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More diverse neighborhoods have lower social cohesion. Source: http://www.citylab.com/housing/2013/11/paradox-diverse-communities/7614/

Diversity increases psychotic experiences. Source: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.full

Diversity increases social adversity. Source: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.full

A 10% increase in diversity doubles the chance of psychotic episodes. Source: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.full

Diversity reduces voter registration, political efficacy, charity, and number of friendships. Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract

Ethnic diversity reduces happiness and quality of life. Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract

Diversity reduces trust, civic participation, and civic health. Source: http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/?page=full

Today's political insanity all stems from that pivotal point in history when the jews won the culture war. I am referring to the defeat of Joseph McCarthy and the vilification of "McCarthyism". He was exposing the jew communist infiltration of Hollywood and academia. When the (((media))) turned on him and basically discredited the idea of resisting marxists in our culture, they were free to act. Hollywood turned sharply to the left - compare the movies from the 50's to those of the 60's and 70's. Academia became almost completely leftist (if not altogether marxist). The cultural takeover was complete, and no one lifted a finger.

Notice the Orwellian finesse in which jews have demonized certain ideas - rational rejection of degeneracy and communism and its influence in culture became the hated "McCarthyism". Any rejection of marxist beliefs became bigotry and racism. The victory the marxists enjoyed was the demonization of the idea of anti-communism (anti-semitism) in America. This has led in turn to the idea that protecting any part of our culture is wrong, and must be resisted.

Today's left and the degradation of the American dream is the direct result of this cancerous idea that our culture is not worth defending.

There's a reason they don't teach you about the Venona Papers in school, McCarthy was 100% right:





Tulsa history, extensive by qualified historian. Relevant as ever as they try to rewrite the Tulsa Negro Uprising, renamed to Tulsa Riots, and renamed again to the Tulsa Race Massacre:




Great reference for hate crime hoaxes:


The typical canard used by Jews is to claim that Revisionists "deny" the existence of everything about the Jews' experience in WWII, the camps etc. But no one says what the Jews claim, it's a classic false, strawman argument.

Revisionists do not "deny" that Jews were deported to labor camps and encouraged to leave Europe. There is no question that the National Socialists wanted the Jews out of Europe. The Zionists also wanted the Jews out of Europe.

What Revisionists do deny is:

- the unfounded and frankly, laughable '6,000,000'
- the ridiculous & irrational allegations of homicidal 'gas chambers'
- the unsubstantiated claim of a state planned genocide of Jews

The response to anyone who asks if you "deny" the so-called holocaust is to ask them to define what they mean by the 'holocaust'. If any of those 3 items are part of that definition, then say: 'yes, then I am a denier and you can't prove that any of those points are fact...next'.

>"Why didn't any Nazi deny?" and the scope of the conspiracy

>Nuremberg - Fair Trial or Show Trial?

>Cyanide Chemistry at Auschwitz

>War-time German documents & writings mentioning the "Final Solution"


>"Ninety-nine per cent of what we know [about the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau] we do not actually have the physical evidence to prove... it has become part of our inherited knowledge." (A Case for Letting Nature Take Back Auschwitz, The Toronto Star, December 27, 2009)

>"The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence." (Judge Gray, Irving-Lipstadt trial, 2000)

>"It is necessary to recognize that the lack of traces involves the inability to directly establish the reality of the existence of homicidal gas chambers." – French exterminationist historian Jacques Baynac

>Dr. Horst Pelckmann, defense counsel for the SS at Nuremberg, exposed the fact that over 97% of the SS men who mentioned "The Jewish Problem" denied that it was to be solved by extermination. On 21 August 1946: "1,593 out of 1,637 affidavits which mention this problem state that the Jewish problem was not to be solved by killing" (IMT Proceedings, vol. 21, p. 368)

>On 27 July 1945, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that: "A report from the place where major German war criminals are now confined discloses that all of them have denied that the Nazis had any plans to exterminate the Jews of Europe."

>According to Auschwitz survivor & Yad Vashem archives director Shmuel Krakowski: "Over half of the 20,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors on record at Yad Vashem are “unreliable” and have never been used as evidence in Nazi war crimes trials" (B. Amouyal, "Doubts over evidence of camp survivors," Jerusalem Post (Israel), August 17, 1986)

>”Survivor accounts of critical events are typical of all testimony, that is, they are full of discrepancies. About all matters both trivial and significant, the evidence is nearly always in dispute. In part the unreliability of these accounts derives from imperfect observation and flawed memory, but in larger part from the circumstance that they are not constructed exclusively on the basis of firsthand experience. In order to present a coherent narrative, the author has likely included a large measure of hearsay, gossip, rumor, assumption, speculation, and hypothesis." (Jewish holocaust historian Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, 1976)

>”There does not exist then, anything like a written order signed by [Hitler] for the extermination of the Jews in Europe." (Colin Cross, Adolf Hitler, (Milan, 1977), p. 313.)

>At the Nuremberg Military Tribunals (NMT) it was alleged that the Holocaust had been perpetrated with the greatest level of secrecy, and very few know it was even happening. According to US Judge Leon Powers "not over 100 people in all were informed" about the attempted extermination. As with many other conspiracy theories, the lack of physical evidence and the scarcity of alleged eyewitness testimonies were seen as convincing proof that the Nazis had something to hide and that they had successfully managed to do it.

>U.S. Senator Robert A. Taft: "About this whole judgment there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice. The hanging of the eleven men convicted will be a blot on the American record which we will long regret. In these trials we have accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of trials -- government policy and not justice -- with little relation to Anglo-Saxon heritage. By clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure, we may discredit the whole idea of justice in Europe for years to come."

>U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas: "I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time."

The Holocaust™ storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.


(note: also search for Eric Hunt's documentaries on the Holocaust)

>Intro to Holocaust revisionism:

>Dissecting the Holocaust

>Holocaust Handbook series

>Holocaust debate forum


>Stallman resigns over his remarks
>One of the victims had to swim from Lolita Island after having been raped there three times
>Prominent Members of the 110-Year-Old Pilgrim Society are listed in Epstein's Black Book.
>Epstein violated Meghan's law in January and now several countries are on him

>Epstein Docs on pdf
>Epstein court doc dump 2:
>Flight logs
>Black book unredacted
>Archive with memes and related materials
>Rusty Shackleford YouTube Channel
>Rusty Google Drive archive
>Epstein PizzaGate Links (Fake?)
>Epstein connections and leads:
>For bakers:

What is crucial to understand is that jewish subversive behavior is not a 'grand conspiracy'. It is simply the following of their
genetic coding to infiltrate, subvert, siphon of resources, and destroy societies through promotion of every form of degeneracy imaginable
combined with ethnic cleansing under the mantra of "race not being real", something which they themselves don't follow in israel. They want
to flood the entire planet outside of greater israel with africans and inbred arabs who are easy to control, even hispanics will be targeted for replacement in time.

With sufficient pattern recognition of their behavior, one cannot help but begin to notice their negative influence in every facet of society.



Folder: https://files.catbox.moe/suso1n.7z

Great narrative on Sandy Hook:

>Oy Vey, Sandy Hoax didn't have the effect we had hoped for.

Sandy Hook was supposed to be the Dunblaine or Port Aurther of the US that allowed the elites to scoop up all the guns. Do you want to know why it failed? The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. Seriously. Before the 94 AWB, nobody really wanted an AR15. They were expensive, about $2200 in today's money for a bare bones model, and the semiautomatic rifle of choice was actually the Russian designed SKS. But when you tell Americans they can't have something, they suddenly want it. And since there was no tragedy in 94 to push it through, the AWB had several compromises. The first was that it had to have a ten year sunset clause. The gun grabbers were happy enough with that. They figured that by 2004 nobody would have any guns anyway. The second was the definition of an "assault weapon," which was a features list that included folding or collapsible stocks, apostolic grip, a detachable magazine, a bayonet lug, a grenade launcher attachment and a flash hider. The compromise allowed a rifle to include two features. AR manufacturers deleted the bayonet lug and flash hiders and went right on making rifles. And the general public started buying the"banned" AR-15 droves. Prices dropped, multiple manufacturers sprang up and by the time the AWB expired, the AR-15 had replaced the SKS as the most popular semiautomatic rifle in America. Gun culture flourished, growing by leaps and bounds. More and more states allowed some form of concealed carry and Democratic politicians shut up about gun control. Then Sandy Hook. I think the Dems were surprised at the push back. They honestly thought everyone would give up and turn their guns in. And it was all because they fucked up in 1994.

FBI caught red-handed acting on 4chan, didn’t understand what (You) meant.

https://archive.fo/vmcKI article
http://archive.is/7PB7u thread

USS Liberty:

Hear the testimonies from the ship's survivors. Watch these documentaries:

>Dead in the Water

>The Day Israel Attacked America

>The Day Liberty Died

>'But Sir, It’s an American Ship.' 'Never Mind, Hit Her!' When Israel Attacked USS Liberty

>'The Americans have findings that show our pilots were aware the ship was American,' a newly published document by the State Archives says

>Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship

>Chicago Tribune: Transcripts of IAF communications show pilots who attacked Liberty in Six-Day War saw a U.S. flag.

>New revelations in attack on American spy ship

>Ernie Gallo: The U.S.S Liberty: what really happened? What did not?

>McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty

>Ray MacGovern On Israel attacking USS Liberty the truth must come out !!

>Ex-Australian Prime Minister Confirms Israel Deliberately Attacked America


List here:

it's pretty well known that kike money owns the major tubes. the major tubes control the traffic, so everyone has to play ball with the tubes. the tubes started off by stealing everyones content, youporn being the 1st big tube. once they got big enough from all the stolen content they started a "partner" program and would pay to lease content from studios (funded by ads and affiliate links). now think about this, they stole everyones content, then monetised it and made big bank.

so the mansef crew (pretending to operate out of canada haha) stole the YouPorn blueprint and via money laundering coming in from cypriot and costa rican banks they started stealing everyones content on an industrial scale. like massive theft on a global scale. pornhub was born. once they got the ball rolling with traffic they started to buy other huge tubes for their network. there was a slight bump in the road when a german guy bought mansef (ManSef being the 1st 2 letter of the real owners names, and they weren't good christian names) and changed the name to Manwin.

Manwin had a strangle hold on the adult industry and increased this further by buying up tent pole named brands like Digital Playground, Twistys, etc. they started to make even more money and the "original" owners wanted it back. so they bought the german guy out and renamed the company from Manwin to Mindgeek. they still operate to this day via industrial scale theft and hide behind DMCA safe harbour laws as always. they have an agenda and they don't give a shit about anything but making shekels. this skips out a lot but it's a rough idea of why they do what they do.

Angela Merkel is not a German. She's not even a "German" Jew. She's a Polish one. She was born as "Angela Kasner" and the family's original name was Kaźmierczak - a well documented Jewish surname. It was an occupational name for a cantor in a synagogue. The name was derived from the Hebrew Chazan, and it also spelt Hazan, Khazan, Chasinoff, Khazonovich and Chasins.

Angela's father Horst Kasner was a Communist sympathiser and mother Herlind Jentzsch was a Communist and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Merkel was educated in East Germany and leader of the official, Communist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ) at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin from 1978 until 1989 thus well-schooled in Jewish Bolsheviks Marx, Lenin and Trotsky (Bronstein).

Beyond leading the Young Communist League, Merkel also held high rank in the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschland (SED), which was the leading Marxist–Leninist party of East Germany. Members of this party enjoyed ‘special privileges’ denied to ethnic Germans in East Germany after WWII. For example only closely trusted members of the Communist party (SED) were allowed to travel to western countries and Merkel often travelled to West Germany and other Western Nations. Merkel has visited The Jewish terrorist organization know as Israel four times.

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