Sweetheart 🤍

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No matter where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, I’ll always, honesty, truly and completely love you.
@aloqy 🔁

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All right, we two are gonna suffer. It feels shit. I just wanna ask you something, why? Are you okay with this? If not, so why don’t you try to fix it? I’m trying but you’re not, it’s such a shame. That’s not how a relationship works! You can’t just quit without any explanations, without any reason to break up, that’s not fair at all, bitch.

عندما أقول أنّي لا أريد أحداً
وأنّي مرتاحٌ هكذا
في الحقيقة
أنا في داخلي
أجثو على ركبتي
من أجل "كيفك" واحدة
بصوتكَ أنت!

Forward from: 𝑀𝐴𝐿𝐾

I knew it. You’re totally and completely someone else. I don’t want you anymore. Case closed.

Forward from: نورهآن😍🙊
✹القناة الرسمية عالتلكرام استمتعو بالمشاهده 📮♥️

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✹رابط قناتي💞 💞 ↤ @queu388

لـ القناة خالية من الإعلانات 💞💞

بوت زخرفه اسماء وبايوات 💞💞🔚 @VV22BOT

تم انشاء القناة 5\8\2020

You wear stuff I don’t allow you to, go out without my permission over and over again, lie to me, disrespect me, don’t listen to me anymore, being irresponsible. Why the hell would I want you, love you, wait for you? We’re done, I mean it. Don’t tell me “is that how you think” yeah that’s how I think, done. You don’t love me, you just love how you want to look like when you go out, that’s all you care about, fuck you. Ugh, that’s it. You’re not mine anymore, I don’t want you to be mine anymore. You’re stranger, who are you? God no, I don’t want to know, get the fuck out of here. I don’t want to tell you all this shit in front of you because it doesn’t matter, you don’t care all the time, no matter what or when I tell you or which app I use to speak with you, you just don’t care, you don’t want to be responsible, kid, fuck you. I’m done, swear, that’s enough. Mad but miss you, I’ll never tell you how I feel because you’re a little irresponsible bitch. Do you believe that I still love you? Are you crazy? You have done all those things and you except me to still love you? Are you out of your mind? I don’t love you anymore, I swear to God. Love turned into hate after those things you have done to me which made me angry, that’s how it works, bitch. I won’t try to text you ever, you don’t even deserve any second chances. You deserve a block, that’s it. Fair enough, huh? You deserve the worst.

Once everyone lets you fall, Iʼll catch you back. Donʼt imagine that Iʼd ever let you face anything on your own, promise.

If you really love me, let me know. I miss you more than ever. Iʼve never imagined you leave me like this, was it so easy for you to make it so hard for me?


Brushing your babe’s teeth is also love.
Songs are no longer a solution, I need you.
Let my arms be your only home.
Let’s close our eyes and do our stuff.
Let’s bother each other all the time.
Let me be your everything.
Let’s get lost inside each other.


Forward from: ﮼مـنش ♥️✨‌
Insta : g_7zom ♥️✨

تَسوالـٰك سَلف والٰسلفٌ كَلة شَيِوخ♥️ !

⦅ قل اعوذ برب الفلق ⦆🧿🔥

(تم انشاء الـ قناة 2019/12 اكتوبر) 🧿

: ꪜ تـَــواصل
@G_18o 🤍🌿

Forward from: بوت تواصل اسوو
✯اميري وسندي من بعد الله ♥️💍

✯ تـَاࢪيـڂ زواجنـۃ ٢٠١٩/١١/٤♥️💍


✯لـتـوﺂصـل ♥️❕
✯بـوتَ زغـࢪفـُۃ ♥️❕

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