As a community of White Europeans we need to wholeheartedly embrace the idea of the eternal struggle. Through many years of cultural subversion we have forgotten who we are. Our ancestors from many ages ago faced insurmountable odds to get us to the point we're at today. We must once again embrace the burden of struggle our ancestors chose to bare to get us here. Just a few generations of weak minded men got us into the mess we're in today. These cowards chose the easy path, so as to not ruffle any feathers along the way. Anything to make it retirement. Anytime a corporation moved the equality goal post, they capitulated no questions asked. The American consumer is equally as guilty. If you're of European descent and awakened to the plot against our people, it is your absolute duty to do everything you can to starve the parasitic system that oppresses us. This will be a difficult and slow process, but the (((juice))) is definitely worth the squeeze. Anytime we can give money directly to one of our own people instead of a jew owned globo homo Corp we are winning. Stockpiling food is also an absolute necessity at this point. Make a garden and produce what you can with the space you have available, and share crops with your neighbors.