents can be used to provide the opposition service with false or misleading disinformation, but this is a relatively infrequent objective. Deceiving the enemy in this manner requires tremendous planning and subtlety because the enemy is not stupid and often has the means to verify the validity of the double agent's reporting. Moreover, if the double agent reports that some action will take place in the future and it does not, the double agent's credibility is seriously undermined. In most cases disinformation in a double agent operation makes sense only if the stakes are unusually high or if the opposition has limited means of verification.

Tags: #offensive #counterintelligence #double #agent #operations

Benefits of Double Agent Operations

-> The benefits of a good double agent operation are considerable and fall into ten major categories:

1. Spreading disinformation
2. Determining the other side's modus operandi
3. Identifying hostile intelligence officers
4. Learning the opposition's intelligence collection requirements
5. Acquiring positive intelligence
6. Tying up the opposition's operations
7. Taking the opposition's money
8. Discrediting the opposition
9. Testing other's loyalties
10. Pitching the hostile case officer

Tags: #offensive #counterintelligence #double #agent #operations

The Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence


When studying The Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence, we notice congruent and overlapping themes throughout including an emphasis on: offensive operations, persistence, training for excellency, the difficulties and hazards of the trade, personal commitment, professionalism, field oriented capability development.

We understand these commandments were written for a different audience but the key takeaways remain the same.

The US Government is unfathomably massive. Their threat models are equally as massive and equally as cumbersome. They require massive budgets and personnel. They are well structured and organized. They operate under a rigid hierarchical command and centralized authority. They operate under bureaucratic red tape, and in theory they have procedure and laws that must be followed.

We are all the things they are not.

While we may never have a training curriculum or funding on par with the CIA or FBI counterintelligence units, we will not be discouraged.

We will learn to improvise, adapt and overcome.

This isn't rocket science. We will protect our secrets while working to compromise our enemies secrets. We will adopt and implement both offensive and defensive strategies. As always, the premise is simple while the execution is complicated.

Our best and brightest, our most dedicated and steadfast people will step up to the plate.

We will take it upon ourselves, with our own resources, time and money, to seek out training, devote time to studying, and practically apply what we learn in meaningful and impactful ways.

Military veterans within our ranks are invaluable assets. Many are professionals with significant experience in these fields. Many more already have the foundational knowledge and inherent proclivities to learn from the information provided. Even those with no experience can become assets through learning and training. If one has the mind and the heart for it, nothing can stop them.

Counterintelligence is a critical and severely lacking field within our cause. We will not stand for that any longer. Our Race needs us to become professionals and to specialize individually in the fields that best suit ourselves and helps our Race the most.

We're looking forward to seeing the effects this information has on the broader community.

Hail Hitler!
Hail Our Race!
Hail Collapse!


Attached is The Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence by James M. Olson as it originally appeared in Studies of Intelligence, Unclassified Edition, Fall-Winter 2001, No.11, published by the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence.

It is also available in the book, To Catch a Spy: The Art of Counterintelligence (2019) by James M. Olson.

This book is part our recommended reading list from the
NS Intel Library.

"To Catch a Spy: The Art of Counterintelligence" is mandatory reading for every counterintelligence officer.


The Tenth Commandment: Never Give Up

Key points:

1. We must be unrelenting and persistent in our investigations
2. CI officers who are not patient need not apply
3. Traitors should know that they will never be safe and will never have a peaceful night's
4. -> Never give up

The Tenth Commandment: Never Give Up

The tenth and last commandment is the most important. What if the Ames mole hunters had quit after eight years instead of going into the ninth? What if, in my own experience, we had discontinued a certain surveillance operation after five months instead of continuing into the sixth? CI history is full of such examples.

The FBI is making cases against Americans today that involved espionage committed in the 1960s and 1970s. The Army’s Foreign Counterintelligence Activity is doing the same. The name of the game in CI is persistence. CI officers who are not patient need not apply. There is no statute of limitations for espionage, and we should not create one by our own inaction. Traitors should know that they will never be safe and will never have a peaceful night’s sleep. I applauded my CI colleagues in the FBI when I read not long ago of their arrest in Florida of a former US Army Reserve colonel for alleged espionage against the United States many years earlier. They obviously never gave up.

If we keep a CI investigation alive and stay on it, the next defector, the next penetration, the next tip, the next surveillance, or the next clue will break it for us.

If there were ever to be a mascot for US counterintelligence, it should be the pi
t bull.

Tags: #counterintelligence #commandments #persistence #patience

The Ninth Commandment: Do Not Stay Too Long

Key points:

1. CI is hazardous both physically and mentally
2. Chasing shadows will eventually lead to paranoia
3. CI requires fresh thinking
4. CI officers must be rotated out from time to time to avoid paranoia, stale thought, and to gain new insights that will help them better perform their duties
5. Homework assignment: Research "The Wilderness of M

Tags: #counterintelligence #commandments #paranoia #wildernessofmirrors

The Ninth Commandment: Do Not Stay Too Long

CI is a hazardous profession. There should be warning signs on the walls: “A steady diet of CI can be dangerous to your health.”

I do not believe anyone should make an entire, uninterrupted career of CI. We all who work in CI have seen it: the old CI hand who has gotten a bit spooky. It is hard to immerse oneself daily in the arcane and twisted world of CI without falling pray eventually to creeping paranoia, distortion, warping, and overzealousness in one’s thinking. It is precisely these traits that led to some of the worst CI disasters in our history. Angleton and his coterie sadly succumbed, with devastating results. Others in the CIA and elsewhere have as well. The danger is always there.

My wife, who was working at the CIA when I met her, was well acquainted with this reputation of CI and the stories about its practitioners. When I was serving overseas and received the cable offering me the position as Ted Price’s deputy in the new Counterintelligence Center, I discussed it with her that evening at home. Her response, I thought was right on the mark: “Okay, but do not stay too long.”

Sensible and productive CI needs lots of ventilation and fresh thinking. There should be constant flowthrough. Non-CI officers should be brought in regularly on rotational tours. I also believe it is imperative that a good CI service build in rotational assignments periodically outside CI for its CI specialists. They should go spend two or three years with the operators or with the other groups they are charged to protect. They will come back refreshed, smarter, and less likely to fall into the nether world of professional CI: the school of doublethink, the us-against-them mindset, the nothing-is-what-it-seems syndrome, the wilderness of m

Tags: #counterintelligence #commandments #paranoia #wildernessofmirrors

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