Brennende Synagoge in Essen, 10. November 1938
For the question under discussion, namely, the further shaping of Anglo-German relations, only the two most important political effects of the anti-Semitic wave in Germany need be mentioned the pessimism which has overtaken just those sections of the British public who actively supported Anglo-German friendship, and the deterioration in Chamberlain's position.
For the anti-German circles in Britain, the excesses against the Jews and the new legal measures were only grist to the mill; whereas for pro-German circles, yielding to the atmosphere here and to press propaganda, it was a severe shock. Their confidence in the possibility of an Anglo-German understanding is shaken; their effectiveness is crippled. The Cabinet lacks their moral support and their encouragement. In number and significance the extent of these circles is very much greater than appears outwardly.
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For the question under discussion, namely, the further shaping of Anglo-German relations, only the two most important political effects of the anti-Semitic wave in Germany need be mentioned the pessimism which has overtaken just those sections of the British public who actively supported Anglo-German friendship, and the deterioration in Chamberlain's position.
For the anti-German circles in Britain, the excesses against the Jews and the new legal measures were only grist to the mill; whereas for pro-German circles, yielding to the atmosphere here and to press propaganda, it was a severe shock. Their confidence in the possibility of an Anglo-German understanding is shaken; their effectiveness is crippled. The Cabinet lacks their moral support and their encouragement. In number and significance the extent of these circles is very much greater than appears outwardly.
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