It is true that a career in knowledge is better than a career. Where knowledge and enlightenment are strong, that land is a place of happiness. Where there is ignorance, it is like a dry or rocky place.
Science, which is associated with good behavior, makes people happy and promotes their careers. The purpose of science is to do good and noble deeds.
© Fakhrulbanot Sulaymoni
Ilm martabasi martabalarning zoʼridir, degan gap shubhasiz toʼgʼri. Qaysi yerda ilmu maʼrifat kuchli boʼlsa, oʼsha yer baxt maskani hisoblanadi. Qaysi yerda nodonlik mavjud boʼlsa, u yer quruq yoki toshloq joy kabidir.
Goʼzal xulq bilan payvasta boʼlgan ilm odamlarni baxtiyor qiladi, martabasini balandlatadi. Ilmdan maqsad koʼrkam va ezgu ishlarni amalga oshirishdir.
©Faxrulbanot Sulaymoniy
It is true that a career in knowledge is better than a career. Where knowledge and enlightenment are strong, that land is a place of happiness. Where there is ignorance, it is like a dry or rocky place.
Science, which is associated with good behavior, makes people happy and promotes their careers. The purpose of science is to do good and noble deeds.
© Fakhrulbanot Sulaymoni
Ilm martabasi martabalarning zoʼridir, degan gap shubhasiz toʼgʼri. Qaysi yerda ilmu maʼrifat kuchli boʼlsa, oʼsha yer baxt maskani hisoblanadi. Qaysi yerda nodonlik mavjud boʼlsa, u yer quruq yoki toshloq joy kabidir.
Goʼzal xulq bilan payvasta boʼlgan ilm odamlarni baxtiyor qiladi, martabasini balandlatadi. Ilmdan maqsad koʼrkam va ezgu ishlarni amalga oshirishdir.
©Faxrulbanot Sulaymoniy