Forward from: SK — candria
Meskipun ini udah telat banget nget ngetttt tapi gapapa yah belum nyampe Jokowi 3 periode HAHSHSHHAA, oke Happy Valentine too ciciku, cayangku, cantikku!! 🤍 I genuinely appreciate every kind of words you convey here, really really appreciate. You're so soft and i can't deny. It feels indeed great to meet such a lovely creature like you, i must say 🥺🥺. I hope you always enjoy your life with the things you love, things that makes you always happy. Be gratefull no matter what happen, no matter the bad situation. Also, don't forget to always take care of your health, take care of yourself, don't forget to take your food and always hydrate yourself with enough water. Moreover, I wanna recite hugely thanked to you cause you is still here to be my CICI ♥️. You always support me, and always makes me smile with your sweetness or when we have random talk in here. I'm very very gratefull to meet and have precious Cici like you 🥺♥️. I hope, wherever you are, always surrounded with many happiness, amiable peoples, and always be blessed by God. Omaigat, pokoknya happy valentine ciciku cayangkuuuu!!! Maafkan diriku yang telat mengucapkan. #edisitelatpoll ✌️🏻✌️🏻