𖀝 Ϋͺ ׄ𝗠𝗬 π—Ÿπ—”π—¦π—§ π—Ÿπ—’π—©π—˜ β€” 𝗧𝗠𝗒

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𖀝 ΫͺΒ  At night in the astronomy building there are two hogwarts students, that's hermione and draco, where the new dramione?
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Registration β€Έ
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Confirmation + kritsar β€Έ

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masa yang kaya gini mau di anggurin sih😳

πŸ•― ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Welcome hermione, this is where you can find all the dracos that suit your desires as well as dracos that have dream hermione. And now I (diana) are going to introduce you to the man of your dreams, MINGYU. What are you waiting for? join our room in part 01, because you're the hermione he's been waiting for! This Draco is looking for a BOTH to be his last love!

ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Here we whisper some interesting
things about this dreamy draco β€Έ
HOWDY-DO! sapaa disini yangg siang siang ginii belum punya pacal? aduhh kasian bangetπŸ₯Ί udah mau tahun baru tapi masih engga bisa ngucapin wish tahun baru, tenang tenang akuu disinii mau ngasih tau kamuu kalau misalnya ada cowo ganteng nihhπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« mana nih yaa aku bisikin dikit dehh katanya tuh yaa β€œlo mau gua long text setiap harinya? gua siap bikinin, lo suka gua ngabarin lewat cara kirim foto? gua kirimin, lo mau di public ke ch, story, profile gua? bakal gua lakuin, lo mau nobar? gua siap nemenin.” bakal pucingg tiap hari engga sihh kalau punya pacar kaya gini soalnyaa gantengnya pake banget?!?! mana nih yaa kakaknya suka balesin 5-10 bbc kalau udah deket loh♨️, MALUU BANGETTT PASTI YAA❗️kalau sama kakaknyaa dijamin πŸ¦‹ yang ada di perut kamu tuhh pasti bergejolak langsung🫣 kapann lagi cobaa di gituinn sama cowo seganteng kakaknyaa?!?!

πŸͺ„ ΫͺΒ  Χ„Alohomora! The door is now wide open
for purebloods like yourself, so hurry up
and join before it's too late.
β€” https://t.me/+wdP-H6dDadRmY2Y1

Forward from: 𖀝 Ϋͺ ׄ𝗠𝗬 π—Ÿπ—”π—¦π—§ π—Ÿπ—’π—©π—˜ β€” 𝗧𝗠𝗒
πŸ•· ΫͺΒ  Χ„ for draco/drake who want to register and find your own version of hermione, please use the format below.

𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Name + username:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Muse/chara that you use:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Sifat/personality:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Criteria of your future lover:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Need uke/girl/both:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„System that you want to play ( imperio / crucio ) untuk sistem crucio tolong siapkan 2 pertanyaan, dan 2 tantangan:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„What time you want to play:

πŸ•Έ ΫͺΒ  Χ„ you just need to tap then paste and send it to us on @lastloveregistbot, please be kind and keep your attitude good my love.

ini only wwc, kapan lagii cobaa? ayoo joinn, slotnya masih banyakk. kalau belum ngerti sama divisi yang diambil, nanti diajarinn!


ayo joinn dd, dijamin wwc nya ga susahh

πŸ“ pertanyaan untuk hirmin @OFCLASTLOVE?

πŸ‘€ Max am
bil brp div min?

πŸ‘€ Ini cuma sistem wwc doang min? Ngga trainee?

πŸ‘€ maksud wwc 3 sesi itu apa min?

πŸ‘€ hirminnya sampe kapann?

πŸ‘€ wwc nya susah engga?

πŸ‘₯ 5 people have voted so far.
πŸ“– Anonymous Board

β € β € ׄ𝗠𝗬 π—Ÿπ—”π—¦π—§ π—Ÿπ—’π—©π—˜ 𝗧𝗠𝗒
< π—›π—œπ—₯π—œπ—‘π—š π—”π——π— π—œπ—‘ >

πŸ•―Β  Χ„ Greetings, potterheads! Do
you know what we're
currently sending out letters
about? Yep, you're right,
we're sending out admin
hiring letters. You are the
chosen ones who will be
applying for the following
divisions on below β€Έ

πŸ•·Β  Χ„ And we opened this
registration because we need
you as admins of the divisions
below to be part of generation
one, are you willing? if you are
willing please see the main
and see the format if you
definitely want to participate

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  π—”π——π— π—œπ—‘ 𝗧𝗠𝗒
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  π—”π——π— π—œπ—‘ 𝗣𝗙𝗣
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  π—”π——π— π—œπ—‘ 𝗦𝗙𝗦
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  π—”π——π— π—œπ—‘ π—žπ—’π—‘π—§π—˜π—‘

πŸ’€Β  Χ„ If you already know what
division you are interested in
and also you really understand
our main rules then please send
the format correctly to
@gfenerasisatubot and
for all division only wwc system

πŸ•· ΫͺΒ  Χ„ for draco/drake who want to register and find your own version of hermione, please use the format below.

𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Name + username:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Muse/chara that you use:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Sifat/personality:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Criteria of your future lover:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„Need uke/girl/both:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„System that you want to play ( imperio / crucio ) untuk sistem crucio tolong siapkan 2 pertanyaan, dan 2 tantangan:
𖀝 ΫͺΒ  Χ„What time you want to play:

πŸ•Έ ΫͺΒ  Χ„ you just need to tap then paste and send it to us on @lastloveregistbot, please be kind and keep your attitude good my love.

πŸŽƒ ΫͺΒ  Χ„ System Crucio
β€” Here we have an "crucio" system which is the hard system for you to play. This system is a little bit complicated, suitable for those of you who are quite selective about your partner.

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ First, you will be come
the draco's
room then you choose the one
of the 4 pict and you will do
the draco dare and the
draco will choose the best 10
hermione’s answer

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Secondly, for the 10 hermione
selected you will be see the
draco’s intro you can choose
stay or leave. if you choose
stay you can continue sending
interesting intro’s to the draco
and catch his heart to youu

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Third, draco’s will choose the
8 best of the best hermione to
the next round. And on third
session the draco will give you
some 2 question and you can
answer it honestly

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Fourth, the draco will choose
the top 5 of hermione and the
hermione will made some
approach for 8 minutes

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Last, the draco will choose one
hermione who catches his
attention, and spend the next
three days together.

πŸŽƒ. Draco/Drake: cowo/seme
Hermione/Mione: cewe/uke

πŸŽƒ ΫͺΒ  Χ„ System Imperio
β€” Here we have an "imperio" system which is the easiest system for you to play. And the simple system.

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ First, you will be sent the draco's
intro then you give fi to
the draco, and the
draco will choose the best 8
hermione to give him fi

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Secondly, for the 8 hermione selected
you will be invited to the grub to
continue sending interesting
intro’s to the draco and catch
his heart to youu

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Third, draco’s will choose the 5
best of the best hermione to advance
to the next round

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Fourth, the draco will be invited into
the grub and the hermione will
approach for 8 minutes

πŸˆβ€β¬›ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Last, the draco will choose one
hermione who catches his eye, and
spend the next three days together.

πŸŽƒ. Draco/Drake: cowo/seme
Hermione/Mione: cewe/uke

πŸ’€ ΫͺΒ  Χ„ I know that every love story must not go well especially you are the warrior of love, I respect your feelings. Therefore, if there is any problem, you can contact us at the contact below. Please use your manners and be patient, my love.

πŸ•― ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Χ„Registration of new draco
β€” @lastloveregistbot
πŸ•― ΫͺΒ  Χ„ Your criticism and advice
β€” @ofclastlovebot

πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ ΫͺΒ  Χ„ It is expected for draco who wants to play tmo here, to explain his traits and criteria in length and detail. For those who have criticism and suggestions, please use good and organized language. And for media partners who intend to invite our channel, it is expected to send an invitation only once. Cheers mate!

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