𝒮tarting from the first line of the poem, I ask you a question in the same way that 𝕰llen Bailey did; why do you want to be someone else? When people don't know their worth; they begin to feel inferior to others. Although I personally don't find anyone lower or higher based on materialism. My and my own parameters for judging the superiority of people are attributes, sense of humanity, way of thinking, and ethics. If someone has all these parameters in a nice way. I can't deny accepting him as the boss.
ℌe deserves to be appreciated. But if you are ashamed of your skin, body shape, status, etc. then take note, there is nothing wrong with your appearance, but definitely wrong with the mind that puts you in a situation to make comparisons with. Why is the comparison? Do you want to be someone else? Why don't you want to be you? Isn't it better to be confidently yourself? By pretending to be someone else, you will lose your identity. You are more unique and valuable than them.
✦Ellen Bailey.
ℌe deserves to be appreciated. But if you are ashamed of your skin, body shape, status, etc. then take note, there is nothing wrong with your appearance, but definitely wrong with the mind that puts you in a situation to make comparisons with. Why is the comparison? Do you want to be someone else? Why don't you want to be you? Isn't it better to be confidently yourself? By pretending to be someone else, you will lose your identity. You are more unique and valuable than them.
✦Ellen Bailey.