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Parler CEO John Matze has fled his home with his family and they all have gone into hiding after receiving "deaths threats" and "invasive personal security breaches," according to a new filing from Parler's lawyers in the suit with AWS.

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Forward from: White Awakening ᛉ
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Matt Gaetz is dead on.
Take note of the language the left is now using, Chemical Warfare, Insurrection, domestic terrorism.
They Left wants to Destroy you, before your dead.

Forward from: David Avocado Wolfe
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Dublin, Ireland! Our strategy is to foil their plans at every turn and in every way possible!! Be a spoiler of the new world order!! (56 seconds)

Forward from: The Awakening - ENDGAME
🚨 - BREAKING: The United States has determined that the Wuhan Institute of Virology engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017

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Forward from: Cheems Edits
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Forward from: Skulldaddy
Q post 23456

The chip has spicy flavor even on a suit..

Forward from: Bo️b's Corner
Up to 1.3 million immigrants have left UK amid pandemic
In London alone, almost 700,000 foreign-born residents believed to have moved out

Forward from: Cyberdad Afterdark; Uncensored
Pretty interesting this guy has a painting by a known artist inspired by her childhood rape that paints little children felating figures like this painting in the place he is staying at. Oh and mao i guess

Forward from: BASED ANON
#4chan #pol #politics

Trump Used FISA Section 702 to spy in the DNC and Biden Campaign

He has the receipts on how the election was rigged and everyone involved. Trump used FISA Section 702 to spy on both the DNC and the Biden Campaign, just as they did to him in 2016. Section 702 allows you to surveil a foreign individual without a warrant, but if that foreign individual communicates with another person, you can then surveil on all of that individuals communications (phone calls, text, email, etc) as well, then they can surveil whoever that person communicates with, so on and so forth into infinity.

>Use in Criminal Court: 702-acquired informationmay be used as evidence against U.S. persons in criminal courtfor certain broad categories of “serious crimes.” For investigations that do not fall into one of those categories, there is no restriction on using 702-acquired information to obtain other evidence thatcanbe used in court. The use of infor [...]


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#QAnon is literally a carbon copy of a massive #Bolshevik psy-op from the 1920s that was created to neutralize the remaining reactionary forces opposed to the communist takeover of Russia. The name of that psy-op was "Operation TRUST"! #TrustThePlan, guys! #MAGA #Trump #Capitol

Forward from: MidKnight Rider 17
Biden and obama were behind the death of Seal team 6 after the team discovered Osama had been alive the whole time and the whole take down was staged. Obama would be guaranteed a second term if he had “killed” Osama, so he staged the whole thing. Seal team 6 went into Pakistan to go after Osama, they had initially thought we found him and they were sent in to end him once and for all. Pakistan switched the real Osama with a body double at the last minute before the seals killed the real one. Pakistan demanded billions of dollars from Obama or they would spill the beans to the whole world, seal team 6 finds out what happened and how it was all staged, then Obama had their helicopter/aircraft rigged and then it crashed killing all on board.

Forward from: Bootleg Media
https://youtu.be/wDKUalB0IGo SPYGATE/OBAMAGATE/RUSSIA HOAX. literally listen to this over and over until it makes sense. 36 mins. and google terms you dont understand

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