how to drink a lot of water. Start your day with plain water. Bila you bangun tidur, head up to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.
For me it's not a glass. 😅 Selalunya I will drink about 500ml of water.
Then, Masa I menghadap laptop and buat kerja, I will always have a bottle of water with me. Botol 1L.
So one hour of work is 1L of water. During work out another 1L of water.
By this time, it's already evening. And yeah I finished 2.5L of water.
So waktu malam, I just have little less water. Sebab I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.
Actually, it's quite easy for me to diet. Like I love plain water. The cold icy one lah of course.
And it get easier sebab I don't eat rice. Some people cannot leave out the rice from their meal. Because we are Malaysian. Rice is bae. 😂
But it's not for me. Adrian is bae. 🙊 Eh? 😂 So tu lah. The hard part of the diet is, I can never say no to my family when they asked me to eat.
Yelah, I tak sampai hati nak tolak pelawaan tu. They cook for me. So macam inappropriate lah untuk turn down the invitation.
And another hard part is the work out. Wei I'm so lazy to work out you know.
So how I managed this hard part?