Forward from: Laura Wells
Updated model shows the biggest part of the CME starting to hit in the next hour or two. — (Note that Models can continue to change the closer it gets)
As of 10am central density is already starting to rise.
10am Solar Wind Info - Current Conditions —
speed: 327.6 km/sec
density: 25.9 protons/cm3
Current KP - KP1
I will keep you all updated
(Remember, earthquake and Volcano watch for 2 weeks (or more depending) after impact)
- Laura Wells
As of 10am central density is already starting to rise.
10am Solar Wind Info - Current Conditions —
speed: 327.6 km/sec
density: 25.9 protons/cm3
Current KP - KP1
I will keep you all updated
(Remember, earthquake and Volcano watch for 2 weeks (or more depending) after impact)
- Laura Wells