Das zerstörte Leipziger Kaufhaus Bamberger & Hertz in Leipzig am 10. November 1938; Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Inv.-Nr. 2016/342/2
France's much publicized refusal to consider Germany's colonial demands has been eagerly seized upon and endorsed by anti German circles in Britain.
As long as this mood prevails, it will be impossible for Chamberlain to consider carrying out his plan of attempting a settlement with Germany on a broad basis. It remains to be seen in addition to whether, in addition to this, Chamberlain himself has changed his mind, as is asserted in well-informed circles. Experience has shown that trends, such as are to be seen in British public opinion at present, recede again after a short time and that political perspicacity regains the upper hand over emotional impulses.
v. Dirksen“
28. ↑ National-Zeitung; 4. Jahrgang Nr. 80
29. ↑ Vladimir Jabotinsky, Der Judenstaat, H. Glanz, Wien 1938, S. 133. Zit. n. Zionismus.info: Günstiger Sturm, Taifun und Evakuierung
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France's much publicized refusal to consider Germany's colonial demands has been eagerly seized upon and endorsed by anti German circles in Britain.
As long as this mood prevails, it will be impossible for Chamberlain to consider carrying out his plan of attempting a settlement with Germany on a broad basis. It remains to be seen in addition to whether, in addition to this, Chamberlain himself has changed his mind, as is asserted in well-informed circles. Experience has shown that trends, such as are to be seen in British public opinion at present, recede again after a short time and that political perspicacity regains the upper hand over emotional impulses.
v. Dirksen“
28. ↑ National-Zeitung; 4. Jahrgang Nr. 80
29. ↑ Vladimir Jabotinsky, Der Judenstaat, H. Glanz, Wien 1938, S. 133. Zit. n. Zionismus.info: Günstiger Sturm, Taifun und Evakuierung
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