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"Evergrande shares closed 10.2% lower in Hong Kong on Monday, a slight recovery after being down 19% in the morning, hitting an 11-year low.

The company, China’s second-biggest developer which owes $300bn to contractors, investors and homebuyers, dragged the Hang Seng index down to its lowest point for nearly a year.

Other large Hong Kong property stocks such as New World Development and Henderson Land were also seeing double-figure drops in their prices on Monday amid widespread expectation that Evergrande, which has been crushed by a Beijing crackdown on highly leveraged developers, will default on some of its repayments this week.

It is feared such a move could cause a possibly chaotic knock-on effect through the Chinese economy and beyond."

China, Evergrande property company default, 300 Billion in Debt.


Many are calling this "China's Lehman Brothers moment" but given the size of the Chinese economy, it seems unlikely to be a similar "systemic threat" which the collapse of Lehman represented.

Sure there'll be some fallout, but will it be "systemic" in nature?


Monday blues! Hang Seng Index drops 3% as #China worries related to #Evergrande, the second-biggest property developer in China with about USD 300 billion in #debt, spike.

That AOC "Tax the Rich" dress?

To AOC's right is her dress designer Aurora James.

To Aurora James' right is her boyfriend Benjamin Bronfman, who is worth $100 million

Benjamin Bronfman’s dad, Edgar Bronfman Jr., is a billionaire who was listed in Jeffrey Epstein’s black book.

His aunt, Clare Bronfman, was sentenced to 81 months in prison for her role in the NXIVM sex cult, which was the subject of the popular HBO docuseries The Vow.

COVID-19 Therapeutics Strategy: Commission identifies five promising candidate therapeutics

Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, said: “Today we are taking the first step towards a broad portfolio of therapeutics to treat COVID-19. Whilst vaccination is progressing at increasing speed, the virus will not disappear and patients will need safe and effective treatments to reduce the burden of COVID-19. Our goal is clear, we aim to identify more front-runner candidates under development and authorise at least three new therapeutics by the end of the year. This is the European Health Union in action.”

Of course Ivermectin is not mentioned at all.

"European Health Union in action" my ass....

"The five products are in an advanced stage of development and have a high potential to be among the three new COVID-19 therapeutics to receive authorisation by October 2021, the target set under the Strategy, provided the final data demonstrate their safety, quality and efficacy. The products are:

A new COVID-19 indication for existing medicines:

baricitinib immunosuppresant (a medicine that reduces the activity of the immune system) from Eli Lilly: an application for extension of marketing authorisation for COVID-19 indication is under assessment

Newly developed monoclonal antibodies under rolling review - a regulatory tool to speed up the assessment of a promising medicine during a public health emergency:

combination of bamlanivimab and etesevimab from Eli Lilly: under rolling review

combination of casirivimab and imdevimab from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and F. Hoffman-La Roche, Ltd: under rolling review

regdanvimab from Celltrion: under rolling review

sotrovimab from GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology, Inc.: under rolling review"

All "new" drugs, obviously going to be high cost for us, high profit for big Pharma.

Low cost Ivermectin won't lead to high profits for big Pharma

The drugs don't work, they just make things worse......


Singapore Outbreak Worsens With 80% Vaccinated -

"Life Has Not Improved By As Much As We Hoped"

Despite Singapore being one of the world's most heavily vaxxed countries, not much about life has changed for the worst of the COVID pandemic. Alex Cook, an infectious diseases modelling expert at the National University of Singapore, acknowledged that life had not improved "by as much as we might have hoped," despite Singapore being one of the world's most vaccinated countries.

A curious thing has happened since Singapore hit 80%, Cook reminds us: "The community cases have actually gone up since reaching 80 per cent coverage, in part because we're allowing more social events for those who are vaccinated and, I dare say, more fatigue at the control measures," Cook told the ABC.

And the outlook isn't exactly positive: Gan Kim Yong, co-chair of the multi-ministry task force, said the "worrying" spike in infections would "probably get to 2,000 new cases a day," describing the next two to four weeks as "crucial."

It's a lesson that's not unique to Singapore; "One main lesson from across South-East Asia is that it is incredibly hard to prevent Delta's spread and, as Singapore shows, even high vaccination rates will not help that much," Cook added.

Forward from: The Irish Git
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Professor of bolixfuckingology and propaganda Dr Anthony Staines..................

"70 members of the Pfizer investment board are members of the Chinese Communist Party."

Phrased as it is this is essentially a HOAX

There is NO "Pfizer Investment Board"

There is something called the Board of Pfizer Investments

Pfizer have an investment subsidiary in China called Pfizer Investments. Note it is a subsidiary, it is controlled by the parent company, it does NOT control Pfizer.

Naturally, since it is based in China and concerned solely with investing in the Chinese market the board is almost exclusively Chinese.

Therefore finding members of the CCP on the board of a Pfizer subsidiary which deals solely in China is only to be expected.

Unlike Americans Chinese are not freaked out like hysterical idiots by membership of the CCP, because membership of the CCP is NORMAL in China, no more remarkable than membership of the Dems or the Repubs in the US.

Pfizer Investments is based in China, only invests in the Chinese Market.

The story above however is deliberately mischaracterised so as to sound hella scary.

The aim is to con you into believing that the parent company of Pfizer Investments, which is Pfizer Plc, is controlled by the CCP. That would be a completely false understanding of the situation.

This claim is generally unsourced when it rears its ugly head but in fact the story originates from dubious claims made by a semi-anonymous twatter account, which were then amplified and spread by combination of knowing liars and clueless hysterical idiots.

Please do a bit of research before spreading hysterical mostly-nonsencsical bullshit like the above.

Apply some critical thinking now and again, don't just be ultrapredictable mindless click baited sheep

"70 members of the Pfizer investment board are members of the Chinese Communist Party."

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Irish MEP, Mick Wallace, lets rip on Afghanistan

"The #EU will learn nothing from #Afghanistan if they don't call what happened by its name - 'It was War by the Imperialist Core to advance its geostrategic interests'. #NATO + #US should be held to account for it's Crimes against Humanity."

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Nancy Pelosi visits England

Locals line up to tell her "You're not welcome here!"

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How they did it in Hong Kong....

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Melbourne, Australia:

Anti-Covid-Terror protestors fight back when attacked by police.

European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly, the EU’s top accountability and governance officer, launched an inquiry into the European Commission’s refusal to hand over the contents of communications between von der Leyen and a CEO of an unnamed pharmaceutical company about a Covid-19 vaccine contract.

As a first step, O’Reilly asked the Commission to explain its policy on keeping records of von der Leyen’s text messages.

The Commission has an obligation to record instant messages relating to important policy or political matters, such as the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines,” O’Reilly’s office wrote in a statement about the case.

Fascism in California:

California congressional candidate suggests “shooting” anyone who doesn’t take pandemic seriously enough

“Whenever anyone says, ‘we all die from something’ (or a variation thereof) to justify not taking precautions to help protect others in this pandemic, we should be allowed to shoot them.

“Why are you crying? We all die from something. For you, it’s that bullet in your gut.”

— Steve Cox (@RealSteveCox) August 9, 2021

This was in response to a tweet from Walsh in which he wrote:

“COVID is here to stay. You’re going to get it. It almost certainly won’t kill you, but it could. You’ll probably get cancer eventually too unless you die first. Lots of scary things out there. Death is certain. Suffering is unavoidable. Stop cowering. Live your live while you can.”

: September 17, 2021

Instagram blocks results for “natural immunity” hashtag

“This hashtag is hidden."

Instagram has blocked the results page for the use of the hashtag #naturalimmunity

When the hashtag is selected, Instagram says, “This hashtag is hidden,” and that “Posts for #naturalimmunity have been limited because the community has reported some content that may not meet Instagram’s Community Guidelines.”

Many posts using the hashtag were centered around stories that suggest that those who have recovered from COVID were less likely to catch COVID again than someone who was vaccinated but had no prior exposure to COVID.

A 700,000-person Israeli study this month found those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic infection than those who were only vaccinated, and many have taken to social media to discuss it.

However, Instagram has started to censor the hashtag.



The court of appeal has overturned a controversial judgment that children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs.

Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust, which runs NHS England’s only gender identity development service (GIDS) for children, challenged a high court ruling last year in a case brought against the service by Keira Bell, a 24-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers when she was 16 before detransitioning. The other applicant was the unnamed mother of a teenage autistic girl on the waiting list for treatment.

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Stew Peters advising to buy immune-System boosting supplement from Dr Vladimir Zelenko.

(I am not a Medical professional, this is NOT medical advice)

I just checked his site for pricing:

$55 for 50 pills - plus postage to Europe.

Essentially what he apears to be selling is a mixture of the following:

Zinc - €3.50 euros for 30 pack x2 = €7

Vitamin C - €2.50 euros for 30 pack x2 = €5

Vitamin D - €2.50 euros for 30 pack x2 = €5

Quercetin (aka Coenzym Q10) €5.50 for 45 pills (includes B1,B5,B6 and Magnesium)

Additionally older people, 40yrs and above, males especially, should add:

Copper supplement if taking extra zinc - €2.50 per 30 pack x2 = €5

total = €27.50

Add €16.50 for full 90 day supply

Total €44 for 90 days

versus $55 plus postage for 50 days

(I am not a Medical professional, this is NOT medical advice)

MIT-Designed Superconducting Magnet Is Major Advance Toward Fusion Energy
September 15th, 2021

It was a moment three years in the making, based on intensive research and design work: On Sept. 5, for the first time, a large high-temperature superconducting electromagnet was ramped up to a field strength of 20 tesla, the most powerful magnetic field of its kind ever created on Earth. That successful demonstration helps resolve the greatest uncertainty in the quest to build the world’s first fusion power plant that can produce more power than it consumes, according to the project’s leaders at MIT and startup company Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS).

With the magnet technology now successfully demonstrated, the MIT-CFS collaboration is on track to build the world’s first fusion device that can create and confine a plasma that produces more energy than it consumes. That demonstration device, called SPARC, is targeted for completion in 2025

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