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This sooo coool guys, give it a try.

But please do not use it as your girlfriend, guys😁

Forward from: BM | IELTS 9.0
Are you ready to have your mind blown?

Meet Miles, the new AI voice. I just had a lot of fun talking to him—he sounds just like a real person!

The future is here… but should we be excited or a little freaked out?

Mart oyida kimlar sizga tekinga dars o'tib berishga tayyor :

1. Ozodbek Botirlaiyev - Overall band 9.0
Writing Marathon✏️

2.Sherzodbek Matyoqubov - Multilevel Expert
CEFR Marathon + 🌟3 kishiga CEFR imtihoni puli to'lab beriladi

3. Khushnudbek - Overall 8.5
Listening Marathon

4. Muallim Said - Overall 8.5
Speaking Marathon with Niners

5. Mukhammad Rakhimov - Writing 8.5
Scholarship Guidilines + IELTS Writing - 9 March

6. Ulug'bek Umidjonov - Overall 9.0
30-day Article Marathon

7. IELTS Zone - o’quv markaz.
Ramadan Challenge

8. Jafar& Sherali
30-day Reading challenge
( daxshat ekan🔥 )

9. Everestliklardan 30-day challenge
Reading Challenge

10. Bekzod - Overall 8.5
Speaking 9.0 - mock tests

i will update it when i find other posts as well


As I walk towards university, thoughts fill my mind,
Lost dreams and echoes of hopes left behind.
Some days my heart sinks, some days it soars,
Oh Lord, protect me from the fire that burns my core.


Don't say: He's very jealous FROM his brother.❌❌❌

Say: He's very jealous OF his brother. ✅✅✅

man with machine = orqadagi tanka*

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Shu ibratli videolarni ssenariysini qaysi kalla bilan yozadi bular. Bittasi yaxshi odam böladi qolganlar shunaqa iflos xoromi bo’ladi. Dunyoda unaqa yo’q😂

Ro’za tutgan 2 ta odam ja bunaqa kelib “ro’zamasmisiz xixixixixixixixi? Yoğe qanaqa ro’za ekan u?” deb kulib tashamasa kerak. Bunaqa afsona ssenariylarni qayerdan oladi bular😂

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🎬Inqiroz sari (The big short)

Kópchilik kutgan Investorlar va Traderlar motivatsiya oladigan kino

If Eiffel Tower was in Tashkent…

While snowflakes are descending, I enjoy looking at them,thinking of how beautiful they are.


-snowflake-a small soft flat piece of frozen water that falls as snow


-collocation— snowflakes descend

hang by a thread

: to be in a very dangerous situation or state : to be very close to death, failure, etc.

The patient's life was hanging by a thread

What a sad day.

Go through the comments section of this video, it will make your day.

"I'm gonna text her"


When America has your back

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