KeyyisArt, OPEN ! ^____^

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That’s totally fine! Ga adaaa telat telataaann. Trimakasih banyaaak yaaaa. Kalian yang lagi cari profneeds YUUKK langsung mampir ke @Minourelle, karenaaa besok open >___O

Forward from: ♡ Jehntle : klos!
aaa maaf bangett telatt 😭😭 selamatt debutt baa lucuu @Keyyisart 🤭💕 semoga sukses yaa buat first batch nyaa!!

Lucuunyaaaa. Temen-temen yang lagi cari profneeds yuk cek @AlartCo!

Forward from: AlartCo; open!
Happy debut juga buat @KeyyisArt!! Sukses terus buat ba nyaa, dan semoga rame orderan nya 💖💖

Congrats for 500 babies @lychte BA lucuk!

Promonya buat hari ini ajaaaa yaa temeen temeeennn sampai jam 22.00

Jajan di Belgraum jugaaa yuuukk! Kita sama sama debut🥰

Forward from: Belgraum, debuted! ♥️
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[ A heart full of flowers with abundant happiness. So that you can get that happiness, we would like to ask for your help to forward this important message to your channel. Especially to my business mutuals who saw this message, thank you very much in advance for your help! ]

The gate to a world full of sweet love has been opened. The winding road but really beautiful and amazing, every charm emitted by the various products resulting from the combination of love and abundant happiness can meet all your needs easily. Kami menyediakan beberapa katalog sebagai berikut:

ㅤ     ㅤㅤ⋆ Aplikasi Premium
ㅤ     ㅤㅤ⋆ Diamond Game
ㅤ     ㅤ    ⋆
Coin Line & Webtoon
ㅤ     ㅤ    ⋆ Moodboard
ㅤ     ㅤ    ⋆ Nomor kosong all apk

Kami memberikan promo spesial @Belgraum debut sebesar 10% untuk aplikasi premium serta 25% untuk moodboard ready!! Yuk tunggu apalagi jangan lupa membaca terms and conditions & siapkan format order kalian dan kirim ke @BelgraumBot!

Yuk jajan :p

Forward from: Unknown
Rating dari aku 100000/10 dan honest review nya @KeyyisArt itu recommended banget karena ownernya ramah dan baik sekali, friendly abiezzz. Pengerjaannya juga sat set sat set, hasilnya bagus and beyond my expectation. Hasil pengerjaan ngga pernah gagal. Dan harganya juga cukup affordable dengan hasil yang sebagus dan secantik itu. Intinya @KeyyisArt itu recommended banget. Seluruh dunia harus tau kalau ada store sebagus @KeyyisArt dan kalian harus jajan disini! Thank you @KeyyisArt ♥️

Yeay! Finally debut juga, buat yang mau jajan atau mau tanya2 bisa ke @kiaasite yaaaa, jangan ketinggalan promo nya :o

Kalau ga ada, aku mau infoin dulu nih disc spesial debut:

- Potongan 1k untuk icons (per item, jadi kalau beli 2 icons yang harganya 5k, totalnya jadi 8k ajaaah)

- Pembelian 2 moodboard ready akan mendapatkan 1 moodboard custom 6 slide >___O

Send form nya ke @kiaasite yaa

📝 Kurang dari 20 menit lagi debut nih! Ada pertanyaan sebelum @KeyyisArt debut? Bisa drop disini yaa >___O

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📖 Anonymous Board

[HELP FORWARD] hello! did you see this bubble chat? yes, this is bubble chat from @Hellenics

karena bussines ini baru debut kemarin, jadi aku ingin buat promo besar besaran. buat kalian yang pengen wording atau rapihin channel tapi lagi low budget? santai, di @HeLLenics lagi ngadain promo besar besaran edisi cari testimonials.

jadi, promo nya ada setiap pembelian wording biography atau wording diskon 50% dan untuk rapihin channel diskon 30%. kapan lagi ya kan diskon besar-besaran sampai tanggal 10 Januari? cus lihat catalogue di sini < Tap It > di setiap form ada catalogue dan kirim format order mu ke @HeLLenicsBot // @Jwinni

[HELP FORWARD] hello! did you see this bubble chat? yes, this is bubble chat from @Hellenics

karena bussines ini baru debut hari ini, aku @yivzhuo ingin mengajak kalian semua untuk mutualan bussines bersama channel @HeLLenics. jika kalian berminat, boleh isi list mutual disini < Tap It > tapi sebelum itu jangan lupa untuk berlangganan channel @HeLLenics bagi bubble chat nya sudah di kasi reaction "LOVE" maka saya sudah berlangganan channel anda dan sudah mengisi data, apabila belum mohon bersabar ya.


Forward from: AlartCo; open!
( For Alertt, mutuals are very honored if you want to help forward this message. we're very grateful to you, for taking the time! )

An abstract ball-shaped object that bounces with lightning can be observed from the light that surrounds the ball after it is rolled by a guy who continuously rolls the ball in an effort to achieve his goals. He began employing numerous methods in an attempt to win it, but he has been unsuccessful thus far. And right now, he's looking for friends to ask for assistance from them. He's doing this by searching on Telegram's social media about his need for assistance. he found a friend viz-it; @AlartCo is searching for new mutuals who can support one another. You're more than welcome to get in touch with @AlartCom_bot to start a conversation or to receive alerts for new mutuals! Thank you very much!

123 sayang semuanya

Subs nya lucu

Forward from: . . jucy ploom OPEN 💬🎄
💟 . . . . . . . @JUCYPLOOM 💬

{for my mutual friends, please forward this message to your business channel. thank you so much!}

rise and shine everyone! 🎀🤍
today, 1st january 2023 first day in this year, @jucyploom's open!

at today's opening, for a week @jucyploom will be holding a promo 😲

the promo is, every catalogue in this store will get discount 30%. "everything"

so what are you waiting for? fill the form and send it to the username listed ✨

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