True Implosion
You hate to see it. Sometimes when you form friendships or become well acquainted with somebody online (or offline but I'm much too young to see the full cycle of behavior play out), eventually things go wrong in their life that result in self destructive behaviors that are devastating to watch and impossible to help.
All you can really do is offer small bits of proper advice that would help, but because they're imploding they're almost definitely not going to be able to follow or take seriously. And then you have to sit back and try not to watch but also try not to be callous, unless being callous would help. It almost never will. And the whole time you just have to hope they pull up out of their nosedive. Most of the time they will eventually regain their sanity, but some will permanently lose the plot and it will end in suicide.
What can you do when you see somebody who looks like this might really be it? Not much. First off you have to remove yourself from their lashing out as gracefully as possible. Not because you don't care about them, but because you do care about them and any chance for them to harm you is another very bad ticking time bomb that will most likely go off if it can go off.
Another thing you can do is slightly nudge the focus off the implosion by talking about other things or reiterating to other people that you don't care and it's not anything you want to be involved in. Because at the end of the day you offer to help where reasonable and avoid being roped into things that are unreasonable and what happens is going to happen and it's not up to you.
If it ends in suicide then that sucks for that person shouldn't lose any sleep over it, it's not you. You but you tried to help them in a reasonable manner and didn't throw any gasoline on the proverbial fire so you shouldn't feel bad or any guilt for even a second. I know I never have and never will. I'm just that bad-ass.
One thing you should take note of is who eggs on the implosion and who takes pleasure at the person's specific suffering in a truly demented way. They are people you need to be very deliberate around, because they're not good influences or good people generally. There are of course exceptions because some people act in a way that their destruction is justified in being cheered. As always, discretion and context are the most important things in any judgment. The most important thing about somebody's implosion is that it doesn't harm you. The second most important thing about somebody's implosion is that you don't help them harm themselves. Try to nudge them out of a self-destructive loop if possible. The third most important thing is that you don't actually care what happens and you do what benefits you most because you aren't alive to have your emotions weaponized against you.
- P.T.
It Is The Secret
Pg 191-192@MikeMaIMR