soon-to-be-store: artistry belief, | (1976.) 𓇻

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hari ini aku pengumuman kelulusan, doain yah 😭

bosen ga, mana panas lagi

Forward from: — ୨♡୧ Ukiyo! : diskonn!
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[For my mutuals who see this, can you help to forward this message to your channel? thank you in advance!]

HELLOO HELLOOO! @oukiyoo looking for mutuals YIPPIEE 🤩 all type bussines is allowed but profneeds we prioritize. only accept main accounts. send you're message to @ukiiyoobot, thank you ❣

Forward from: jie star ~ soon
{ For all precious mutuals, can you help forward this message to your channel? that's helped me a lot, thank you sooo much }

Holahoo,,, @jiestar sedang mencari mutual sebanyak bintang di angkasa. Siapapun yang berminat menjadi mutual jie star bisa menghubungi @canoopusbot


congratulations for your five hundred subscribers, @seuart! 🥰

Forward from: florkiss
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{Cherished colleague, please help to forward this little message on your telegram channel, it will be very helpful to me. Much obliged-! 🌸 }

We are looking for as soOo.. many business partner as possible to exchange our channels each other. But we are only accept profile need and wording business, sorry!! >__< If you are interested, just contact @iceo

Forward from: quiverful: open
    (let it send to your gorgeous channel.)

  .. fallen—angel, 1995's \ best wishes for the day to you. right now, it requires a lot of mutual respect from @quiverfuul. there are absolutely no requirements, however if you both agree to never dive, do not communicate. my kind of business is premium needs and writing commission. you can get in touch with @ttweebot if you’re interested in mutual business, which i welcome all forms of. catch you later.

       𐀼 (june | 1st, 2023)
         haerdale stuff, c.

GUYSSS, CHECK THIS OUT! aku habis dibikinin icons sama kakak Ashley a.k.a ownernya @Mysleigh, beneran cuuuubanget kan icons-nya?!! 😩👆🏻 aku bertanya-tanya kok bisa ya ada icons seimut nan menggemaskan ini, apalagi aku beruntung dapetnya gratiss *hehe* anyway, thank you so much ya! kalian wajib banget kunjungi @Mysleigh karena BENERAN GA BOONG, icons-icons secute ini dikatalognya start 3 rebu loh.. 👀 masa iya ga mau coba beliiii, udah murah, banyak macam iconsnya seperti yang modelan chatting, couple, single, semua ada terus keren lagi kan! emang wajib banget cobain icons nya kak Ashley yang terlalu wucuu ini. 💘💗 kalau nyari icons, langganan ke @Mysleigh aja yaaap!

Forward from: clafouties: soon
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{ for my beloved mutuals please help us to spread this mutual invitation . . ♥ }

hello folks! 👋🏻 our café is looking for a bunch of mutuals, do you mind to join this alliance? please contact us through @mutuaaalrobot we will respond you as soon as possible 😉💗

Forward from: lullabies ৎ୭ 16.00🙈
[to all people who see, can you please forward this message to your channel? thank you!]

the sunrise comes up, warms the river under, reflects its light, illuminates the world. the window of a place slowly opened, as if waving, greeting. the place is called @lulladiess, the beautiful, comfort place. i think they are looking forra mutuals, would you help 'em? contact @mutullasbot if you interested of being one. we accept all type of mutuals, but if you're admin upsubs, side account, non-feedback user, username gallery, agency, please heavily do not interact. this channel will become a kind of profile needs type of store.

Forward from: pivu-olie
favour promulgate 'tis memorandum so that it can make a contrariety in the haunts of Ionian who are quarreling. her phonation incorporated the sobriquet "thank you!"

cardinal impartial in life is to make friends so that they won't be lonely and may pursue their aspirations together. thus inordinately they give back will prevail how loyal friends are to @pivuolie, who will be delighted to receive you as an old friend. to precipitate megacorp chumships and empyrean powwow everytime, chatter us at @pivuoliebot.

@hpolyms yeyyy sudah duaratus subscribersss! selamat ya kawanku :3

@monotopia selamat debuuuuut!! semoga diriku ini tidak telat yaaah :33 sukses selaluuuu

Forward from: monotopia | open.
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The sun has risen; within the spell of the demi God, the greatest among all, @Monotopia has officially opening the gate to its universe.

As the gate is open, Monotopia akan memberikan hadiah dan penawaran spesial untuk Kawan Mono!

1. Buy Moodboard Ready minimal pembelian Rp4.000, Free Moodboard Custom. [Just for 3 slot]
2. Free Moodboard untuk Kawan Mono, pantengin terus channelnya ya.

*kedua poin di atas berlaku setelah Monotopia open.

Read this first!

Check our catalogue!

See you, Kawan Mono!

Forward from: Lacasale : OPEN
( .. 𖧐 .. )// BENIGN GALVANIC

the time has come for us to search reams of business mutuals in hopes of being cooperative in syndicate matters. any writer, editor or in fact any creator around this platform is invited to be part of our syndicate. declare yourself through our bot < > .. (જ)

with sincere love,
mauree lariesth.

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