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Seems like good result for thermal paste replacement?

Forward from: MoZoiD
Thermal paste replacement seems effective. Battery temp has reached 40 degree during usage under sunlight. Cpu temps remain below 50

Forward from: MoZoiD
Device display started coming out loosely.

So opened up device to stick display properly + properly fix volume buttons + decided to take a look at thermal paste situation. 5 year old thermal paste had mostly dried up.

Cleaned up with IPA and used Coolermaster MasterGrlthermal paste i had left over from my pc build - just enough to spread evenly wide in a thin layer.

Didnt get pics of after applying new thermal paste but sufficient to say it got a good wide and thin spread.

Normal usage temps are definitely about 5-10 degree less for cpu

Root Hide Guide

This is a great guide and well updated for root hide help. Try follow if your apps dont work. I will make custom guide if I find it inadequate later on

Charge Heat Fix

Use one of the following modules in magisk or KSU to limit charging speed to reduce heating. 2700 will charge faster than using thermal throttled charging while keeping temps low.

Use 2400 for less heat 2100 if u want minimal heat.

Thermal throttling slows down charging much lower anyway and so these modules charge reasonably fast maintainjng desired temps


Any source other than links posted on Revanced Official XDA page should not be trusted.

1. Official Revanced Telegram

2. Official Revanced Github

3. MicroG for Revanced non-root apk users

4. Preconfigured Zygisk detatch for youtube and youtube music. Flash and forget along with magisk modules for revanced.

Unlimited Gphotos:

Use this revanced module which works for root and non-root users

How to flash persist partition to fix sensor issues

IMP: Flashing persist breaks widevine l1 status(which can be restored)  and breaks TEE(Trusted Execution Environement) which cannot be restored but it doesnt cause any issues for any apps.

1. Check 'device info hw' app for sensors. It should show 33 or 34.(28 if on miui 10. Dont worry) If it doesnt, u need to try this command to see if it fixes sensors before flashing persist to fix it.

1. Flash stock miui rom. Extract persist.img file from any miui stock fastboot rom file(use 7 zip and extract file twice) or use this persist.img file from Indian 12.5.1 rom.

2. Place persist.img in same folder as your adb and fastboot folder on computer.
Install latest abd and fastboot using this tool. Note installation directory to place perisit.img file inside

3. Run command

fastboot flash persist persist.img


You can flash persist.img using latest official ofox or any unofficial ofox. Choose persist.img, select persist partition as target and flash

4. Reboot and check sensors in 'device info hw' app. If it shows zero, perform this command.

5. Open stock camera app. Switch to front cam. It will go in and out until it shows a prompt asking to calibrate camera. Let it calibrate and make sure popup cam works fine.

6. Follow this guide to calibrate fod and this guide to restore widevine L1 status

7. Take recovery backup of persist partition and keep it safely backed up on another device/computer for future use.

How to restore widevine L1 status

To restore Widevine L1, Flash Indian 12.5.1 stock rom or 12.5.6 rom.
Then, Go to settings > Password & Security > Fingerprint Unlock > Fingerprint paymets > Widevine L1 > Download certificate.

->Ensure that you check widevine L1 status on miui 11 or miui 12 or on custom rom that supports widevine L1 status(Almost every rom A11 and above will support widevine l1. A9 and miui 10.does not support widevine l1)
->Check widevine status using 'DRM Info' app from play store.
Widevine L1 is needed for HD quality streaming on Netflix. Doesnt matter otherwise

How to calibrate FOD fingerprint sensor

1. Install stock miui rom of your device region(Works fine on any stock miui but I find A9 MIUI 10 to work best especially for third party displays)

2. Change your display settings to light mode(dont use dark mode) Go to settings-about phone-All specs/show all details- Repeatedly press kernel version until CIT menu launches
3. Click 3 dot menu button on top right in CIT menu, select 'advanced tools'
4. Select 'fod fingerprint calibration'
5. Press start, for Flesh Flat - Use an A4 paper to cover display and place thumb on top of fod over the paper and click start
6. For Black Flat - Use a black paper(preferably matte. Try to use any black material to cover. ) to cover lower half of display and press thumb over fod over the paper.
7. Now you may get Performance Chart Test Pass or fail. Either way, reboot and try add fingerprint and check if fod works. It will work fine even if you dont get performance chart pass
8. It is worthwhile to attempt a few times(Sometimes it  shows success when you keep trying for 5-10 minutes) so that final status shows 'Performance Chart Test Pass' as fos will work even better then.
9. If your widevine status is L3, follow this guide to restore widevine L1.

10. Now take backup of this calibrated persist partition with widevine L1 from recovery. Keep this persist backup safely on a computer or any other device in case needed in future.

-> Third party '5 point multi finger touch supporting' displays will work after fod calibration depending on ur luck. Some will work fine after calibration on OSS and miui roms, some will work only on miui roms/miui vendor roms while some will work well on miui 10 and work poorly on newer miui.

Battery Calibration

- Use the phone till it almost shut down (2-3% before the moment when it shuts)
- Boot to rec
- Turn on flash light and leave it till the phone dies completely
- Charge the phone while power off until full
- Power on the phone WITHOUT unplugging
- Charge for extra half hour
- Unplug and profit

-->Recommended do once every 3-6 months.
-->New battery users should wait atleast 3 months before performing first calibration

Fast Rom Settle

Always perform following commands after flashing a rom to get fast rom settling and less drain

You can do then using root temporarily or through adb

Root commands in termux

su -c pm disable

su -c pm disable

su -c pm disable

cmd package compile -a -f -m "speed-profile"

ADB Commands

adb shell pm disable

adb shell pm disable

adb shell pm disable

adb shell cmd package compile -a -f -m "speed-profile"

Find boot splash and fastboot screens for K20 PRO in this group.

Bootsplash/bootlogo is meant to be flashed in recovery while boot animations are available as magisk modules

DSP Orangefox Users Stuck on orangefox logo bootloop

Flash this TWRP DSP Recovery by Helium Studio

Use command(rename downloaded file to recovery.img)

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

How to revert to Legacy

How to get back the normal legacy partition ?
1: flash normal ofox recovery
2: flash regular legacy ROM
3: format data (Mandatory)
4: reboot

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