Abdullah al-Muhaysini

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The official English Telegram channel of Dr. Abdullah al-Muhaysini. A student of knowledge who made hijrah from Makkah to Syria.

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The reason I am writing this, is to explain to the people who are confusing these two things with each other. Because some of the people are confusing the Kurdish people, which is a big folk like the Arabs and Turks, with the communist group ‘PKK’. Some of the people are saying “Kurds are disbelievers”. This is a dangerous statement. Because ‘Kurd’ is a race. There are good Kurds and bad Kurds. They are just like the Arabs, Turks and others.

🔺The Kurds from Ahlus-Sunnah are our brothers and the crown on our head. They have a very honorable place in the history of Islam. The conqueror from Palestine Salahaddin al-Ayyubi, Shaykh Said, Ahmad Hani and others are enough to remember.

🔺And today, their honorable position in the Syrian revolution is enough. Some of the weeks in this revolution, I have made special time for them. Like ‘Azadî Friday’.

🔺The PKK and PYD are in brief a non-believing, communistic group. They have made themselves a tool for different states in the Syrian revolution. They took advantage from the values of the Kurds by using nationalism. They have used nationalism to cover up their evilness and atheism.

🔺The creed of the PKK is secularism and irreligiousness; so it is enough to know that they do not believe in a Creator. Allah is above all the things they are claiming.

🔺It is enough for you to know that the PKK wants to clear the Kurds from their Islamic personality.

🔺It is enough to read the books from the founder of PKK; Abdullah Ocalan, the man on the posters which they hang up everywhere and are chanting for. You will see how the founder of the PKK is talking bad about the light of our eyes; our Prophet (peace be upon him).

🔺It is enough to know how the PKK opressed the Kurds in Syria, Turkey and other places.

🔺This is enough to make Du’a to Allah against this disbelieving group and to make Du’a to Allah to protect our Kurdish brothers and sisters against them.

🔺In brief; The Kurds are our brothers, the PKK is our enemy.

✏️ Abdullah al-Muhaysini


O Allah be with your slaves, with the Mujahidin from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham at the Abu Duhur airport and Help them. O Allah give the victory to those who are upon the truth and accept the martryrs and heal the wounded brothers.

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Unfortunately, the official English YouTube channel from Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini has been deleted by YouTube without a single warning. This is now the second time.

We will inform you in sha Allah when the new YouTube chanel is opened.

- Admin

[4] Dealing With Dissidents

Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini giving a lesson about how to deal with different opinions between the Muslims.

[4] Dealing With Dissidents
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini giving a lesson about how to deal with different opinions between the Muslims.

The groups Kata’ib Thuwwar ash-Sham and Liwa Bayaruq al-Islam joined Harakat Nouraddeen az-Zinki. O Allah unite the ranks and unite the hearts.

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

[3] Receiving Foreign Support

Methodological instructions - Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini giving a lesson about receiving foreign support as a Jihadi group.

{3} Receiving Foreign Support
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini giving a lesson about receiving foreign support as a Jihadi group.

A hero and martryr may Allah accept him.

I will never forget that moment. The first day when I came to Sham, he welcomed me in his house and looked after me. O Allah reward him with Paradise!

Forward from: Abdullah al-Muhaysini
🔺 You are in the last moments of Friday. So don’t you need to ask al-Kareem for something?

I advise you for the Mujahideen, don’t forget them in your Dua’s.

O Allah, al-Hayyu al-Qayyum.. Relief the hearts of the people of al-Sham by uniting their words..

- Dr. Abdullah al-Muhaysini

📌 O our people who are displaced, these are the people who have displaced you from your houses. They are captured by your brothers from Jaysh al-Ahrar and the other groups.

📌 O the soldiers of the regime! My advice for you is to run away before you come into the position like these soldiers. You are trapped in a boobytrap and there is no escape from it

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

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The heroes united under this Verse, thinking good about Allah and are saying to the people of Ghouta, ‘Your war is our war.’

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

[Admin: The mujahid groups started a military operation a couple of hours ago in southern Idlib and north-east Hama to take the areas back that they have lost to the Regime in the past weeks]


O, Faylaq al-Sham
O, Jaysh al-Izzah
O, Turkistan
O, Ahrar al-Sham
O, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham
O, Zinki
O, Jaysh al-Ahrar
O, Jaysh al-Nasr
O, Jaysh Idlib al-Hurr
O, Jaysh al-Nukhbah
O, all the other groups !

Today your people and 200.000 refugees are asking you to establish an united Operation Room like Jaysh al-Fath.

🔺 And if you refuse it, then don’t be surprised when you get thousand questions about your refusal in that case !

🔺 Subhan’Allah. Is it normal that we have to call the groups to unite in a time like this when areas are being lost? Surely, this is a very bizzare thing !!!!

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini


Thousands of refugees have filled the streets and are sleeping on the ground...

And we are still asking the commanders to establish an Operation Room!

🔺Unfortunately, the Operation Room which the rational people are asking for months, is still not established !!!!!!

🔺This is the reason why the people are wondering what the intentions of the groups are. Doubt is entering their hearts!

🔺As I see and know, all the groups are now at the fronts. But unfortunately without an Operation Room (which unites them) !

🔺Some people will say; Why didn’t you say that the Operation Room has been cancelled?

We made the reason clear for multiple times.

But what do we achieve with it?

🔺Today is the day to leave for Allah.
Today is the day that Allah tests the righteous people.
Today is the day of war, don’t be of those who sits down.
Today is your test.
You are only responsible for your self.

The people who are responsible for what is happening now, will be held accountable by Allah!

🔺Don’t backbite eachother today. Advance to defend your religion and honour!

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

Desires; The beginning is sweet, but the end will be a disappointment and humiliation.

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

📌 The court between the parents from the people who were killed in the latest infighting between Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and Nouraddeen az-Zinki has been finished and solved. The families from the killed people will receive a Diyah*. All praise due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

🔺With justice and giving the rights back, we will win with Allah’s will.

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

[Admin: Diyah means 100 camels or the price for 100 camels.]


NEW | ‘We Are Together’ Campaign Launched By Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini

Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini launched a campaign called 'We Are Together' to raise money for the refugees from Northern-East Hama and Southern Idlib. They fled from their houses after the harsh Russian airstrikes and Assad-Iranian attacks.

'We Are Together' Campaign Launched By Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muhaysini launched a campaign called 'We Are Together' to raise money for the refugees from Northern-East Hama and Southern Idlib. They fl...

Don’t forget to make Dua for these people in the last hour of Friday. Nobody knows their situation except Allah and your brothers, the Mujahideen. O Allah help them.

- Abdullah al-Muhaysini

Forward from: Abdullah al-Muhaysini

Forward from: Abdullah al-Muhaysini
NEW | Advice on Christmas and New Year

Abdullah al-Muhaysini talking about some of the Muslims that are celebrating Christmas and New Year and explaining where these days originally come from.

Advice on Christmas and New Year
Abdullah al-Muhaysini talking about some of the Muslims celebrating Christmas and New Year and where these days originally come from.

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