Forward from: RUSTLER #mencaricowboy
Cowboy wanted:
Open-hearted cowboy only for male seeks hand some cowboy hunk. Any resem blance to Clint or grath is a plus. Must look great on tight jeans. Make sure that you can mingle well with other cowboys. Obviously we don't want to accepted silent readers, spies clown, clone. The talkactive, crewhead, and dromless one issa plus. And so sorry we don't open our gate for those who couldn't keep secrets. Should have a new pick-upseveral thousand acres of land and plenty of cash. Directly contact @RustlrBot.
Open-hearted cowboy only for male seeks hand some cowboy hunk. Any resem blance to Clint or grath is a plus. Must look great on tight jeans. Make sure that you can mingle well with other cowboys. Obviously we don't want to accepted silent readers, spies clown, clone. The talkactive, crewhead, and dromless one issa plus. And so sorry we don't open our gate for those who couldn't keep secrets. Should have a new pick-upseveral thousand acres of land and plenty of cash. Directly contact @RustlrBot.