Unleashing Chaos. The Sorcerer's Apprentices. The unholy alliance between American finance and NGOs involved in regime change. 🔸My latest article🔸Gene Sharp, widely considered the godfather of colour revolutions, published his first book, The Politics of Nonviolent Action, in 1973, at a time when the U.S. was mired in a series of crises — economic, political, military — that were eroding confidence in its government domestically and thwarting its geopolitical ambitions. The response to those crises set the course for the following decades.▪️After fifty years it is abundantly clear that though these responses disrupted the post-war global order and led to the U.S. ‘unipolar moment’, they did nothing to address issues that are systemic and structural. If anything, these ‘solutions’ created more, and more intractable, problems for the hegemon that culminated in the crisis of legitimacy the U.S. is currently facing.
Due to the division of academic fields into distinct disciplines, each with its own research focus, so far no one has noticed this strange concurrence of events - the publication of Gene Sharp’s first work, aptly described as a Hybrid War field manual, coincided with the end of Bretton Woods, a turning point that gave new impetus to the financialization of the American economy. Finance was ‘liberated’ from any functional connection to the real economy, becoming a source of great wealth from speculation but also the grand destabilizer of both the domestic and global economy.
Those who had a vested interest in this ‘liberation of the economy’ invested millions of dollars in the ‘liberation from Communism’ and the grooming of new elites that would put an end to the controlled economies and politics of the Eastern Bloc. The fall of the Berlin Wall led to what George Soros called an “explosive period of growth” for his hedge fund (...) While large multinational companies and financial capital organized a takeover of political power, labour and middle-class interests were pushed to the sidelines. Dollar dominance in the global financial system led to an era of hyper-globalization characterized by the primacy of shareholder capitalism, with deregulation and privatization acting as its handmaidens.