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Orang boleh bercakap, tapi kau yang menentukan. Kau yang berjalan. (Teme Abdullah)
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Forward from: ANtashah Shop
Ingredients to treat acne.

Nak cantik kena rajin.

Jangan takut oleh kemarahan seseorang sehingga kita takut untuk berkata dan bersikap jujur.


Aku ada sorang member lah kan, katanya kalau dia ada masalah dia pilih untuk diam. Sebab kalau kongsi dengan orang yg memahami dia pun belum tentu orang tu akan betul betul faham.

Andthen now, she never shared her problem even we are to closed. But yeah, kau kan taknak share kau punya masalah. So jgn lah berbunyi bunyi kat status kata orang tak ambil berat. Konon konon cakap " diam itu lebih baik dari bising, dan sorang itu lebih baik dari beramai" whats the point girl kau nak up status mcm tu. Cakap taknak share. Duduk diam diam lah halamakkk walaweee 😂


Orang pernah kata, orang yang selalu bagi nasihat yang mendalam dan terkesan ni selalunya dia lebih menghadapi dugaan/masalah yg lebih berat.

Orang kata, but i think macam betul jugak😂


Kdang nak percaya tu memang susah kan . Lagi2 , kalau kita tau macam2 apa yg dia buat belakang kita . Tkpalah . Cuba , kita ambik side baik ? Maybe ada sebab dia buat mcamtu . Mna tau , hati dia x rela pun buat mcam tu .
Kita jangan terus judge , pikiaq buruk . Hm
Klau dia tak sayangkan hang , dari dulu lagi dia takkan layan hang . Cuba tngok skrang . Dia still layan or not ? Hang tu sentiasa negatif . Plis bagi dia masa😔


Some guys are just so mata keranjang. Ingat perempuan anjing ke apa yang kau nak wooo wooo. 😑


Walking with a high heel is seriously a torture.

But, it make me feel more confident. 😫😂


It has been almost two month after I know her. I decided to tell her that I want to be her zaujj a week after we start chatting each other. Last mont i went to her house to meet her parents. Alhamdulillah it went smoothly. Last week she met my parents. And yes my parents agree with my choice. Alhamdulillah. We are planning to engage after Raya Aidilfitri.

I never thought that I have the bravery to meet her parents, alone. It came naturally. So here is the tips for a guy that want to get serious with a woman. Meet her parents. Do not hesitate. Be brave.

Kau pasti mempunyai seseorang yang selalu kau cari di setiap saat.

Saat kau gembira, saat kau sedih, saat kau rasa seperti kau nak berputus asa. Pasti kau akan berlari mencari orang tu.

Kerana orang tu ada magic touch dia yang tersendiri. It can be anybody. Your parent, your spouse, your friend, anyone.

Kau rasa tenang bila bersama dia. Kerana dia ada magic touch yang mampu menyembuhkan kau.

So today, just say hye to your special someone with that magic touch and say thank you to them.

Thank you for always be the miracle in your life. Thank you love.


Forward from: Sis's Lovette
Lihatlah wanita,
rasa peduli nya selalu tak hilang di mata. Saat ia melihat baju berwarna kesukaan mu, ia berhenti di hadapannya dan mengingatmu. Lalu membayangkan kau memakainya.

Di setiap benda yang kau suka, ia diam-diam berhasrat ingin menghadiahkan kepada mu. Di setiap tempat baru yang ia rasa tertarik, ia berhasrat untuk menunjukkannya kepadamu.

Begitulah wanita,
rasa pedulinya jauh lebih besar dari apa yang di tunjukkannya.

- @sissLovette

Adrian 😂 i don't know. He got like all of it.


I have been dieting and so I can't have a cheat day.

Well yesterday was my chest day where I ate pulut kuning. So I weight myself this subuh and I gain 300g 😭

So since I'm fasting today, I didn't do any work out and I weight myself again few minutes ago.

And I only lose 100g. 🤦🏻‍♀


Esok lusa tulat iv di JB. Isnin pula di Selangor.
Begitulah kehidupan. Penuh luar jangkaan.

Forward from: Sis's Lovette
Lucunya, terkadang kenangan yang sudah dilupakan, bisa teringat kembali dengan hal-hal kecil, tanpa disengajakan.

terdengar lagu kegemarannya, misalnya.

- @sissLovette

Harini hari jadi admin , so kot kot ada yang sama birthday dengan admin dalam ni kan nak ucap lah HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉 🎂 . Mungkin birthday semalam ke , esok ke so ni kira wish untuk korang lah hehe 😝

how to stay motivated during your diet.

✅ Timbang berat everyday and you will get excited sebab you see the number is decreasing everyday.

✅ Have clear and reasonable goal.

✅ Update your diet and work out on social media. This is because, bila you share it on socmed, you akan ada satu self conscious.

Or is it just me? 😅 Ntah. I feel like bila I share my diet and work out on social media, I feel like you are all watching me.

And since people are watching me (probably not) I have to keep up with the diet and workout.

Because malulah kan you post on socmed but you only did it halfway.

Nanti people will judge you. (Actually tak pon, it just as a motivation gitu. You need some negativity in life to keep you going.)

✅ Reward yourself. After you have achieved your goal. Reward yourself.

Reward yourself with something that you really want. As for me, what I really want is to be able to meet my darling boyfriend.

So yeah. Work out, diet, get healthy, reach ideal body and my reward is meet my darling boyfriend. 😘

So that's all kot for now I nak share and membebel. 🙊 Till then, stay healthy people.


how I managed the hard part of my diet.

I love eating. Even my boyfriend know about it. Of course he should know. Because I been asking him to take me out for an ice cream date. 😂

Yeah. So I love eating. But it's the hard part lah. You have to control and watch what you eat. And if I rasa I dah makan something yang akan menjejaskan my weight loss, I will push myself to work out more.

Work out. Work out. Work out. Memang work out sampai you are out of your breath and you mandi peluh.

Even if you nak work out melompat-lompat and cause earthquake pon takpe.

After that, I kan malas work out. 😪 So what I did is, I spend time watching YouTube video of this hot supermodel.

Tengok dia workout, tengok her diet menu, weight loss journey and all that. That's an inspiration for me.

And you have to be clear about your goal. My goal is 52kg by the end of the year. That is my ideal weight.

And also I promise myself, I will only meet my boyfriend after I reach my ideal BMI. 🙊 So until then, I will not see him.

You know how hard it is. 😩 But hard work pays off later kan.


how to drink a lot of water.

Start your day with plain water. Bila you bangun tidur, head up to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.

For me it's not a glass. 😅 Selalunya I will drink about 500ml of water.

Then, Masa I menghadap laptop and buat kerja, I will always have a bottle of water with me. Botol 1L.

So one hour of work is 1L of water. During work out another 1L of water.

By this time, it's already evening. And yeah I finished 2.5L of water.

So waktu malam, I just have little less water. Sebab I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

Actually, it's quite easy for me to diet. Like I love plain water. The cold icy one lah of course.

And it get easier sebab I don't eat rice. Some people cannot leave out the rice from their meal. Because we are Malaysian. Rice is bae. 😂

But it's not for me. Adrian is bae. 🙊 Eh? 😂 So tu lah. The hard part of the diet is, I can never say no to my family when they asked me to eat.

Yelah, I tak sampai hati nak tolak pelawaan tu. They cook for me. So macam inappropriate lah untuk turn down the invitation.

And another hard part is the work out. Wei I'm so lazy to work out you know.

So how I managed this hard part?


I makan chocolate masa diet. 😂 Chocolate kan ada that small bar petak2 right. So I take one small square of chocolate, divide it into 2, and I eat half of it.

See? It so small 😫 it's not enough. But at least, adalah kan daripada tak de.

So disebabkan I sedar diri yang I dah makan sedikit chocolate, I will usually work out right after that.

I do zumba. And some plank, squat. And sometimes Masa tengah baring2 buat kerja atad katil, I will just randomly do some bicycle crunch or something ntah apa nama work out tu.

Basically you just have to lay on your back, and then lift your legs and start to do the cycling motion.

Oohh yeah, I don't like Vegetables. 🙊 That's why you don't see me with vegetables.

And for diet, I take more than 3liters of water everyday.


what I usually eat when I'm on diet?

Basically everything. 😂 I makan semuanya. Buat semuanya tu is protein.

Chicken, meat, fish, eggs. So senang cerita I makan lauk je. Like if our family are having chicken curry, then I will take the chicken (2/3 pieces) and I eat it. Please leave out the gravy okay.

So if chicken is not enough and I feel hungry before the dinner time, I will have one hard boiled eggs.

And for dinner then I will have meat again. Any kind. Maybe meat, or the chicken from lunch or fish.

It's not boring. 😅 For me lah. Sebab I memang sejenis tak berapa suka makan nasi. So it's easy for me to leave out the rice.

I tak makan this things masa diet
❌ Nasi
❌ Any kind of noodles or pasta
❌ Any kind of bread including whole meal bread
❌ No potatoes
❌ No vegetables with high carbohydrates.
❌ No sugar
❌ No carbonated drinks.

Basically apa2 je yang nama dia carbohydrates, I tak makan. Tipu. 😂 I makan. But in small amounts.


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