Forward from: [(Tie—the—Taught)]
CHALK (UP) — I, as the signatory of the heart-wrenching sheet which states that it is OPEN SEARCH FOR BUSINESS MUTUALISMS.
| The mutual acceptance note will
| only be approved by me as
| @TietheTaught if you have the
| following requirements:
Includes business channels that sell PROFILE NEEDS as well as WORDING COMMISSIONS. Don't forget the second main point, which is to USE YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT!
Connection path between longing spaces |• 📞; (@HollieCruzBot.) An ambition that leads to the commonplace that matures the poet. Allowing bitterness to enter and then filtering it like dust that dirties my manuscript.
| The mutual acceptance note will
| only be approved by me as
| @TietheTaught if you have the
| following requirements:
Includes business channels that sell PROFILE NEEDS as well as WORDING COMMISSIONS. Don't forget the second main point, which is to USE YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT!
Connection path between longing spaces |• 📞; (@HollieCruzBot.) An ambition that leads to the commonplace that matures the poet. Allowing bitterness to enter and then filtering it like dust that dirties my manuscript.