Léon Degrelle Archive

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A channel dedicated to the life and struggle of Léon Degrelle. A former leader of Rexism, a People’s Leader of Belgium, and a Major-General of the Waffen-SS.

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Rest In Peace Alain Delon
† 18.08.2024

Image : General Léon Degrelle with the famous French actor Alain Delon characterized by “El Zorro” on the set of the film “El Zorro”, Sevilla, Spain, 1975. While in Spain, Degrelle participated in many acts, without hiding at all from the press. Here he was photographed on the set of Zorro in Spain with the original Zorro character, Alain Delon, who was a big fan of Degrelle.

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SS-Sturmbannführer d. R. Léon Degrelle (Commander 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade “Wallonie”) photographed by Walter Frentz (The Führer’s personal photographer) at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia, after the award ceremony with The Führer on August 27, 1944. Degrelle’s Oak Leaves recommendation reads as follows: “An enemy attack on August 23, 1944 that focused against Estonian formations led to the total disintegration of these units. With this the entire west/southwest flank of Dorpat (now Tartu) was exposed, and only defended by alarm units of minimal combat minor. Meanwhile, during the morning hours of this day, SS-Sturmbannführer Léon Degrelle was driving to a heavy Kompanie positioned further to the southwest. After discovering the situation he assembled the disorganized units in the vicinity of Lemmatsi that were fleeing towards Dorpat. He reformed them into a Kampfgruppe buttressed by weak German units,...”

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3.9k 0 42 1 155

Today is the 118th anniversary of General Léon Degrelle’s birthday.

“There will be no moral resurrection of Europe without a deep spiritual life, so much so that, being Catholic, I have always felt perfectly at ease in a future with National Socialism.”

— Léon Degrelle

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The centenary of The Führer Adolf Hitler.

General Léon Degrelle gives speech during The Führer Adolf Hitler’s centenary celebrations in Madrid, Spain, April 20, 1989.

Léon Degrelle was among the founding members of “Committee for the Preparation of Adolf Hitler’s 100th Birthday Celebration”. The aim of the committee was to prepare and organize celebrations to mark Adolf Hitler’s 100th birthday in 1989, which were intended to act as a kind of beacon for “Europe-wide networking and the creation of a common movement from the fragmented neo-NS scene”.

May the lord bless his soul and may he Rest In Peace. 🕯✋️

5.1k 0 21 1 234

ᛣ 31.3.1994

Léon Degrelle and White Russians

Brussels, Sports Palace, July 2, 1943. Meeting of the Anti-Bolshevik Committee.

First row (from left to right): Professor Grotov, Lieutenant Davidenkov of the Russian Liberation Army, Léon Degrelle, Dr. H. Voyklekhnovsky and the guard.

“That’s the way it is. This present world, hypocritical, impotent, a farce in the midst of tragedy, is the one that was built for you in 1945 ; it is this world, reeking of uselessness and harmfulness, that you, the young Europeans of today, are going to have to bring down.”

— Léon Degrelle

7.8k 0 96 3 178

Forward from: Blood and Faith
''Our legion was like a band of brothers: we were united in all things.''

—Léon Degrelle (Campaign in Russia: The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front)

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Lieutenant-General Werner Otto Sanne (Commander 100. Light-Infantry-Division), who awarded Léon Degrelle the Iron Cross Second Class on March 3, 1942, was ordered to surrender himself and his remaining troops along with the entire Sixth Army commanded by Field Marshall Friedrich Paulus to the Red Army after the battle of Stalingrad on January 31, 1943. He spent the next few years in various camps. On September 26, 1952 he died in captivity in the Krasnopol camp.

“In the human desert, where there are so many lambs, there are lions.”

— Léon Degrelle

Lance Corporal Léon Degrelle smile for the camera after being awarded an Iron Cross Second Class, Stepanovka, U.S.S.R., March 3, 1942.

Captain Pierre Pauly (Commander 373. Infantry-Battalion) smiles with satisfaction as Major-General Werner Otto Sanne congratulates Lance Corporal Léon Degrelle, who has just been awarded the Iron Cross Second Class and promoted to warrant officer and proposed for the rank of officer, Stepanovka, U.S.S.R., March 3, 1942. Indeed, while Léon Degrelle was undoubtedly the Legion’s spiritual leader, constantly inspiring it with his faith in the ideal, he was no less imbued with real military values: courage and a spirit of sacrifice, intelligence of the situation in the field and a sense of initiative, exemplary conduct inspiring the men’s confidence and stimulating their zeal for combat.

After the fierce fighting at Gromovaya-Balka, USSR, Major-General Werner Sanne (Commander 100. Light-Infantry-Division), rewarded the Walloons’ heroism with thirty-seven Iron Cross Second Class - an exceptional feat for a single battalion - during a parade on March 13, 1942. Captain Pierre Pauly (Commander 373. Infantry-Battalion) was the first to receive it, Stepanovka, U.S.S.R., March 3, 1942.

Forward from: North Of Nothing
“Christmas at Cherbinovka”

On Christmas Eve we attended midnight Mass at a church re-consecrated by our chaplain. A Russian choir sang in shrill, heart rending tones. Outside the snow fell in large flakes. Lying behind their machine guns, several of our soldiers occupied combat positions at the four corners of the building. ….

…. We spent Christmas and New Years joylessly, holed up in our smoky rooms. A manger scene, drawn in charcoal on the mud wall, recalled for us December in our own homes. A few poor votive lamps smoked. Stretched out on the straw, we stared into space. At the top of the hill, on wooden crosses, the steel helmets of our dead wore clumps of snow, like chrysanthemums fallen from heaven…

-Leon Degrelle

The Eastern Front

Forward from: Nyilaskeresztes Párt
Léon Degrelle (center) stands in formation with fighters from the Belgian Volunteers who are on their way to fight in the Soviet Union.

Belgium, August 15, 1941.

The Walloon Rexist honor badge (Insigne d'Honneur des Formations de Combat) was worn by soldiers wounded in combat from the Légion Wallonie. Reichsführer ϟϟ Heinrich Himmler gave official sanction to the wearing of the award on SS uniform, By an order dated 16 October 1944.

Gefreiter (Lance Corporal) Léon Degrelle poses with his Mg-34 among the peasants’ huts of Gromovaya-Balka, USSR, early 1942.

On January 26, 1942, the Walloon Legion, along with Croatian units was ordered to push through to the river Samara and on 18 February, under withering Soviet artillery fire, they managed to occupy the village of Gromovaya-Balka. On 28 February, a fierce assault by tanks and infantry was launched against the positions of the Walloon Legion. After heavy fighting, they were taken by the Soviets but retaken by the Walloon Legion. This battle action, the first by the Legion was important enough to be mentioned in dispatches of 100. Light-Infantry-Division. Degrelle, promoted to Gefreiter (Corporal) on 11 February, was promoted again on the spot to Feldwebel (Technical Sergeant) for his courageous actions and awarded the Iron Cross Second Class by General Sanne on 2 March 1942.

8.8k 0 77 2 106

The Great Grandson of Léon Degrelle, is active on Twitter and has been showing his activism in the recent protests against the current Coalition of the Spanish government. he brought an Roman Catholic icon of the Saint Patron of Spain, the icon of Virgin Mary of Immaculate Conception.

We from the Léon Degrelle Archive obviously support the protest against the Coalition and make sure to follow his great grandson on Twitter!

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