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🧪ERC Play🧪 $LEEROY 52k MC
I was a big gamer before getting sucked into the blackhole we know as crypto haha.
Back in the early 2000's when WoW (World of Warcraft) was very popular, a meme emerged. A freakin legend created it.
This hero would YOLO during raids and scream "LEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEEENKINNNNNNSSSSSSSS" into his mic. That meme went viral in gaming haha. I used to scream that into my mic every time even tho I never played WoW.
I love this meme. I'm feeling it!
There's also a pot within the CA called KOTH (King of the Hill).
King Of The Hill: To be eligible to win the hourly pot you need to buy minimum 0.1% of the supply the pot will be claimable by the last buy after 0 buys occur for an hour. 25% will be left to begin the next pot.
Taxes: 4/4
Ownership: Renounced
Liq: Locked for 30 days.
Follow @JulzLabs 🧪 for more Gems and updates.
I was a big gamer before getting sucked into the blackhole we know as crypto haha.
Back in the early 2000's when WoW (World of Warcraft) was very popular, a meme emerged. A freakin legend created it.
This hero would YOLO during raids and scream "LEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEEENKINNNNNNSSSSSSSS" into his mic. That meme went viral in gaming haha. I used to scream that into my mic every time even tho I never played WoW.
I love this meme. I'm feeling it!
There's also a pot within the CA called KOTH (King of the Hill).
King Of The Hill: To be eligible to win the hourly pot you need to buy minimum 0.1% of the supply the pot will be claimable by the last buy after 0 buys occur for an hour. 25% will be left to begin the next pot.
Taxes: 4/4
Ownership: Renounced
Liq: Locked for 30 days.
Follow @JulzLabs 🧪 for more Gems and updates.