[ This message is given to our esteemed mutuals, we ask you all to forward these precious sentences to your channel. Thank u very much, this is very helpful. I hope you guys have a great day!♡ ]
The rabbit leaps happily, its white soft fur makes every creature want to pet it. The warmth around the park united with a pleasant atmosphere. A sheep was found, FLAWLNESS is now crowded with cutesy objects circling. Playing and singing, how beautiful it is to be accompanied by simple yet beautiful works.
We'd like to announce some of the most important things that will be delivered. That @flawlness now opens a batch for the second time on August 28, you can see the different types of icons with adorable themes. Such as; drawing icons, couple icons and themed icons! Make sure you read our TNC before purchase then send a form order to @Flawnessrobot. Write down the date and come visit our shop immediately!
The rabbit leaps happily, its white soft fur makes every creature want to pet it. The warmth around the park united with a pleasant atmosphere. A sheep was found, FLAWLNESS is now crowded with cutesy objects circling. Playing and singing, how beautiful it is to be accompanied by simple yet beautiful works.
We'd like to announce some of the most important things that will be delivered. That @flawlness now opens a batch for the second time on August 28, you can see the different types of icons with adorable themes. Such as; drawing icons, couple icons and themed icons! Make sure you read our TNC before purchase then send a form order to @Flawnessrobot. Write down the date and come visit our shop immediately!