Forward from: ✶ 𝐂roo!sa͞nt, TODAY
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ㅤ[ To all my beloved BA mutuals or everyone who sees this, then if you wish please help spread this message on your channel out. We thank you very much for doing this! 💖 ]
Eyyo, Buddies! Toko kami, Crooisant telah membuka pintu untuk siapapun yang ingin berbelanja dan memesan menu yang tersedia. This is our first time opening, so what you waiting for? If you are confused about looking for the necessary needs, then visit our shop.
Lihat menu yang tersedia, lalu pesan dengan penuh suka cita! Before ordering, you must read the Terms and Condition first. If so then, kindly check @crooisant if you're interested. Hopefully everything goes well, big thanks and see you on our store!
Eyyo, Buddies! Toko kami, Crooisant telah membuka pintu untuk siapapun yang ingin berbelanja dan memesan menu yang tersedia. This is our first time opening, so what you waiting for? If you are confused about looking for the necessary needs, then visit our shop.
Lihat menu yang tersedia, lalu pesan dengan penuh suka cita! Before ordering, you must read the Terms and Condition first. If so then, kindly check @crooisant if you're interested. Hopefully everything goes well, big thanks and see you on our store!