Forward from: Human Peach
And I would willing and love to congratulate all of my mutuals and friends that are portraying Na Jaemin. Happy Birthday to you! Nadhif, Nazriel, Dio, Agas, Hizkia, Jaeline, Jolande, Jaemizeo, Michaella, Raka, Cheeko, Fauzan, Lana, Gellert, Amar, Joestin, Felix, Aksara, Deliam, Alkana, Jean, Aiden, Atra, Aiden, Mirzha, Jaechie, Nachuya, Winky, Jesam, Navindra, Nana, Jeido, Jedrian, Kaito, Marvo, Jemian, and Arthur.
I'm sending all of my best wishes to you. And thank you for portraying Jaemin well, I hope all of you will always portray him well. Have a fantastic birthday! Enjoy all of the cakes, hugs, and loves from all of the people that love you. Please don't forget to be happy, not only for today but for all of that day that will come! ♡
I'm sending all of my best wishes to you. And thank you for portraying Jaemin well, I hope all of you will always portray him well. Have a fantastic birthday! Enjoy all of the cakes, hugs, and loves from all of the people that love you. Please don't forget to be happy, not only for today but for all of that day that will come! ♡