The moon was bright and full in the blackness and the sky was speckled with stars. A crisp breeze swept through the trees, rustling the leaves and sending an icy chill down Jenovan's spine. The headlight fixed to the front of his bike illuminated the path in front of him. It was the first of three lights he had packed with him, as he knew they were of poor quality. The husky voices of several dogs barking madly in the near distance suddenly erupted out of the silence. He gulped warily. 'Must just be some dogs from nearby houses,' he thought. But no, that couldn’t be right. 'There aren’t any houses anywhere near here.' He squeezed the brakes of his bike and stopped, standing motionless in the night. The foreboding trees hid the moon and its silvery light from view. He didn’t have to listen very hard to hear the deranged howls of the dogs, and he knew they were getting closer by the minute.ㅤ
The moon was bright and full in the blackness and the sky was speckled with stars. A crisp breeze swept through the trees, rustling the leaves and sending an icy chill down Jenovan's spine. The headlight fixed to the front of his bike illuminated the path in front of him. It was the first of three lights he had packed with him, as he knew they were of poor quality. The husky voices of several dogs barking madly in the near distance suddenly erupted out of the silence. He gulped warily. 'Must just be some dogs from nearby houses,' he thought. But no, that couldn’t be right. 'There aren’t any houses anywhere near here.' He squeezed the brakes of his bike and stopped, standing motionless in the night. The foreboding trees hid the moon and its silvery light from view. He didn’t have to listen very hard to hear the deranged howls of the dogs, and he knew they were getting closer by the minute.ㅤ