Mike Ma Is My Religion II

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I preface this all with a reminder that none of what you're about to read reflects upon the author himself. The following is purely fiction.

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Hey bro help me spread this around PLEASE. share the link to whoever you can. We are going full deathsquad tonight https://odysee.com/@WHITEDOG:6/collapse7:9
A comedic and harshly realist view of various events, from global moves to the obscure, as the end of it all approaches.

Forward from: The Paranormies Present
We here at The Paranormies always stress the importance of community building, helping each other out and taking care of our brothers, so when such an opportunity to do so arises, it is with great enthusiasm and passion that I recommend we all take the opportunity to put our money where our mouths are and give a little bit of what we have been blessed with to help one of our own in need.

Grognak is not just a member of our podcast, he's a close personal friend, a great, White dad with a White family who needs help. The GiveSendGo writeup doesn't mention he actually just became a father to his FIFTH and SIXTH children, and there are other very serious personal issues that go well beyond the potential eviction they are facing. If everyone here pitches in and donates a tiny bit it will have a massive positive impact upon their ability to survive in this vicious, predatory world.

Also, he has no clue we're doing this for him and would never in a million years have asked for help, which is one of the reasons we are.

Here is the link to the GiveSendGo. Give what you can, even if it’s just a prayer and an uplifting message.



Forward from: Hyper-sane surgical high intensity insanity exercises
Ciro is such a bitch that he sends his butt budies to report back what I say despite me not banning him whereas after he started this whole shitshow he banned me for fucking thumbs down reacts lmao. I've fought tougher antifa than him but you think he's gonna do domestic terrorisms? Holy fuck he can even handle an internet fight without running to the FBI

Forward from: Hyper-sane surgical high intensity insanity exercises
To all of ciro's defenders this is who you defend. A lying faggot that bitches out as soon as he gets called out for lying about his past and acting tough. For the spectators the ones who still defend after this are federal agents and probably the same ones he had sent to my house

Forward from: Hyper-sane surgical high intensity insanity exercises
Also responsible for the deaths of a coworker and byproxy the coworkers daughter. So he's up to 3 DEATHS AND SOMEONE BECOMING PARALYZED! Truly amazing

Forward from: Hyper-sane surgical high intensity insanity exercises
So he's also responsible (on top of his friends death) for his other friend becoming paralyzed!

Forward from: Presby’s Semi-Wholesome Shitposts
Someone should make an animated kids show of Gothic Violence and Harassment Architecture

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Hey Guys, GM

@MikeMaIMR @MikeMaIMR2 @SchizosWithGuns

🍄🍄💥 🍄🍄💥🍄🍄

...chill tf out....


True Implosion

You hate to see it. Sometimes when you form friendships or become well acquainted with somebody online (or offline but I'm much too young to see the full cycle of behavior play out), eventually things go wrong in their life that result in self destructive behaviors that are devastating to watch and impossible to help.

All you can really do is offer small bits of proper advice that would help, but because they're imploding they're almost definitely not going to be able to follow or take seriously. And then you have to sit back and try not to watch but also try not to be callous, unless being callous would help. It almost never will. And the whole time you just have to hope they pull up out of their nosedive. Most of the time they will eventually regain their sanity, but some will permanently lose the plot and it will end in suicide.

What can you do when you see somebody who looks like this might really be it? Not much. First off you have to remove yourself from their lashing out as gracefully as possible. Not because you don't care about them, but because you do care about them and any chance for them to harm you is another very bad ticking time bomb that will most likely go off if it can go off.

Another thing you can do is slightly nudge the focus off the implosion by talking about other things or reiterating to other people that you don't care and it's not anything you want to be involved in. Because at the end of the day you offer to help where reasonable and avoid being roped into things that are unreasonable and what happens is going to happen and it's not up to you.

If it ends in suicide then that sucks for that person shouldn't lose any sleep over it, it's not you. You but you tried to help them in a reasonable manner and didn't throw any gasoline on the proverbial fire so you shouldn't feel bad or any guilt for even a second. I know I never have and never will. I'm just that bad-ass.

One thing you should take note of is who eggs on the implosion and who takes pleasure at the person's specific suffering in a truly demented way. They are people you need to be very deliberate around, because they're not good influences or good people generally. There are of course exceptions because some people act in a way that their destruction is justified in being cheered. As always, discretion and context are the most important things in any judgment. The most important thing about somebody's implosion is that it doesn't harm you. The second most important thing about somebody's implosion is that you don't help them harm themselves. Try to nudge them out of a self-destructive loop if possible. The third most important thing is that you don't actually care what happens and you do what benefits you most because you aren't alive to have your emotions weaponized against you.

- P.T.
It Is The Secret
Pg 191-192


Forward from: Nyaruko Nevermind

"There are moments when things are so dark that you can only assume you are watching some foretold end of the times.

There are moments when your leaders, your neighbors, your family will all turn the knife on you. For nothing at all.

There are very few cures to this outside of violence. Should you leave, they might find you. Should you surrender, well then you lost. But the dead cannot chase you. Violence is a vaccine. It works, but at the cost of everything. It does not repair the victim. It extinguishes the whole flame and then itself. Just as the honey bee leaves its organs behind with a sting. There is nothing dark about this.

"Authenticity is owed to us all. We deserve to live without being lied to at every turn. We deserve to hold things
that are real, see things that are true, live amongst the beauty of this realm as it was intended. We deserve to own our land, our livestock, our home and the belongings inside of it. Nothing should be given on ill terms. Everything that we need to subsist can be found again and found always. It is never too late to turn back."

"When I stand on marble it feels like the floor of a pine forest, the shore of a beach, something equal in reality. The feeling is there in each. That certainty, that calling back to a classical ardor. There is a plasmatic glow in the veins of the world and it is felt by the honest. I am here now. I am firmly rooted and those who hate me are the enemies of all that is natural. Forever implante
d in the soil is this moment eternal and immune to false portrayal, bound to the world by blood. If I die, if I was struck down here in this second, my torch would still carry. It is both beyond and attached to me, just as the arm that holds a fire lights the path its feet will travel."

- Mike Ma
Gothic Violen
Pg 170-171

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I have reached my limit for small trojan horsemen chicanery

@freemrbondnews @schizoswithguns

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everybody wants to rule the world

[oc here]


Forward from: Normie Pipeline
New book arrived 🥰

The times call for true struggle. Against the key-holders and the ones who defend them. The times call for blood and the reward of peace. Above good and bad, cold or hot, people want genuine. They want to know that when something happens, it really happened. They want to know that it was done by real people. Too often are things a shadow. Too often are things meant to deceive. All things must run with blood-in-vein again.

- Mike Ma
Gothic Violence
Pg 10-11


art by @waveguy

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