Forward from: ASIEGGE—02/2023.
Much wealth was bestowed upon themselves; the tons of gold adorning their fingertips and the sheen of said rings were such that they outshone the very sun itself, and the vast sums of money hoarded away in tangled sheds were enough to leave one aghast. One cannot help but wonder: how can divine justice permit such favor to befall them? Little did they know, their absence from social activities had caused them to lose the companionship of their once dear friends.
Unbeknownst to them, they were running not for wage or meekness / for hands to clasp and meet, in roundels of fate to greet / becoming one another's mutuals complete.
Such devils were fresh from hell; they were brimming with lust and thirst. Thus, by means of this letter, you are cordially invited to @Menhotlinesbot. contact person where they shall greet you with much appreciation. Come amain, you mortals!