Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
The famous Christmas Truce of 1914 between German and British troops. For just one day in The Great War, peace was shared between combatants. Today we have similar infighting between racially aware Pagans and Christians. One side observes Yule while the other side observes Christmas. Both sides are either in denial or unaware that this holiday and it’s archetypal origins predate both holidays, and are rooted in our primordial religion, Aryanity. The Christmas truce of 1914 shows us that fighting brother wars is a waste of life and only hurts our people. Just as this day united these two sides, hence it should be the day that shows all Aryans that we are indeed ONE RACE and ONE RELIGION! ARYANITY!
No more brother wars!
-Father Orion.
No more brother wars!
-Father Orion.