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❦ A creature from Greek mythology who is considered to be a personification of nature. They usually reside in the woods or the sea. They are minor deities in the larger Greek pantheon.

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i miss her so much

lucu :(

Forward from: SK — candria

Forward from: SK — candria
Akuuuu, ngga bisa kasih cici coklat soalnya apayaaaa jauh terus coklat emojinya kuecill pol. JADIIII, aku kasih cici love aja yang rada gede (wlpn kecil juga sih) TAPI ASLINYA GEDE YAAAA, SEBESAR RUMAH RAFFI AHMAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Forward from: SK — candria
Mau bilang apalagi ya, apayaaa bingung. Tapi ini ajadehhh, kalo cici misal lagi ada apa-apa. Lagi ngga baik-baik aja atau moodnya lagi juelekkk poll dan butuh temen cerita. Cici bisa cerita ke aku yaaa ✌️🏻✌️🏼, emang sih aku akhir-akhir jarang on, tapi kalau ada notifikasi dari ciciku atau temen yang deket banget aku usahain bakalan langsung on dan bales, kali ini ngga bakal boong aku, percaya ya ya yaaaaa. Dan ini, aku ngga bisa selalu kasih saran yang terbaik buat cici, tapi janji deh, aku bakalan jadi pendengar yang baik buat cici ashel cayangkuuuu

Forward from: SK — candria
Meskipun ini udah telat banget nget ngetttt tapi gapapa yah belum nyampe Jokowi 3 periode HAHSHSHHAA, oke Happy Valentine too ciciku, cayangku, cantikku!! 🤍 I genuinely appreciate every kind of words you convey here, really really appreciate. You're so soft and i can't deny. It feels indeed great to meet such a lovely creature like you, i must say 🥺🥺. I hope you always enjoy your life with the things you love, things that makes you always happy. Be gratefull no matter what happen, no matter the bad situation. Also, don't forget to always take care of your health, take care of yourself, don't forget to take your food and always hydrate yourself with enough water. Moreover, I wanna recite hugely thanked to you cause you is still here to be my CICI ♥️. You always support me, and always makes me smile with your sweetness or when we have random talk in here. I'm very very gratefull to meet and have precious Cici like you 🥺♥️. I hope, wherever you are, always surrounded with many happiness, amiable peoples, and always be blessed by God. Omaigat, pokoknya happy valentine ciciku cayangkuuuu!!! Maafkan diriku yang telat mengucapkan. #edisitelatpoll ✌️🏻✌️🏻

Forward from: Moonlight reflects pink.
📝 Beneath the darkness of moonlight glisten and dazzles all eyes. Kindly drop your username if you're interested in doing subs-for-subs thing with @Rosiwe.

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📖 Anonymous Board

biar kalian gada ghosting aku lg

ini langsung aku hit ya

if you don’t mind, can you help forward my board to your gorgeous channel please? much obliged! ♡

📝 Best salutes I sent for all portrayers out there to ignite an SFS with @Ziyounxg @souziy @mTzuyu @MinIjoo @OfDoyeon @Kryjstal. Forthwith, I'll allow y'all to drop your costly @ if you are attracted.
But please do read the inscription early, it's much better if you're not a side account and can provide the feedback, not barely dive. For the rprl area, non-chara, the canal has 500+ subs, and homophobia please strictly do not interact. Thank you.

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

📝 Best salutes I sent for all portrayers out there to ignite an SFS with @Ziyounxg @souziy @mTzuyu @MinIjoo @OfDoyeon @Kryjstal. Forthwith, I'll allow y'all to drop your costly @ if you are attracted.
But please do read the inscription early, it's much better if you're not a side account and can provide the feedback, not barely dive. For the rprl area, non-chara, the canal has 500+ subs, and homophobia please strictly do not interact. Thank you.

👤 @JangWonyoupng

👤 @yoojimine

👤 @BaeJooheyun, reach me out. Merrily thanked! ♥️

👤 @Soheebe

👤 @Kimygeri. 🤍

👤 @Hafewon.

👤 @Jourenealy

👤 @TeyaongLee.

👤 @KimJisao

👤 @Joodhyun

👤 @wigteo.

👤 @Jineih

👤 @sirjaka

👤 @JihyeNofh

👤 @Jaehyuo

👤 @RoseanneParfk.

👤 @gefnap only ma

👤 @Rosiwe

👤 @Sikap.

👤 @Ziyoueng.

👤 @Jjnkyu.

👤 @Wdinter

👤 @Seunghee

👤 @Mincyoung.

👤 @Presikden

👤 @jisuO

👤 @Djhaehyun

👤 @Ziyyung

👤 @OuyaingNana

👤 @Elvgant

👤 @Laolice

👤 @Goyounjvg

👤 @jendeuqs

👤 @Seollyoonu

👤 @JongseongPardk

👤 @funkygalbot

👤 @Haeawoon

👤 @irenep.

👤 @BenjaminPaark

👤 @JoSoomin. ♡゙

👤 @Winwni

👤 @iMintjoo

👤 @Irenqe

👤 @RoseannePadk

👤 @roseabnne

👤 @Pegomancy.

👤 @Yertim

👤 @takaayan

👤 @sDohyunLee.

👥 49 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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