Due to @telegram's privacy police, this channel was created for roleplayer purpose only, and has nothing to do with Jung Jaehyun from NCT. All the media i've used and post here came from the internet such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok.
BYI/BYS: This channel might contains of random conversations, LGBT, lil nsfw, broken english and harshword without put any CW or TW.
DNI/DSI: Homophobic, ask about my sexuality, side/fake acc, grammar police.
If you feel uncomfortable with this things, you can unsubs this channel and remove my account from your channel.
BYI/BYS: This channel might contains of random conversations, LGBT, lil nsfw, broken english and harshword without put any CW or TW.
DNI/DSI: Homophobic, ask about my sexuality, side/fake acc, grammar police.
If you feel uncomfortable with this things, you can unsubs this channel and remove my account from your channel.