Almoravid Cyber Brigade

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الله أكبر☝🏼
لا إله إلا الله☝🏼
كبروا و وحدوا وجاهدوا☝🏼

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💬💬💬💬💬💬Sense Security 01/06/2025

👑 General Info

1. Hello, today due to high interest in the our service we changed prices, We hope you enjoy this change and stay with us for a long time!

2. First guy who will purchase anything with code "SENSE24" On our ticket system get 20% Discount. (CNC,API,ADDONS)

3. Updated Prices can be found there. (Click Me)

🛡 Quick Update & Info

1. Every TCP Flood Reviced a 150K PPS & 90 Mbit/s Update.
2. We are preparing our UDP Network Update, Dont forget to join to our Main Channel

📈 Uptime Monitor
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💬💬💬💬💬💬Sense Security 01/04/2025
Another day, another BIG update + Great Deal !

📌 Layer4 Changes:

🔜 HOMEBOOM - Outputting up to stable 5 Gbit/s
🔜 UDPBOOM - Increased by 5Gbit/s Per concurrent.
🔜 TCPBOOM - Updated, Sending more ACK data.
🔜 TCPKILL - Updated, Sending more TFO data.
🔜 UDPSPAZ - Reviced additional +200K PPS.
🔜 GAME - Recived additional +250K PPS.
🔜 FIVEM - Issue Solved, Updated by sending more Gbit/s & PPS

📌 Layer7 Changes:

- Yesterday we detected issue with our L7 Network, new servers has been purchased and issue solved.
🔜 TLS - Updated, More Requests Per Second
🔜 HTTPS-BYPASS - Updated, More Requests Per Second
🔜 CLOUDFLARE - Updated, Method now is able to bypass hCaptcha, DDoS-Guard, React JS, WAF.

📌 Global Changes:

🔜Layer 4 Slots has been increased from 30 to 45
🔜Layer 7 Now have stable 16 slots.

📌 New Year Deal:

Pro Monthly - $50/month | 2 Concurrent | 240 second | 45 second cooldown

P.S - For first person deal including API Access for 1 Month

We wish you all a Happy New Year! 🎁

📈 Uptime Monitor
🌐 Main Channel
⁉️ Support bot (Buy plan here)
⚡️ Power proofs
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💵 Prices List
🤑 Auto Buy (PayPal,CashApp,Crypto)

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💬💬💬💬💬💬Sense Security 01/04/2025
Another day, another BIG update + Great Deal !

📌 Layer4 Changes:

🔜 HOMEBOOM - Outputting up to stable 5 Gbit/s
🔜 UDPBOOM - Increased by 5Gbit/s Per concurrent.
🔜 TCPBOOM - Updated, Sending more ACK data.
🔜 TCPKILL - Updated, Sending more TFO data.
🔜 UDPSPAZ - Reviced additional +200K PPS.
🔜 GAME - Recived additional +250K PPS.
🔜 FIVEM - Issue Solved, Updated by sending more Gbit/s & PPS

📌 Layer7 Changes:

- Yesterday we detected issue with our L7 Network, new servers has been purchased and issue solved.
🔜 TLS - Updated, More Requests Per Second
🔜 HTTPS-BYPASS - Updated, More Requests Per Second
🔜 CLOUDFLARE - Updated, Method now is able to bypass hCaptcha, DDoS-Guard, React JS, WAF.

📌 Global Changes:

🔜Layer 4 Slots has been increased from 30 to 45
🔜Layer 7 Now have stable 16 slots.

📌 New Year Deal:

Pro Monthly - $50/month | 2 Concurrent | 240 second | 45 second cooldown

P.S - For first person deal including API Access for 1 Month

We wish you all a Happy New Year! 🎁

📈 Uptime Monitor
🌐 Main Channel
⁉️ Support bot (Buy plan here)
⚡️ Power proofs
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{قَاتِلُوهُمْ يُعَذِّبْهُمُ اللَّهُ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ وَيُخْزِهِمْ وَيَنصُرْكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَيَشْفِ صُدُورَ قَوْمٍ مُّؤْمِنِينَ }

نبحث عن اعضاء جدد ، ان كانت لديك مؤهلات تواصل مع @Bzafff

We are looking for new members, if you have the qualifications, contact @Bzafff

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💬💬💬💬💬💬Sense Security 01/01/2025
Presents an update prepared because of the new year !

📌 Layer4 Changes:

🔄 TCPBOOM - Method has been successfully increased by 150 Mbit/s by linking x1 new spoofed server.
UDPSPAZZ - Method Successfully added. Using Mass Valid Randomized UDP Data + Small WSD Packets.
TCPKILL - Replaced "TCP-SYN", Method is more Powerfull + Using SYN/ACK/TCP Fast Open Cookie Flood.
SSH - Method Successfully added, Emulating PuTTY & Floods with random Password.
PPS - Method Removed Due To Small Usage. By This We Increased PPS in "UDPSPAZ"

📌 Layer7 Changes:

🔜 The proxy pool has been updated and the most popular country proxies.
🔜 The entire l7 network has received a significant update in the form of a requests per second.

📌 Giveaway:

To celebrate the new year, we’re giving away 2 FREE Plans with a 3-day expiry.
Get your plan

We wish you all a Happy New Year! 🎁

📈 Uptime Monitor
🌐 Main Channel
⁉️ Support bot (Buy plan here)
⚡️ Power proofs
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💵 Prices List

Du Học Tân Đức، وهي منظمة فيتنامية متخصصة في خدمات استشارات التعليم في الخارج. تساعد الطلاب الذين يرغبون في الدراسة في الخارج في دول مثل الولايات المتحدة وكندا وأستراليا وغيرها من الوجهات الشعبية. تم اختراقها من قبلنا، فيتنام توقفي عن دعم اسرائيل و الخنوع لها

Du Học Tân Đức, a Vietnamese organization specializing in overseas education consulting services. They assist students who wish to study abroad in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and other popular destinations Hacked by us , Vietnam stop Supporting israel?

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نُعلن نجاحنا في اختراق أنظمة مراقبة السيارات في عدد من الولايات الأمريكية، بما في ذلك لاس فيغاس ونيويورك. وقد تمكنا من الحصول على أكثر من 15 مليون سجل، بما يعادل حوالي 1 تيرابايت من البيانات. سيتم نشر جزء من هذه البيانات كدليل على الاختراق، بينما سيتم عرض الباقي للبيع.

إن سياسات الولايات المتحدة المستمرة تضع ملايين الأمريكيين في دائرة الخطر. لن ننسى ما اقترفتِه وما تستمرين في فعله بحق أمتنا

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully hacked into the vehicle surveillance systems of several US states, including Las Vegas and New York. We were able to obtain over 15 million records, equivalent to approximately 1 terabyte of data. Some of this data will be published as evidence of the hack, while the rest will be offered for sale. The ongoing policies of the United States are putting millions of Americans at risk. We will not forget what you have done and continue to do to our nation.

Forward from: CloudC2 & API
🔝 Another day... another Sense Security Update!
Sense Security Update 🔄


📌 Layer4 Updates:

🔜 DNS : Has been increased to 15. Now outputting up to 15 gbit/s + 1,5 mln PPS.
🔜 OVH : New servres linked. Increased by +350k PPS, 1 gbit/s per concurrent with high rate of bypass.


📌 Botnet 🆕

🆕 BOTNET-UDP : High volume RAW udp flood with len1400 to generate huge GBPS.
🆕 BOTNET-PPS : High volume RAW udp flood with len70 to generate huge PPS.
🆕 BOTNET-ACK : High volume RAW ack flood with len1400 for TCP applications
🆕 BOTNET-GRE : High volume RAW gre flood with len1400 to abuse layer3
🆕BOTNET-SYN : High volume RAW syn flood with len1400
📌 Layer7 Updates:

🔜 TLS - Two 32 Cores Servers Has been linked. Now outputting high rq/s + bypassing more targets.
🔜 HTTPS-BYPASS - We detected issue with method Low rq/s. Now our team working to fix it


📌 Global Updates:

🔜PROXY : Stay connected with us! We deployed another BACKUP proxy connect ( Click for more info )
🔜UPTIME : In case of any problem, you can check if our Services & Backend is online using : Uptime Monitor


👑 Botnet Info:

Starting today, the available addon "Botnet" is now available in Sense Security! The basic plan is:
🔜 1 concurrent
🔜 100 seconds cooldown
🔜 Unlimited daily usage

It will be an add-on to the plan
Price : 💵120


( Current Power Proofs from Botnet. )

1. BOTNET-ACK (Len=1400)
2. BOTNET-PPS (ACK, Len=72)

💼 Support Recruitment

Also, we have opened a recruitment for the position of Support at Sense Security!, for more information please contact our department through Support Bot there the requirements will be presented...


🌐 Main Channel
⁉️ Buy a plan! / Support Bot 24/7
⚡️ Power proofs
✔️ Vouches
💵 Prices List

Forward from: LulzSec Black
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تحالف فريقنا مع فريق Almoravid Cyber Brigade للتخطيط لأهداف مشتركة وتعزيز القوى السيبرانية الإسلامية.

LulzSec Black 🤝 Almoravid Cyber Brigade

Link channel Almoravid Cyber Brigade :

Link channel LulzSec Black :


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"أبشر يا مسرى الحبيب"

كل عام ونحن ثابتون في مواجهتكم يا يهود، مدافعين عن مسرى رسولنا الكريم، فهو جوهرة نفيسة في قلب أمتنا. سنبقى حماة له ونصرةً لدينه، لا يثنينا شيء عن عزيمتنا حتى يأذن الله بتحريره.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful "Good news, O beloved Masra" Every year we remain steadfast in confronting you, O Jews, defending the Masra of our noble Messenger, for it is a precious jewel in the heart of our nation. We will remain its protectors and supporters of its religion, and nothing will deter us from our resolve until Allah permits its liberation.

انتظروا المزيد يا صهاينة🇮🇱❌

لن ننسى مسرى الرسول


ابشر ايا مسرى

.IL = 🇮🇱

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Our Gift for Usa is coming In 1/1/2025 00:01 😚 🇺🇸

هديتنا للولايات المتحدة قادمة في 1/1/2025 00:01 😚 🇺🇸

Наш подарок Соединенным Штатам уже скоро 01.01.2025 00:01 😚 🇺🇸

ما من أمة تركت الجهاد الا ضرب الله عليها الذل

We Hacked Qhali's official website and have stolen 11.4 GB of Data and we will leak 40 MB soon.

💡 Qhali
is a humanoid robot revolutionizing mental health care through remote interventions and emotional support.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اخترقنا بث قناة اخبارية فيتنامية شهيرة و بثينا نشيد إسلامي ، ردا على دعم الفيتنام لاسرائيل

الرابط :

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful We hacked the broadcast of a famous Vietnamese news channel and broadcasted an Islamic anthem, in response to Vietnam's support for Israel Link:

674 0 4 10 10

Soon ... قريبا

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